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The Legacy System

Chapter 267 - 267: Fight Between Experts
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It only looked like fireworks though, as the reality was far away from just a spectacle of lights and fire, as the whole area around the place where Eric stood had turned into a damn firestorm.

Dust and debris were flying all over the place, as the flames reached a height of more than 40 meters.


No one would be able to survive such an explosion and Eric wouldn't be an exception either. This wasn't an attack against a normal guy, this was a kamikaze method to kill an expert.

So many lives were willingly laid there and then, only to make sure that Eric didn't have any retreat path, and that he would surely die in the explosion.

This was the first time that Eric was coming across something like this, so it was impossible for him to escape, as the only visible thing in there was that big damn fire, debris, and dust.

As the fire was slowly burning out, and the debris and dust were slowly falling down, showing nothing more than a big black mark, and ashes, an old voice suddenly sounded in the area,

"Don't you think you overdid it a little bit, old man!? He seemed like such a good seedling! Even I that didn't know him, feel a bit bad about him dying like that, without even a full corpse!"

Nobody was able to understand where that voice was coming from. It seemed like the voice was coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

He seemed like he really pitied Eric's death, but at the same time like he didn't care in the least. It was a truly mysterious voice.

It didn't take long for the silence to be broken once again, as another similar voice seemed to travel through the air, as it answered,

"I thought he was your way of greeting me, old bastard, otherwise I wouldn't have been so polite with him you know!"

"Hahaha~! Do you really think I would have shown such a precious gem in front of your dirty eyes!? Old man, it can't be that you have lost your sanity, can it?"

After that mocking laughter, and those words, silence returned once more to the place for a few moments, as they both seemed to be pondering about something, but then the second voice continued,

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"Are you here for the treasure too old bastard?"

"There is no way I could miss on something like this don't you think old man? Furthermore, people are paying a good amount for that, even if they don't understand what it does!"

"Isn't there any way to avoid this fight, old bastard?"

"Well, if you hand over the treasure to me nicely, and then you also let your daughter serve me for a night, I might consider it!

But otherwise, I would say no, old man!"

They seemed to be talking like two old friends that had met after many years, but the topic of their talk and their words made it hard to believe that those two were truly old friends.

No matter who would witness these words they would never be able to make sense of what had just been said, or going through at that moment.

And even more so in the next moment, when suddenly two shooting stars appeared in the sky and crashed upon each other.

It sounded like the crash happened so far away in space, but that was only for a moment, as the next one a powerful impact, and air pressure force hit all the surroundings.

The simple tents of the camps had it impossible to resist the impact as most of them were either sent flying or flattened to the ground.

The people closest to the crash couldn't support the impact as blood started coming out of their orifices showing failure of inner organs, or even their rupture, and destruction.

Some guy could swear that they saw a few sand dunes even get leveled as the impact passed through the camp and spread in the whole area.

The earlier fireworks, the explosion, seemed to be nothing more than a drop of water in face of a big lake at this moment.

It was at that moment, that a peal of laughter broke the deadly silence of aftershock of the crash, as everyone heard,

"Hahaha~! Old Man I didn't expect you to be so strong when you are so close to death! This will make this even more satisfying."

"Hmph~! When even trash like you manage to do it, how could I not?"

As these words were flowing through the whole area, the two men didn't seem to be standing more than a few tens of meters away from each other.

Once again both of them turned into some shooting stars as they headed towards each other, this time each of them was using more power than before.

It was clear that the impact would be certainly stronger than the first time, as the spectators knew they couldn't stay there anymore, as each and every one of them was running for their skin.

While the ground was definitely chaotic with people running all over the place, the sky seemed to be as clear as it could be, as the two shooting stars clashed with each other once again.

But this time there wasn't only the impact of their clash, as everyone was able to see sparkles of two colors around them.

Half of the sparks were red like fire, while the other half seemed closer to a metallic red. It would have been a great view to watch if it wasn't for how terrifying those sparks actually were.

More than a few guys were caught by those sparks on their way to run away and escape the aftermath, and their end was nothing good.

They were either totally burned, as even their skin melted, or they would have a hole passing through their whole body.

Most of them died immediately but there were also those who had to suffer, as either the fire hadn't burned them well enough to die, or the whole hadn't penetrated their vital organs.

None of these guys was happy to still be alive though, none of them. As a matter of fact, their biggest wish at that moment was to have as quickest of a death as possible.

It looked like their wishes were heard, as the next moment, those two shooting stars crashed once again, creating even more havoc, and even more sparkles, fulfilling their wishes.

In the meantime, the two shooting stars didn't seem to care about the people in the surroundings, none of them did, as they kept fighting against each other.

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In each attack they were trying to add more power to their attack, trying to overpower the other, and cause an injury to the other part.

But no matter how many attacks connected, no matter what ways, or what attacks they used it seemed like it would be impossible for them to have the upper hand.

Both of those guys seemed to be having the same output, no matter how much they tried they were almost equal in strength, and each attack would always end up in a tie.

If things continued like this, no matter how much it went, they could only both get tired of fighting each other without achieving anything.

It looked like if they weren't able to introduce a new variable to their fight, then most probably they would be stuck there waiting for other people to notice, or their reinforcements to come.

Either way, this situation was in the favor of the person guarding this place, as he most probably had already called for backup sooner than the attacker.

But the guarding guy couldn't be too sure about it either, so they both felt the need to change the situation as fast as they could.

After having another of his attacks faced with almost the same strength that he put into it, the guarding guy didn't seem to be able to bear it anymore, as he made a move.

In fact, all he did was just a small firework, nothing dangerous that looked more like a slip of hand than a sign, but the opponent wasn't stupid.

Furthermore, with his sharp senses, he was more than able to sense a lot of pesky flies surround the area, as a bad premonition started building up in his heart.

He didn't know what it was, but it was sure as hell, not something simple. After reaching the level he was, there were only a few things that could make his instincts go mad like this.

Furthermore, remembering just what had happened earlier to Eric made his hair raise in attention, as it was most certainly a way to deal with experts.

He was a powerful expert, yes, but even they had their limits and boundaries. As long as the necessary number of explosives or the needed weapon was used, every expert could be killed.

Not to mention that the place where they were fighting right now wasn't any ordinary place, but a laboratory of producing explosives' primary materials.

All that was needed was a spark and the whole camp would turn into a big fiery mushroom that would last for a few minutes and then disappear.

He didn't want to die! Who would want to die like that, when he had reached such a realm or such a level of power!?

So, he guessed that it was time for him to use his trump card too, only like that would he have the chance to at least escape this damn place in one piece.

Without further ado, he immediately…