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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 138
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Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return by Rever Chapter 138

That’s it The driver slowly lowered his weapon, watching Elijah’s eyes, and seeing no trace of fear or

anger inside them, he took a step forward toward Elijah and spoke, “I am nowhere related to you or this

person that wants you dead. Hell, I don’t give a shit about this whole situation. I am in this for the bag,

and if you think you can buy your life back, I am down with your deal.”

“Buy my life back,” Elijah snorted before saying, “Sure, let’s see it that way.” The way Elijah looked

unbothered by their threat had them even more confused, and the driver hesitated for a moment before

putting his knife back into his belt.“ Alright, okay. We’ll do it your way. Now please, get inside the van.”

“Nah, it doesn’t work that way,” Elijah stated bluntly, pausing as a taxi suddenly came to a stop right by

them. “Our ride is here.” “He’s getting in a freaking taxi, Lex!” One of the men whispered firmly to the


“I can see that!” Lex exclaimed. “And you think that he has the money to out pay Texan?!” “I can fucking

see that we got played, Alan! You don’t need to shove it in my face!”

The fact that they were acting like Elijah wasn’t two feet away from them made Elijah struggle to guess

these guys’ Iq and rethink his decision to work with them. When Elijah raised his gaze and he and the

driver’s eyes locked, Lex scowled and said, “You were stalling… so all the bullcrap you said-“ “Are still

happening, if you guys are down,” Elijah said calmly, his eyes never leaving Lex. “But we are taking this

conversation to our suite, not in your van… After all, you guys are still after my life.” The six men stared

at him like he was this complex math problem that none of them could understand, and they exchanged

glances amongst themselves, unsure of whether to believe him or not. Impatient with Elijah and the

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others’ delay, the cab driver honks hard making all ten men glare at him.

“What’s your next move?” Elijah asked.

Lex gave him a sideways glance, thinking hard as he glanced at the other guys, noticing the looks that

they were giving each other. He then cleared his throat

and spoke again, “So where exactly do you guys stay?” At twelve o’clock, the cab brought Elijah and the

others to Silvershore hotel, and then the van made a stop right by it in the parking lot.

when Elijali and his vien got out of the taxi, Lex and the other guys were already out, frozen in their spot,

looking at the massive skyscraper in front of them.

“Ohoho! He can definitely pay us way more than what Texan is willing to give us.” Alan chuckled while

looking up at it with a grin.

The guy next to him patted him on the shoulder and mumbled, “You are drooling. Shut it.” “You stay

here?” Lex asked as he stared at Elijah in doubt. However, a moment later, when Elijah swiped the key

card in the suite door and it opened, Lex’s jaw hung loose, wondering why he was riding a taxi, but living

in an expensive suite. “This dude is fucking weird,” Alan whispered, and that was one statement that Lex

agreed wholeheartedly with.

A while later, they were all stationed in the living room, and Elijah looked at Lex, giving him his three

commands, “Make the call, put the call on a loudspeaker, and record the call.”

A hesitant look crossed Lex’s face, but knowing how much it cost to stay in this hotel for just a night, he

hastily reached into his pocket, dialing Texan’s number. “Lex, do you guys have eyes on all four targets?”

Texan’s voice filled the speaker. “Yes. We have them in sight.”


There was a brief pause as Lex hesitated and then he said with a straight face,“ Teddy wants to know

how much is our cut on this job?” “He’s at it again with dumb questions?” Texan blurted out with a

nervous laugh. “Actually, not of us find it dumb, except you, Texan. So, how much is our cut?” “…Well,

you guys know that I have the others to pay, so it’s going to be… 2.5k.” “That’s it?”

“That is it…”

“How much are you going through for this entire operation?” “Look, Lex…! Do we have a problem or


Hearing the raise in Texan’s voice, Lex frowned along with the other guys before he mumbled, “No, we


“Good! Then I will join you guys later, once we have taken care of Williams’s family.” Texan mumbled in


Immediately, Elijah’s face went blauk, knowing what those words meant and exactly who was behind


“Cut off the call!” Elijah mouthed to Lex. Understanding his lips movement, Lex canceled the call and

looked straight into Elijah’s dark eyes. “What?” Lex asked, confused. “I will triple the 2.5k if you guys can

find out how they plan to get rid of the Williams,” Elijah said, feeling desperate inside, but not showing it

on his face. “That’s easy… I will call Zac. Texan tells him stuff because they are friends, and that one can

never keep his lips shut about anything, even if his life depends on it.” Teddy said, pulling out his phone.

A moment later, his call to Zac got answered and everyone heard, “What’s up Teddy?”

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“Nothing much. Just watching the new targets…” Teddy said with a pause, knowing that was all he need

to say. “Oh, Elijah Darius… Dude, that fucker pissed off an old woman called Jewel, and now she wants

us to put him in a coffin, and his three buds will be a bonus…” Zac said with this cold laugh that made

Matt realize that he was a brutal manic who love to brag about his prey. “Damn… What did he do to her

though?” Teddy laughed, matching Zac’s energy. “Who knows… But the little fucker seems to know

things that he should know about this old lady, according to Texan, and now, we got to, Haha… you

know… Send him on his way.”

“The doctor -“

“Oh, right. By four on the dot, the house is going to light up with the family in it… BOOM! Hahahaha…!”

A sense of fear settled in the living room, and it took a moment before Teddy asked, “What does that

mean?” ,

“You know… A Bomb… When Texan told me that that was what we were going to be using, I was

disappointed because I want to watch the lights fade slowly with a

bullet wound in their heads, but oh well…” Zac said, the excitement in his voice making Elijah sick to his

stomach. “We are on our way to the doctor’s son’s house right now to help Texan set them up inside.”

The line when quiet for a while as Teddy watched Elijah stand to his feet before he mumbled, “You guys

are going to have all the fun while we are stuck on watch duty.”

A cold laugh sounded through the speaker and then Zac said, “Who says you guys will not be allowed to

have your fun when we come for those four? Anyway… See you later. I am driving.” The moment Teddy

ended the call, Elijah let out, “We got to go back.” “With that manic on his way there, you are not going!”

Matt growled, standing from his seat. “We don’t know what kind of weapon they have. So, respectfully

boss, you are not walking into a place that is about to blow up.”