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The Legacy System

Chapter 452 - 452: Weng Family Wiped Out
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Well, to be more exact he wasn't totally alone, as in his right hand was now hanging a human had, with tattered crazy hair, and blook leaking down the neck.

That head belonged to none other than Weng Hao, the lunatic Master that had followed in order to kill him, just a few moments ago.

At first, no one noticed his arrival, and what he was carrying in his hand, but everything changed soon as he started screaming like a lunatic,

"Hahahahaha~! Weng Family people come and receive your Family Head's Head! I have cut it cleanly and brought it to you today!"

The first time people didn't hear him exactly as they were too absorbed in the fighting that was happening, and their lives.

But soon Cui Xie jumped on top of a car and started screaming more. More and more people started to pay attention to him, only to look that Weng Hao's head was now on its hand.

Soon enough the whole venue turned dead serious, and no one was able to understand whether this was true, or some kind of illusion.

Still, the head on Cui Xie's hand seemed extremely real, it didn't seem like it was a fake one. Which meant that Master Weng Hao had truly died!

How!? How could that happen!?

This was the question in everyone's mind, not only the people from the Weng family but even the three Masters people and even Cui Xie's people were wondering how it was possible.

After all, just a few moments ago Cui Xie had run with his tail in between his legs in order to try and escape the chase of their Weng Family Head, only to appear now with his head in his hands.

Each and every one of them seemed to be trying hard to understand what had happened, as some people thought that Cui Xie had set up a trap, while some thought he had a stronger Master behind.

No matter what it was, no one actually thought that this was Cui Xie's own and righteous work. Thinking like that one of the Weng family members broke the silence as he said,

"You damn bastard, how dare you set a trap for our family head and kill him!? Aren't you afraid of Heaven's rage?"

"Hahahahahah~! This is so funny, a Weng Family guy actually dares to preach about justice and Heaven's rage?

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Since when did you guys become so right and just?

What does it matter whether I righteously killed him, or trapped him and killed him? The important part is that he is dead and that you will follow behind him!

Everyone send them to their Family Head!"

As he said that Cui Xie actually raised the head of Weng Hao in the air for everyone to see. His little play only had one purpose and that was to break the spirits and morale of the Weng Family.

Surely a few got more fired up as they wanted to revenge their Family Head, but the rest were actually stricken with fear and hesitation.

With Weng Hao to lead them they were just like a snake trying to survive a battle to the death, but with the head of the snake cut off, they could do nothing else but crumble.

Despite their Blood Exhaustion Pills, despite the heavy casualties, despite the amount of blood that washed the place, at the end of the day, the Weng family was wiped out.

It was a difficult and painful victory, but it was a victory nonetheless, as Cui Xie, Master Huo Tie, the Mayor, and the director of Police claimed the victory.

Even though the remaining two joined the fray much later than Cui Xie and Master Huo Tie and were more forced to participate than willingly do so, they still expressed their selves as having done the same work.

Cui Xie and Master Huo Tie already expected that, and while it was shameful of those two old things, there wasn't much they could do about that at the moment.

After all that happened, neither they nor their people had the strength or mentality to start a new fight, that might end up even worse than the one which just finished.

The end of the fight was only the start of the trouble though, as the moment the fight ended, the four sides people jumped inside the mansion to rob whatever they could.

It was just like some barbarians had descended on the modern world and were pillaging through the stuff of their defeated enemy.

The worst part was most probably the fact, that even though Cui Xie and the three Masters condemned that behavior, secretly they were encouraging their people.

What they were searching for the most were the secret martial arts of the Weng family and their resources. Whether it was gold, money, or documents, everything was precious.

The ones who were the most audacious with the situation were Cui Xie's people, but Cui Xie slighted everything by saying,

"These guys were bandits and underground gangsters just some time ago. It will take quite some time for them to understand proper manner and living.

But don't worry, I will make sure to make an inventory of everything they take away and show it to you Masters later.

After all, we can't allow our great relationship to be damaged after we crossed so many tribulations."

Even though Cui Xie said that the three Masters knew that once these things entered his hands if he didn't seem them unworthy of his attention they would never reappear in the world again.

Still, they couldn't actually hold him accountable for something that even they didn't know what it would be, or if there would be something like that.

They could only clench their teeth and their fist while thinking, 'Sly Brat' in their minds.

While the Weng Family was wiped out, the Family Head Weng Hao was actually suffering under the hands of the black-dressed opponent, who was none other than Eric.

"Cough…, Cough…, You damn bastard! Pray that I don't catch you, otherwise you will regret the day that you were born!"

"Hahahaha~! Come on old thing, say something else! Something more exciting! Stop spouting the same bullshit all the time!"


"Yes me…!"

"I will kill youu~!"

It was clear that Master Weng Hao was unable to resist Eric's taunts, there was no clarity anymore in his actions or his words.

He was just like a powerful wild beast that was acting only upon instinct to actually kill its prey.

On the other hand, Eric was playing a game of catch with Master Weng Hao, and every time this guy attacked, RPGs would appear on his hands and he would fire them at the target.

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By now he had thrown more than 12 RPGs at Master Weng Hao, and despite his strength and power after consuming the Blood Exhaustion Pill, this seemed a bit too much for him.

In fact, it could be counted as a miracle that he had been able to resist this long, as a normal expert of his level would have died a few times by now.

But that didn't matter much as he seemed to be on the end of his ropes right now, he was out of his breath, clothes tattered, burned marks all over his body.

If he wasn't in that setting, people would think that he was some kind of crazy beggar. The responsibility for all that was one and only one person Eric.

Seeing that his target was now at the end of the road, Eric didn't want to extend this more than necessary so he took out his Silent Reaper dagger and jumped in the attack.

He wanted to cut the throat of his opponent and put an end to this long and bloody night. The target seemed immovable and unable to move for a few moments.

It was only when it looked like Eric had no choice of return that Master Weng Hao finally showed an ugly and creepy smile and jumped in Eric's direction.

Apparently, he wasn't truly as bad as he looked. By the way he reacted it was clear that there was still energy left in this man.

Eric seemed to get startled, surprised, and a bit scared of Weng Hao's sudden reaction, but it was unfortunate that he didn't have any chance of turning back now.

Not to mention that Weng Hao had actually jumped in his direction and was approaching two times faster than expected.

At that moment, a feeling of impending doom actually was born inside Eric's heart, as he most probably blamed and cursed the Heavens for his black fate.

No matter what he did, and said though it didn't change his situation, as Master Weng Hao appeared in front of him as his right hand turned into an eagle's claw, and then pierced right through his chest.

Blood spluttered behind Eric's body, as the claw actually managed to pierce fully through his chest.

"Hahahahah~! Brat, now what are you going to do!"

"Don't think that you have won, you bastard! Soon you are going to die, even if I don't kill you, the Blood Exhaustion Pill will surely do!"

Saying that Eric actually seemed to gain extra determination to continue with his attack and aim for Master Weng Hao's throat with his dagger.

Master Weng Hao was certainly surprised by the actions of the guy he had just captured, and it was a bit difficult to through him away, considering that his hand had pierced through his chest.

But he still managed to avoid it in the nick of time, with only a slight scratch on his neck…