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The Legacy System

Chapter 433 - 433: Plan Proceeds
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"Why do you have to feel scared partner, you had nothing to do with that, did you?"

"No, of course not, but no one would want to see the demon version of Gao Jixie back, and that includes me as well!"

"The demon wouldn't have appeared, if some people didn't poke at him, now they can only suffer the consequences!

How are things on your end going?"

"I have already hired some really skilled assassins, they are on the move. Most probably by next week, we will receive some good news!"

"Very well, in the meantime do your best to investigate the attempt on my life as well. I will wire 50 million dollars to you later!"

"I would love to say that you don't need to, and I will be doing my duty as your in-law, but unfortunately I spent quite some money to hire those guys for our plan!"

"It doesn't matter, I am not lacking in money right now!"

As the two of them finished discussing their plans, Master Weng Hao left, and Fa'er returned to the room to take care of her man and boss.

Not much later Madam Li arrived at the hospital. The truth was that she had been startled and shocked when she received the news.

  Primarily it was due to her feeling of guilt and infidelity, as the moment that had happened, she had been going at it with the young Chef Chen.

Secondly, it was because she felt like she had something to do with what happened, as she had started the whole thing with the talk over Fa'er.

But while she felt guilty about the way she had reacted and what had happened, she still wouldn't give up on that maid, as this was something linked to her son's normal future.

Arriving at the hospital room, she was about to enter the room with a disturbed, and slightly emotional look, when she actually saw the reason for all this inside.

It was precisely Fa'er who was taking care of her husband's needs inside that hospital room, and her thoughts immediately raced to what had happened that night.

Her feelings of guilt and infidelity disappeared, as the expression on her face turned a bit cold and unapproachable.

Coughing loudly before entering inside, she approached the bed with small steps, before she finally arrived at the end of the bed, and looking at her husband she said,

"How are you? Who did this to you?"

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Gao Jixie was a bit surprised at her reaction because even though they hadn't been intimate for quite some time, he didn't expect her to be so cold towards him.

It wasn't like he was expecting her to jump on his chest crying for him, but even this was a bit too much wasn't it.

He had completely forgotten the fact that there was another woman in his room right now, that had been taking care of him, and giving him some slight sexual unrest.

Still, since this was the way that she wanted to play it, then he guessed that two people could play the game, as he said,

"I am fine now, out of danger! I don't know who it was, but they will surely get what they deserve!"

"Makes sense! Well, then I guess I will leave so you can rest!"

Then turning to Fa'er she said in a commanding and cold tone that didn't accept no for an answer,

"Fa'er from tomorrow you will return to the Mansion and take care of my son!"

These words came as a bomb on both the mature beauty and the injured man, as they both tried to oppose,

"YunMu this is going too far! We already talked this through once, and right now I am injured…"

"Madam, I…"

But Madam Li didn't seem like she could be swayed from their opposing as she said,

"This is final! My son's well-being takes priority over anything else! There are so many fish in the sea, you shouldn't have a hard time finding someone else to help you get better husband!"

Her words sounded just like an Imperial Verdict, and even Gao Jixie didn't seem able to say or do anything to oppose her.

This was the first time that his wife had been countering him, clearly showing that she already knew about his escapades.

But it wasn't over, as there was another person who tried to oppose the iron Madam, and even more so, someone that she didn't especially like, as she turned towards the maid with a heavy tone,

"As for you, I don't want to hear anything more. You are going to serve my son with everything he asks, otherwise, I will personally make sure that you regret being born.

Was I clear?"

"Ye-Yes Madam!"

"Very well, I expect you to be there at 6 in the morning, one second late and you will get punished!"

With that said, she turned around and left the hospital room. Right now she was in a mix of feelings, as she didn't know what was right and what was wrong anymore.

She could feel that the connection or the relation between her and her husband had completely disappeared, and she felt an emptiness in her chest.

It was an emptiness that seemed like it would devour her existence and reason, making her feel extremely fearful of the future.

She was in tatters, and the only thing she could think of helping her was the young Chef that had entered her life recently.

On the verge of tears, she couldn't help but call him,


"It's me, I need you!"

"Huh!? Mu'er!? Where are you? What is going on?"

"I am at the General Hospital's entrance, please come and take me away, I need you!"

"Wait for me there, I will be there in 10!"

With that said, Eric cut the call as Madam Li was waiting for his arrival, counting the seconds and minutes like she was counting years, decades, and centuries.

In less than 9 minutes, the young Chef Chen was standing in front of her with a concerned and ragged look, while asking,

"Mu'er what happened, are you okay?"

The Madam couldn't keep her tears anymore, as she threw herself in his arms crying like a kid seemingly without stopping.

"Mu'er why are you crying? What happened? Who bullied you?"

The young Chef's voice was the voice of someone who was extremely worried and caring at that moment, which made the poor Madam cry even more.

Only after she had cried for more than 15 minutes, did she finally gather herself a bit, while saying,

"Please don't ask me anything, just make me forget everything today!"

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The young Chef seemed surprised and still worried by her actions, but he truly didn't ask her anything as he pulled her hand, ditched the bodyguards outside, and took her to a Motel.

Inside that room, the young Chef Chen made the poor Madam truly forget about everything and everyone, as she had grown even more attached to him.

Even if there still wasn't love in her heart towards him, there was surely an inclination that would happen sooner or later.

When they were over, the young Chef personally accompanied the Madam towards her car and bodyguards, before he returned to the Mansion.

The truth was that Eric had already been close to the Madam all day today, as this was an important key point of his plan.

He had felt a bit sorry for the Madam when he had seen her like that, but that didn't mean that he was going to stop his plan in any way.

Things had just started to move as they should, the show was going to get better and better from now on.

Returning to the Mansion, Eric didn't immediately go to sleep, but he made his way towards the kitchen.

Since he had been missing all day today, then surely Chef Guo must have taken advantage of the situation, in order to make a move on the Young Master's life.

In order to have evidence of this, Eric had intentionally set up a nanny camera in the kitchen, so he had to go and have a look at it.

Who would have expected that tonight he would get something even better, as the moment he arrived in there, he saw Chef Guo and his accomplice beauty making out.

It seemed like Chef Guo had seriously taken action and was being awarded for his good job. To think that these two wouldn't show any prudence and do something like that in the kitchen.

As he saw them like that, a good idea entered Eric's head, as he walked into the kitchen normally, like he had no idea of what was going on inside.

The moment he entered, the noise of the door startled the couple, and at the same time, he pretended to have been shocked by his life.

"Wha-What is going on here?"

"Ma-Master, how come you are here? Shouldn't you be away for today?"

Then pretending to understand the situation, he quickly turned around and said in a hurried voice as he left,

"It seems like I have appeared at the wrong time! I am leaving, so you can continue! Just make sure to not dirty the kitchen!"

Then under the shocked faces of the couple he left. Chef Guo and the young woman could only look at each other with some dumbfounded looks.

Just what the hell had happened!?

But that only lasted for a moment, as the beauty finally recollected herself, and started screaming at Chef Guo,

"You idiot, I thought you said that no one was going to be here tonight! Now, look at what happened!"

"There shouldn't have been anyone here, I don't know why he turned back now! What should we do? If he opens his mouth we are both finished!"