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The Legacy System

Chapter 415 - 415: Dinner & Young Master Gao
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"She is dirty, but I don't know who she is working for! I apprehended her and was about to start questioning her when your message arrived!

Did something happen Master?"

"Yes, it did! Some people won't cry if they are unable to see their coffin! Follow me!"

Ren Jia didn't say anything extra and just followed behind Eric, as she couldn't help but think that whoever had made her Master angry was going to suffer quite a bit tonight.

It was only when they approached the car and heard the whispering of the guards, that she finally understood what was going on.

Hearing all that, she wasn't jealous of the beauty that was attracting so much of her Master's attention, she was only a bit envious of not having Tianlong Yun act for her like that.

Still, at the same time, she was extremely angry that some bastard dared to touch her Master's and her man's woman, her sister.

Eric had already made one thing clear to her, and all the other ladies by his side, they were allowed to compete with each other, but they were allowed to feel jealousy, hatred, or fight against each other.

If something like that happened, then the one at fault was going to be punished by him personally, and it would surely not be something they liked.

As much as he loved them, as much strict he was going to be with them in this matter, he didn't accept any objection or excuse.

In the meantime, in a big personal box inside one of the best restaurants in Longgang City, a fairly handsome black-haired young man, around his 30-ies was dining with the beautiful Cui La.

"Young Master Gao, I think that is time for you to give me an answer to our business proposal don't you think?"

"Come on, La'er we can talk about those boring stuff later, right now I just want to enjoy a nice and warm normal meal with you!

Don't be a fun spoiler!

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Come on, let us drink to the good company of this night!"

Well, more than a dinner between the two, it looked like a forced meal upon the beauty, as Young Master Gao was trying to get her drunk and approach her the most that he could.

At that moment, they were sitting beside each other, despite the table inside the private box being big enough to accommodate more than 4 people.

The wine was good and expensive, but Cui La wasn't much of an alcohol drinker, or a wine appreciator, as she was only in her college years.

Surely, this wasn't the first time she had gone drinking, but since she had been focused on her degree, and lessons it had been some time since she last had gone drinking.

At that moment, she could feel that the wine was giving effect, as she was slowly losing her concentration, and her head was getting a bit fuzzy.

She didn't want to drink anymore, but she was afraid that if she didn't accept her glasses the guy in front of her would take it as an offense, and then would destroy any possible hope of help.

The truth was that despite the fact that her brother had a deal with the 5 horsemen of the Longgang City, things weren't that easy to build a reputation and a company.

While the big guys had given their permission, there were still too many small guys and agencies involved in whole this mess.

If one didn't have the necessary connections, and buttons to press, even with the help of the Mayor and the others, it would still take some time to actually get things on track.

For that reason, she went to Young Master Gao and seek his help as he was her upperclassman in University, and had always been infatuated with her, and promised to help her.

What she didn't expect, was that this guy would actually stall for a time like this, and even try to get her drunk.

One didn't need too much brain to understand what Young Master Gao was trying to pull off right now, but despite knowing that she didn't have much of a choice.

Even though she didn't accept Eric as her man or didn't feel that he had actually accomplished the goal of their promise so that she belonged to him, she still liked that guy better.

Leaving aside everything else, he was able to actually strike a deal with all 5 Horsemen of Longgang city, something that this second-generation guy would never be able to pull off.

Furthermore, helping him in achieving his goals was the same as helping herself and her brother, as he had promised to actually help them in their revenge.

It was for all these reasons that she hadn't actually exploded until this moment.

Noticing her quietness and her fuzzy head, Young Master Gao thought that this was his chance, as he leaned forward for a kiss.

Even though the beauty's head was fuzzy she still managed to sense the intention of the man beside her, and she quickly protected herself with her right hand, which was actually holding a half-full glass.

The wine inside the glass went flying and fell right on Young Master Gao's face, leaving him stupefied. He had never thought that something like this might happen.

His stupefaction stood only for a moment though, as the next one he stood up while screaming at the beauty in front of him,

"Cui La what is the meaning of this? Have you decided to give up on our cooperation? Or is this a declaration of war towards our Wealth Group!?"

"No, Young Master Gao that wasn't my intention, it just that…"

"Just what? Are you trying to humiliate me? Or are you trying to make me look like a fool?"

"No, no, certainly no…"

"Hmph~! I don't believe you! I think that is better to separate our paths at this moment!"

With those words, he turned to the side and started making his way towards the door. But while he could afford to walk out, Cui La couldn't afford to let him leave, as she said with an almost pleading tone,

"Please Young Master Gao, don't leave! It was my fault just now, I am ready to do whatever you ask, please just stay!"

"Why should I believe your words? That was the same thing you said earlier today, and yet this happened!"

"I am really sorry, it won't happen again. Please Young Master Gao don't leave!"

"You are saying that, and still calling me Young Master Gao, don't you think that you are distancing yourself from me?

You can call me Jian!"

"Ok, please don't leave Jian!"

"Hhahahaha~! My beautiful La'er is requesting me to stay, how can I bear to reject your intentions!"

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With that said, he once again started walking towards his seat once again, but this time there was an inspiration in his mind, and he decided to sit on her chair.

Like that, they would be even closer to each other. He had decided to do this after seeing the desperation in her eyes.

He was sure that she had no other choice but to actually do whatever he wanted her to do, in order to have his help.

'Hmph~! Little stupid bi*tch do you think that I will actually let you escape my claws? I can't wait to have you moaning under me and plead for mercy!

I will have my fun with you before I take everything that belongs to you and your brother! Just who do you think you are?"

The truth was that from the beginning Young Master Gao had not even for a moment actually considered helping the beauty with pure intentions.

Right from the start, he had only thought of actually using her to pave his way towards her brother, and their funds, before taking everything from them and throwing them away.

Even if his father was the de-facto ruler of the Chamber of Commerce, and had the whole city around his finger, the amount of investment that the two siblings were planning was still huge.

While their standing as number 1 wouldn't be lost, it would still cause quite a bit of unpleasant waves that would bring them losses.

Furthermore, these two siblings didn't have any great background that would actually make him think twice, there was no one supporting them.

While they were the descendants of the Cui family they had been expelled from the family, and those guys back at the Cui family didn't give a damn about these two anymore.

As for Cui Xie being the actual head of a mafia gang, it was even less of a threat to him, as he was the son of Gao Jixie, and they had their own people in the Police Department or the Security Bureau.

In fact, if he actually brought Cui Xie to justice he might even be awarded for being a good Samaritan who fought against crime.

No matter how he looked at this, there was no loss for him, and only winning. As the son of a businessman, he surely knew his way around his deals.

It was impossible for him to know the recently reached agreement between Cui Xie, and the 5 Horsemen of Longgang City, otherwise, he might have not dared to do something like this.

With those thoughts in his mind, he approached the beauty's chair to sit right beside her, as his left hand went behind her shoulders, and towards her thin waist to pull her towards herself.

Cui La immediately panicked as she felt his actions and pushed him away. Caught by surprise, Young Master Gao was thrown off the chair, and to the ground.

"You damn bi*tch…"