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The Legacy System

Chapter 92 - 92: Killing Spree
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Once again Eric's words had attacked Young Master Miura Daichi's confidence and he was slowly starting to think that messing with Eric was his biggest mistake.

This guy was doing everything he said, he was like a devil. Making him fall deeper and deeper into depression, and self-esteem. ​​

But while Young Master Miura Daichi was in a dark and gloomy state, his father Master Miura was kind of exploding from the excitement.

Eric had not only helped him get rid of Young Master Takeshiba Yuto who seemed to be even slyer than him, but he had also kept Shiro out of the way, and Eric wasn't running.

Like this, he was once again the biggest power in the area, and everything would be on his hands if he played his cards right, or at least he would be able to profit more from it.

With these thoughts in his head, he turned towards Eric as he said,

Master Miura:" You are really audacious young man, you are bullying my weak kid right in front of me. Do you think me, his father, is dead?"

Eric didn't lose his smile from his face as he turned facing Master Miura, and immediately losing the smile, he said in a serious voice,

Eric:" While you aren't dead, yet, I really doubt that you are his father! The difference is too big, you sure your wife didn't give you a green hat?"

Those words made Master Miura's face got all red, and green. The truth was that he himself doubted that, but his pride never allowed him to prove it.

At that moment he was about to explode from his anger, and embarrassment, as he shouted to Eric,

Master Miura:" You ignorant kid, let me show you the power of my Miura family!"

And he made the sign for a group of fighters to attack Eric, and capture him. Just like Eric had said, he needed to send some scouts to learn of his strength.

For that reason he sent 30 men at first, they were all low levels, but their number and coordination would always bring troubles to even people that were 10 levels above their average.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

These were all the troops that his friend Ito Master could assemble and bring with him tonight, they were perfect cannon fodder.

Seeing their arrival, Eric was laughing inside as this was what he was expecting the whole time, it was finally time for him to farm some points.

In his eyes, these guys were no different from tomatoes, and potatoes that could feed his bottomless pit of a stomach he had.

With that thought in mind, in place of being in the passive and wait for them, he jumped forward and took the initiative to attack them.

His attitude caught the team by surprise as they didn't expect him to be such a daring young kid, after all, in their heads, they had never thought that Eric was their opponent.

Even then, they were ex-military soldiers, who had been through a lot of training and fights, and were able to adapt easily to any kind of situation.

Right away they stopped in their place, as they took a defensive formation, and awaited Eric's attack. They thought that at least they would give him a shot.

Seeing this, the grin on Eric's face became wider, as he jumped, and threw himself to the team that was supposed to be attacking him.

The people of the team were really full of themselves at that moment because only an idiot would jump at a team of ex-military soldiers.

It was clear logic that if someone did that, he would become an easy target, that everyone could take care of.

The only way he could escape was if he had the power to take their vanguard down, but even then he would have to be really agile to dodge the attacks of the main force, and then deal with them.

Never in their wildest dreams would they ever think that Eric would be able to do something like this, in their eyes, he was just surrendering himself to them.

Sometimes it takes only one moment, for someone's life to turn from paradise to hell, and a single action could end their lives.

The same thing happened with this team, they underestimated Eric a bit too much, and never thought, what if!

When Eric fell towards them, he seemed just like a missile headed to destroy his target, as immediately the 5 men that comprised the vanguard were taken down in one fell swoop.

Not only were they unable to hold him back, but they had also become unable to move, as two of them even had their necks broken, and died.

This situation clearly shocked all the other guys in the team, as Eric took advantage of the situation to bring down the shocked main force, and went for the support unit.

The more time passed, the more chaos was created in their midst, as Eric let some kicks, and punches connect to him to hide his real strength.

But with his Jade Body skill, all those kicks, punches, or anything that connected felt like the punches of a little baby to his father.

Of course, the people who made those hits were shocked beyond belief and wanted to let the others know about it, but before they could speak, they had to shut forever.

In less than 5 minutes, Eric was covered in blood, and sweat, as the team that had come to capture him was all dead on the ground, with some of them dying a more terrible and bloody death than the others.

The scene clearly shocked the people around him, they were all looking at him as if he was a beast. Some kind of psycho who enjoyed killing and basking in the blood of his enemies.

Especially that grin on his bloodied face, made people shiver in fear even before approaching him. It was like some kind of a terrible omen.

On the other hand, Master Miura didn't seem too affected, as he had already expected something like this. Eric seemed too confident in himself, there was no way he couldn't handle that team.

He was a bit surprised at the fact that he didn't seem to mind the blood and death of them, as he was still a young kid in his eyes, and he shouldn't have killed that many, to not care anymore.

But even then the most surprising thing to him was the two black dressed persona behind Master Shiro, who hadn't been able to hold themselves back and had to vomit like crazy.

This was probably their first time seeing a bloody scene and seeing the lives of so many people fade away. But if that was the case, then what were they doing there?

Anyway, those two were out of the question, because if he moved against Master Shiro and those two, he would involve Master Shiro and the Yakuza in this conflict.

Then even the Takeshiba family wouldn't be enough of a deterrent to keep the Yakuza from acting and kill him and his family.

So he quickly placed them to the back of his head as he turned towards the bloodied Eric once again, and without much emotion made a sign for the second and third teams to attack.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

This time the levels of the attackers were higher, not to mention that he was sending two teams, which meant he was sending 60 people to capture Eric.

This time he didn't know what to expect, as the fighting prowess of the two teams was so much higher than the first, and Eric hadn't shown much strength earlier.

It was just that devilish grin on his bloodied face that gave him a bad premonition, as if no matter how many he sent to fight him, then they would all die.

But he placed those thoughts at the back of his head, as his soldiers were much more trained, experienced, and disciplined than those trashes of his friend.

With these new thoughts in mind, he started looking at the situation with great curiosity and expectance.

Seeing the two teams run towards him, Eric did the same thing he did the previous time, he didn't stay in a defensive position but went to attack them once again.

Just like the previous time he jumped towards the upcoming fighters with the idea of using the same tactic.

The two teams immediately took their positions this time, in a fluid and calm manner, as if they were playing some kind of simple game, and not a life and death situation.

What they didn't see coming, was the fact that Eric's jump was just a faint, as he didn't jump high at all, and as soon as his feet grabbed on the ground, he ran faster towards them.

The two teams didn't have much time to reorganize themselves and use a different tactic, because now Eric was in front of them.

Eric didn't immediately start attacking the vanguard, as they were useless to the team in the close quarters' combat, due to their low agility and dexterity.

For that reason, he went for the main attacking force, and the support units, those guys were the most troublesome ones.

While Eric had a blasting killing spree on the support units, the main force, and vanguard, were in a chaotic state and didn't know how to act, as their friends were in the line of their attack.

At that moment, a loud order came from the main group, as Master Miura said solemnly,

Master Miura:" I don't care about the losses, make sure you capture him!"

It was clear that Eric had surpassed his expectations, and that he was wary of him at the moment. So he had to take some drastic measures.

He had to take him down, even if he had to lose a few of his men. After all, they were a bit difficult to be trained and brought to this level, but they were replaceable…