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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 141
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Read The Marvelous Elijah’s Return By Rever Chapter 141 – Plan B

Even though the question was running about in Elijah’s head to ask the doctor, when he saw the nervous

look on his face, he hesitated, and then said nothing.

After a long pause, the doctor sighed, picked up the fork with the knife, and started cutting the roast beef,

not daring to look at anyone else.

“That’s all we are going to get?” Teddy mumbled, breaking the silence and causing the room to fall

completely quiet again before he added, “I mean, that’s criminal to just leave the story at such an

interesting part.”

Sighing, Mr. Williams lowered the knife but kept his gaze focused on the food as he spoke in a low voice.

“There isn’t… if I tell you more, it would only end in disaster.”

However, when he finally raised his gaze to meet Elijah’s eyes, he looked remorseful and then asked,

“Would you like to have dinner with my family, at our place, after all this is over?”

“Yes,” Elijah agreed in a quiet tone and glanced over at his men.

The gate of the Williams mansion opened and police cars pulled into the yard within less than three

minutes, Policemen and women were storming the place, arresting everyone they came across in the


Then the bomb squad broke through the front door, splitting up and spreading themselves all through the

house, announcing, “Everyone out! Out!! Now!!! Move it! Faster!”

As the workers ran out of the house, they were greeted by police officers and were immediately arrested

in the yard and outside the fence.

“Put your hands behind your head now!” Texan heard an officer shout at him and Zacand their faces

instantly turned pale, staring wide-eyed as they saw the gun in the policeman’s hand.

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“What the hell?” Zac whispered as he raised his hand.

Quietly, Texan locked his hands behind his head, walking over to the officers along with Zac, and the

moment they reached them, both men were handcuffed together and thrown into the waiting squad car

with the others.

The silence at the table had lasted for so long that when Julie was done eating, she beamed, feeling less

stressed, and laughed, “This dish was delicious. I might just start visiting this place every other day.”

Her words relieved the tension in the air as everyone smiled, and even Elijah chuckled lightly, agreeing

with her statement.

But Teddy’s ringtone echoed, interrupting the pleasant atmosphere at the table, and when he picked up

the phone, he answered the call on loudspeaker, recording.

“The mission had gotten compromised. Texan and Zac have been arrested and the doctor’s house is

crowded with police. But Texan and Zac had a plan B. If things go sideways, we are to meet you guys

and together come up with a way to kill the Doctor, his family, that Elijah dude, and his friends too. So

where are you guys?”

A blank expression crossed Teddy’s face as he looked at Elijah, and then he ended the call, saying, “We

all need to get out of the country today. If Texan and Zac have a plan B, then there is a plan C, D, and


“Teddy is right. Texan has connections in the underground, and this is just the icing on the cake. He won’t

stop coming for you guys’ lives. Even in prison, he can make things happen.” Lex explained before

turning to the doctor with a straight look on his face. “So we need to leave. As soon as possible. Also,

you can’t go back to that house.”

“It is too dangerous to stay here and wait for things to calm down…” Alan weighed in on the


After a long pause, Elijah rested back in his seat and then asked, “Where will you guys go?”

“With the money, you are going to give . us, we will be just fine,” Teddy replied while smirking.

Taking his focus off Lex, Elijah looked at Dr. William and then said, “Can we talk… somewhere private?”

A sense of anxiety appeared in Dr. William’s eyes, but then he nodded after thinking for a few seconds

and said seriously, “Okay.”

The tension that once left the table came rushing back as Elijah stood to his feet along with the doctor

and they walked off, out of the room.

A moment later, Elijah and Dr. Williams were sitting face to face in the living room

of his suite, and his expression was deadass serious as he asked, “Tell me about Mr. Hayes’s death.”

Immediately, fear gripped the doctor’s : heart, and he stammered in a panic, “Um … I mean… Uhh… I…”

“Breathe, doc,” Elijah said calmly and watched as he took several deep breaths to try to relax.

“Hayes was about to have a critical surgery, and he needed blood. Since we had his blood type in stock,

I offered those, but he was an old-fashioned man, and he shouted at me, ‘Why do I have kids for then!”

Me. William said with a small laugh.

But then his face slowly deepened into sadness as he shook his head, and then he looked away from

Elijah, saying, “He was a dear friend, and I thought that I was doing him a favor… Who knew what the

nightmare he married was capable of… Jewel was excited about the idea when Hayes told her… Only

for her to show up at my office, later on, claiming that she wanted me to falsify the results…”

Tears began welling in Dr. Williams’ eyes as he wiped at them, shaking his head again, muttering a few

incoherent words, while Elijah waited patiently until he felt ready to continue speaking.

Slowly, the doctor turned to Elijah and stared at him with watery eyes, and then began, “Maybe I should

have agreed to her… Maybe if I did… Hayes would still be here today. but I didn’t. I told Hayes the truth,

and he was mad… enraged and hurt… At one time, when he was lashing out his anger, Peach visited

with Martha…”

Watching tears roll slowly down Dr. Williams’s cheeks, Elijah kept his cool, not uttering a word, and just

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sat there quietly, giving him the space to feel.

“It wasn’t long after her visit that Meeks visited… and then… then… Oh my…” Dr. Williams sobbed,

bringing his hands up in front of his face, wiping at his eyes again. “A couple of days after that, I went

against his law and allowed Jewel to see him… She was pleading with me… So I thought… I thought…”

“You let her inside his room, unsupervised, and she strangled him to death,” Elijah said, sparing the

doctor the torment of doing so.

“They were arguing so hard about some will, and I thought to give them privacy, and when I got back into

the room, Hayes was lifeless… He wasn’t… wasn’t breathing at all. she had killed him! And

at that moment, she turned to me and said, ‘You and your entire family will be next if a word of this gets

out. Do you understand me?»

“So you lied and covered up for her?”

“What was I supposed to do?! The Hayes had great power at that time, and all her husband’s wealth was

now hers to manipulate… I couldn’t… my family… I had to put them first.”

A sense of rage woke up in Elijah, and yet he kept it together, keeping his voice calm as he asked, “So

the will they were arguing about?”

“I don’t know what was written in it. All I heard was, ‘How dare you change your will,’ and then I left.” Dr.

William admitted in shame.

There was a short moment of silence as

Elijah clenched his fist, and trying to quiet the storm raging in him, he took a deep breath, closed his

eyes, and calmed himself down.

After a long while, he reopened them and stared back at Dr. Williams, saying in a calm, clear voice, “How

about the DNA results?”

“Albert was Mr. Hayes’s only biological child according to the test, and Peach is Mr. Hayes’ only surviving

blood relative… She’s the only full-blooded Hayes alive and his only grandchild.” Dr. Williams said with

strong confidence in his tone, stating facts without batting an eye or hesitation.