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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 158
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The box

Unmuting his mother’s call, Elijah hastily asked, “Did you talk to doctor Harry to come over and check her


“Yes. He’s attending to her right now.” Mrs. Maxwell answered. “I just thought you would like to know.”

“Thank you, mom, for telling me. I will be on the next flight back home soon…”

“You don’t-“.

“Let me call you back.”

“Is everything okay? You sound”

“Love you, mom.”

After those words, Elijah ended the call, seeing Rick’s incoming call, and he immediately answered,


“Why is Dice speeding up, boss?” Rick’s voice came through the phone, sounding concerned.

Subconsciously, Elijah glanced at Dice’s speedometer, seeing that it was dangerously close to the limit

and then he said, “The hoodie, cap, and glasses at the airport didn’t work in my disguise to enter the

country without drawing unwanted attention… But it doesn’t make sense that someone would knowillam

entering Syldavia or when, if… Shit!”

“What?!” Rick exclaimed, clearly worried about Elijah’s sudden change of tone.

Pausing for a moment, Elijah tried to calm himself before answering, feeling sick with guilt.” We have a

spy on us in Bordoria. That’s the only way anybody would know I left to come to Syldavia.”

“What now boss?” Rick asked.

The plan to keep attention off me has failed. There’s no need to stay scattered, so pass the message to

the others to assemble.”

“Yes, boss.”

Spying in the rearview mirror, Dice hesitated and then said, “You wanted this to be an in-and out

situation… I can still shake them off, and we can.”

“I need to know who is behind this. If my guess is right and they have eyes in Bordoria, I can not let them

get away.” Elijah said. “You think Miss Grace and your wife-” “They are in the safest place I can think of.

Let’s take care of these fools and then worry about the rest later.”

After a long pause, Dice smirked, looking in the side mirror at the black SUVs pulled up closer behind

them, and the ones at the front slowing down for him to catch up to them.

Soon, the car that Elijah was in got circled by the Black car on the left, the gray vehicle on the right, and

the white one at their back, and then a bunch of bulletproof black SUVs closing thein up.

“Change route?” Dice asked, eyeing his boss. “Change route,” Elijah commanded. The moment they

reached the intersection of the dusty road, leading down to the rundown train track, Dice made a hard

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

turn, and the three cars had no choice but to pursue because the SUVs had them close up and when

they tried to slow down, they got hit in the bumper. After speeding down the dusty road for a while, Elijah

heard a loud, “Bang” from the back of the car, and the force swung him forward, but the seatbelt pushed

him back. “Hold on, boss.” Dice warned as he swerved the SUV to the right, banging into the gray car,

and pushing it to the side, and the moment Larry saw that Elijah’s car was out of the white car’s way and

to the right, he ran into the veliicle, banging into it from the back.

The SUVs at the front sped up as the White car flipped over two times. The Black car ran off the dusty

road, trying to make a U-turn, and tried to drive back onto the mainroad, but Rick intentionally drove

toward it, clapping into its hood, and clashing with it.

Immediately, his airbag deployed, and his head jerked forward, hitting against it, and his body tensed as

he stared outside of the window.

Realizing that they were screwed, the driver in the White car, gave it his all, slamming into the side of

Elijah’s car, where he was, and his head hit the window, making an impact, leaving a cut.

The wreck from the hit made the white car flip on its side.

“Boss,” Dice called out, looking in the rearview mirror.

Groaning in pain, Elijah mumbled, “I am fine.”

The rest of the SUVs came to a stop, their doors opened and several men exited their vehicles, hurrying

towards the black SUV.

When his men opened the door, Elijah took a moment to suppress the pain ripping through his head

before stepping out of the car, his steps a bit unstable for a second.

Ignoring the pain, he looked over at one of his men and said, “Hick, rally everyone from the three

vehicles… the ones hurt get medical attention.. the ones in okay conditions go to the warchouse.”

Then he focused on the other dude and commanded, “Axel, the six of you are taking me to our first


“Yes, boss!” Axel said.

Subconsciously, Elijah turned around to see both Rick’s and Larry’s cars damaged, and he shouted,

dismissing his hieadache, “Rick, Larry… Are you two okay?!”

Within a split second, both car doors open and the two of them step out… Rick with a deep cut on his

brow, and Larry with a bustlip. “Yes, boss,” Both men said in unison. “Two weeks leave. Go seek

treatment and rest.” Elijah commanded.

“But, boss

The boy

“Do it.”

By the time Elijah reached the safe house Jerome and Matt had moved Lawyer Meeks to, it was morning

since they made a stop at the hospital to stitcluliis wound.

When he entered the room, there lay Meeks on the bed. He looked skinny and pale with dark circles

under his tired eyes and luis arms laying limply on the mattress. A sigh escaped Elijali’s lips as he walked

over to achair, and dragged it toward the bed, causing Lawyer Meeks to open his eyes. “You… you

came.” The lawyer cried, coughing slightly before groaning in pain, “Like you asked, ” Elijah said,

skeptical of the old lawyer since the timing of the incident allied with the information he gave him. “Now,


Silence rested in the atmosphere for a while, and then the lawyer looked away from Elijah, staring at the

window as he said, “Jewel called me when Peach took over Investec, and when I got to our meet-up, she

asked if I was the one who gave the will to you. I denied it. But it seemed like my words weren’t

convincing enough because she…” “She what?” Elijah asked, not having the patience to stay long in this

conversation because he wanted to get back to Peach. “She asked me to give her the original copy of

Mr. Hayes’s will.” “She doesn’t have it?” “I am not stupid, Elijah. Jewel is a serpent. I needed a bargain to

stop her from killing me. So I held onto the original and she has the copy.”

“What’s written in the original?”

“She owns it all. Every property that Mr. Hayes ever owned, he put in Peach’s name. Peach Hayes is the

sole leir to the Hayes wealth. His only bloodline.”

Since his discussion with Doctor Williams, Elijah had always thought something like this was true, and

now that it was confirmed, it didn’t shock him.

“I refused her request for the original will, knowing that that was the only thing keeping me alive, thinking

that that would give me time to escape the country. But that same day, after our meeting, four vehicles

were tailing me as I headed back home… and not long, they started banging into my car from all

directions…” Mr. Meeks stopped to cough, obviously exhausted.

Then he turned to look at Elijah, saying, “Desperate, I unlocked my car door and ran oss the bridge,

jumping out the vehicle midair, and when my body hit the water, everything went dark… When I woke up,

I feared for my life and begged the family that found me to let me stay with them until everything dies

down… convincing them with the promise of money…”

Silently, Elijah watched the doctor’s face, and then he rested back in the chair, his eyes void of emotion.

“All I ask of you is to communicate with a trustworthy hospital to airlift me from Syldavia to seek

treatment outside the country. There’s nowliere here that I trust. If words get out, she will finish me off

with her bare hands… I fear that woman, Elijah.” Mr. Meeks cried, his eyes moist.

“Where is the will?” Elijah asked.

“Outside the country… In a safe at the State of Unta Bank. Slie has deep connections in this country, and

I couldn’t risk it.”

“So if I help you.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“The will is all yours, and if you need me in any way in taking her down, I will use my voice and the truth

to assist you!” “Fine… I will make it happen today.” With that said, Elijah stood from the chair, turned on

his heel, and walked off only to stop when he heard the lawyer ask, “You are leaving?”

But Elijah didn’t answer, knowing his information was something he had to keep confidential now that the

world knew who he was.

When he got outside the room, he took out his phone and booked himself a seven hours flight from

Syldavia to Bordoria. 1

Sitting in front of the mirror, Peach slowly brushed her hair, absentmindedly staring at her reflection,

while her mind wandered off.

Then the sound of the bedroom door got her to snap out of her thoughts, and she turned to face Elijah,

walking into the room.

“I am sorry,” Was the first thing Elijah said as he walked closer to Peach. “I should have been here, by

your side for such a moment.”

But all he got from her was a big smile as she kept her silence, which didn’t fade from her face after a

while, and worried that she was still sick, Elijah gently touched her head, mumbling,” What did doctor

Henry say was wrong with you?”

“We went shopping early, and I got something for you.” Peach said softly, waking from the stool.

Silently, Elijah watched her walk over to the closet, took out a cute box, and brought it to him.

Confused, Elijah eyed her for a moment, and then he smiled slightly, grabbing the ribbon and carefully

loosening it off the box.

When he opened its lid, he saw a pale white shoe in the box, but he was more focused on the size of the

shoes, mumbling, “These are for newborns,” With moist eyes, Peach nodded, and he stared

dumbfoundedly at her for a moment before whispering, “You are pregnant?” “Yes! We created a little

human, Elijah.” Peach cried, chuckling through the tears. Swallowing down slowly, Elijah’s vision slowly

got blurred as he stared into her eyes and then at the shoes.

Within less than a second, he broke down, mumbling through the tears, “I am going to be a father?”

“Yes,” Peach cried with a wild smile. Quickly, Elijah set the box on the dresser, and then he grabbed onto

her waist, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

“I am going to be a,” Elijah cried happily. “We are going to be parents!!!” As his sobs became louder,

l’each held him even tighter, crying along with him when he whispered, “Thank you so much…. I love


This was the peak of his vulnerability with her, and at that moment, Peach knew wholeheartedly that

forever with him was going to be worth every minute.

But then her eyes subconsciously rested on the bandage on his forehead, and then her eyes darted to

his neck to see a bruise, and immediately she started worrying about how long forever was going to last

with him in it.