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The Legacy System

Chapter 213 - 213: A Brave And Direct Hilda
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"I wouldn't mind realizing those improper thoughts of yours Young Master Eric, Master Takeshiba ordered me to abide by all your orders!

And he specifically said 'all'!"


Her words and meaning were more than clear, she didn't have any intention of stopping Eric from doing whatever he wanted with her.

As for revealing her Master's orders that was even less of a worry for her, as it was the truth, and also the best way to approach Eric.

She knew that he wasn't that stupid as to fall for her tricks, or traps that she might conjure, so she decided to get a more direct approach.

In a world ruled by men, it wasn't really weird for them to give such gifts to each other, after all, they weren't normal men.

They all had great wealth, status, and power in their hands, and no matter how much people might believe in fake morals, each of these three was a big attracting factor.

Willingly or unwillingly, ladies would be at their mercy. The reason didn't truly matter, the important thing was the result.

With these thoughts in mind, Master Takeshiba's gift to Eric, was more than comprehensible, even though she was just a living trap for him.

Eric had thought that she would continue to play hard to get or make it a bit difficult for him, so he was surprised to see her take this approach, but this didn't mean he would pull back.

Looking at her with a new teasing look, and a devilish grin he said,

"Oh!? Is that so!? Then why don't you remove your shirt and let me look at your melons!?"

While she had expected that Eric would tease her a bit with his words, she didn't expect him to be so vicious with his first attack.

Right now, they were out of the toilet, and the guards were a bit far away from them making sure to keep this place out of reach, but there were still cameras in this place.

Still, she had no choice but to obey his orders, as the cat was already out of the bag, and she said she would obey any order he had.

So, with just a fleeting moment of hesitation, Hila unbuttoned her jacket and then her shirt, as she revealed her big melons to her Young Master Eric.

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She was wearing some nice pink thick bra, that had two small circular holes at the center of each side, where the fabric was really thin and see-through, to showcase her brownish buds.

As she unbuttoned the last of her shirt's buttons, she raised her head and was looking towards Eric with a proud expression. With her assets who would blame her!

But her proud expression was blown away by Eric's next words,

"Didn't I tell you to properly show me your melons, beauty? Aren't you still blocking my sight with your bra!?"

Hilda was thinking that this would be enough to please this Young Master of hers but she didn't expect him to be so inconsiderate.

While she wouldn't mind serving him with other ladies or fulfill all his wishes, she still had her standing to consider.

After all, she could be a 'whore' or a 'personal bi*tch' to her Master, but under no circumstance would she lower herself to be the 'slut' for the whole Company.

This place was safe, but there were cameras, and guards in here that might look at her, or defile her with their eyes, so she didn't want to give them the opportunity, so she said,

"Young Master Eric, I will do whatever you want me to do in private, but I don't like being showcased, and watched by all kinds of lowlife!

If you don't mind, can we continue this somewhere more private!?"

She wasn't refusing his request or order, she was just asking for more privacy. Her request made sense, but this didn't mean that Eric would agree to it so quickly, as he asked,

"Oh, does that meant that you will only serve me alone!?"

"No, that is not what I meant Young Master Eric! I will gladly serve you alongside other ladies, it is just that I don't like being watched upon by another man, as I do that!

I consider myself to be Young Master Eric's unique property if Young Master Eric decides to take me under his wing!"

As she said that, she even took a look at the other two ladies by her side Tatsuya Minami, and Inuhara Hina.

Both of them were completely stunned at this moment, as they would have never imagined such a flow of events.

To them, this was nothing short of a scene from a drama, or a serial. There was no way something like this could happen.

Eric, on the other hand, seemed to be pleased, and satisfied with her answer, as he looked her right in the eyes as if to assess that she was telling the truth, and then said,

"I like you even more now! From now on you are my personal property, I will make sure that you stay by my side all the time!

Don't worry about your previous Master, I am sure that he will let you off to me! Just make sure to never betray me, otherwise no one will be able to save you from my wrath!

Now tie-up, and let us go to the office, we have many things we need to do!"

With these words, he started walking towards the office in a good mood, and with a smile pasted on his face.

His face had totally changed, 180 degrees, from the one he had as he entered the building! But no one beside him knew about that.

In the meantime, Tatsuya Minami, and Inuhara Hina were still looking at Hilda with completely stunned faces, as she buttoned up her shirt and jacket once again.

Inuhara Hina was the first that wasn't able to control herself, curiosity, and disgust as she said,

"I don't understand what makes a woman sell herself like this, and become nothing more than a plaything for men!

You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Hearing her words, Hilda didn't seem to get angry, quite on the opposite actually, she started smiling, as she said,

"Why should I feel ashamed!? I am just openly admitting life as it is! I am selling myself to him, as he will provide me for the rest of my life!

Don't tell me that you are staying by his side without expecting anything! At least I am honest about it, don't you think?"

Her words completely shocked the two ladies! After all, it was their weak and sore spot at the moment!

At first, they each had no relation to him whatsoever, and by some weird stroke of fate, their lives were intertwined to his, and now they were here.

But were they here for him, without any kind of expectation? After all, their reason at the moment was that they were staying by his side due to their missions.

Each of them was trying to get close to him, make him fall in love with them, and then try to uncover his secrets, or be there by his side as a sleepy cell.

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But if they went with this logic weren't they just 'prostitute agents' used by their agency, in order to get something from him.

The two of them were just selling their bodies for secrets, and due to orders, with the big reason of national security!

Surely their big reason made things kind of acceptable, but at the end of the day, that didn't change the fact that they were selling their bodies.

What was the difference between them, and Hilda!? Two main points, Hilda accepted it openly, and secondly their rate.

This was only in their eyes, as in fact, their rate was the same, just their big reason, and their employer was different.

Faced with such a situation how could they continue to feel disgusted towards her, they could only feel disgusted towards their own selves, and the situation.

It was at this point that Hilda started walking after Eric, as she said,

"In my eyes naïve, and stupid women like you are the worst! Because you always try to judge the world, and every one by your fake metrics, when you are even worse than them!

So, please stop pretending, and start facing the true and real world! Some secret agents you are! Just naïve and stupid bimbos!"

She wasn't polite, or nice in the least with her words, as she had been pissed off when she saw the look of disgust on the two ladies' faces a moment ago.

These bi*tches were judging her with high morals when they were just like her. Trying to act high and mighty when you were covered in sh*t, truly the worst kind!

Eric had heard their little talk and was more than happy with the way that Hilda acted. In fact, she had been a great help to him at the moment.

No matter how much he was trying to make the duo, Tatsuya Minami and Inuahara Hina realize the current situation, and not act like naïve spoiled brats, his words entered one ear and left the other.

It wasn't that he was worried about controlling them after he took them as his women, but more because he wanted to help them grow up.

The two of them had infinite potential, and he couldn't let them continue like that for the rest of his life, he had already made up his mind to train, and develop all of his women.

Only like that would they be able to have a chance even if he wasn't around for them, and these two were no exception.

Both of them were smart, and intelligent, and could understand what was going on, but their mind seemed to be playing tricks that they could play on both sides, which was clearly impossible.

They had to choose!