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The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 93
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93 Chapter Ninety Three

Kyle was the first to notice the glint in the Rogue killer’s eyes. Even over the alpha’s threats, she didn’t seem to be backing down. If anything, she was getting ready to attack. The royal beside her remained perfectly still, unable to move from the threat. “You aren’t going to get away from here,” the words cut through his resolve like a hot knife through butter.

Chad, whose hands brandished a blade against Claire’s back, growled at the girl who only seemed to be coming up with a way to attack, “Isn’t she supposed to be important to them? You said...”

“I know what I said,” Kyle replied, right before he noticed the look in the weak woman’s eyes. Her eyes were barely open, but they were clearly trained on the girl before them and they were sending a clear message. Kyle didn’t get the time to react as the woman nodded. What followed was the distinct sound of a thunderclap, the Rogue killer vanishing at that same time, if only even before the sound was heard.

A violent wind passed the group of rogues, their numbers diminishing by one instantly. Kyle was alone behind the rogues that held the woman up. Looking back, the alpha was disarmed and restrained on the ground. Katie wasn’t paying attention to him though as she clearly overpowered him with her Prometheus gift. ‘So that’s the sound that you hear when the Thunderclap goes into motion,’ he thought recalling the myths that went around the Mighty hunter.

Katie vanished once more, their numbers diminishing once more... although, this time it wasn’t one of them. It was the hostage that they had staked their escape plan upon. The situation was looking bleak for the rogues and Kyle seemed to be losing all hope of escape. ‘Damn it, I’d escaped. We just had to make the mistake of waiting for Demitri to come back here,’ he thought, his mind soaring.

Cole took a moment to process what had just happened. Seeing now that stopping the girl would have been useless with the plan she had in mind. He had barely been able to follow her movements. Given the speed he’d seen her use before, this was beyond what he thought she was capable of. Moments after Claire vanished from the hands of the rogues, she appeared right next to him panting and drenched in sweat.

“I’ve never seen you move that fast,” the familiar feminine voice of a new arrival reached Royal’s ears. A wolf and two other hunters flanked the pair. Sandra had arrived with a very familiar Jason. The wolves leapt into action along with Kenneth, apprehending the rogues that were guarding Kyle. Kyle, on the other hand, was already behind Kyle, a massive black wolf that barred their path. The boy was now on the run.

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Katie’s panting only got louder. “I couldn’t let them put another scratch on her. I don’t know how much energy I burnt through pulling that off,” she said, right before she went dead silent, a look of shock on her face.

“You... did well, Katie,” the Director’s wife laboured to speak.


“Don’t speak, Claire. We need to get you to the infirmary and make sure that you recover,” Samantha said to her, before picking her up, “I’ll call Anthony and inform him of the rescue. What’s wrong, Katie?”

“They are... too many...” she said.

“What do you mean? Who are they...” Samantha asked. Cole and Jason made quick work of the alpha, clearing the path to the boy that was supposedly running from an entire group of hunters and werewolves.

“This boy is going to be a handful,” Cole said casually, sending the message to those he knew could hear him.

“Katie, what do you mean ‘they are too many...’ Do you mean the rogues that were protecting Kyle?” Samantha asked. Katie nodded. Her laboured breathing finally came to a stop. She tried to stand and staggered for a bit, Sandra catching her just in time and helping her to find her footing.

“No, not those ones... I mean the ones that have come to retrieve Kyle as reinforcements,” she said.

“How do you know?” Kenneth asked, stopping in his tracks. Kenneth, along with the two males were just about to go after the boy when they heard Katie speaking. The information, coming from the one person who had no trouble facing a Royal, was somewhat apocalyptic.

“The same way I always know when a Rogue is three miles from Brigadia. The same way the Chase family is able to tell when there is a traitor within a certain group of werewolves. The same way that the Chase family knows when something bad is about to happen. Samantha, I would like to borrow your katana,” Katie asked.

“Those aren’t laced with wolfsbane... they’ll be...”

“You know that I’m a werewolf now... I can’t stand the scent of wolfsbane...”

“Oh, right... Be careful,” she said, “If it wasn’t for the fact that the boy is on the run right now, I would have stopped you from going after him. You don’t know how far they will go to defend that boy...” she said to him, drawing a long blade from within her jacket, ‘Where was she hiding that?’ the wolves stared in wonder.

“And don’t ruin my blade,” she warned before running off with Claire in her hands...

“Hey Kenneth, do you have a flair?” Katie asked. She was acting far too calm for their comfort now.

“Yeah, I always carry one. Although I don’t see any reason to with the way you’ve been handling things in the past few years,” he said handing the girl the gun-shaped gadget procured from his own leather jacket.

Katie emptied the weapon of a green coloured bullet and fished for something in her pockets. “I didn’t know why I needed to carry these today, but now I know why. My parents must have been more perceptive than I was in detecting what was going to happen here,” she said. In her hand, she held two items.

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The hunters present were immediately hushed by the significance of the two items. The first one was a hairband, an item that Katie hadn’t used in a very long time. She used it every time she was announcing just how serious she was going to take something. Tying her shoulder-length black hair into a high ponytail. Cole was stunned by the change in her appearance even though the look in her eyes brought chills down his spine.

The second item was a red bullet, shaped the same way as the green one. The red bullet was one that was not held by many hunters since it was rarely used. When Anthony realised she was someone who found herself facing rogues plenty of times, he had granted her the authority to fire one. The green bullet was used to notify hunters that there were rogues in the area and help was needed.

The red bullet, however, was used when someone wanted to notify the hunters of something far worse. So terrible that it was said this bullet was only to be used when the Rogue king was sighted. This wasn’t a guarantee that he was, however, it was a sure chance that he was. “Katie, what are you doing? The gun won’t let you fire that bullet unless the situation requires it,” Kenneth spoke up, trying to stop her.

“This situation requires it...” Katie said, loading the flare gun and firing the shot high up into the air with all the strength she could muster. Kenneth watched the red smoke trail high into the sky, the bullet exploding into a crimson display that could only mean bad news to everyone that saw it. “Let’s go after him before he gets away. Sandra, I want you to stay here. Tell the rest when they get here of everything that’s happened,” the orders were given.

“I’ll stay with her. In case other rogues show up...” Jason offered. The rest of the group respected his request and turned in the direction the male had just gone. The feeling of impending doom seemed to be weighing on them as they started the run further into the forest. This was the furthest either of them had ever gone into neutral territory. Anything could happen...


Anthony was watching the progress of the female junior hunter and noticed when it came to a stop. She was still a mile out. His calls had been going straight to voicemail and yet something in the pit of his stomach had him going crazy on what could be happening there. Katie had shifted and he was glad that she was in control of herself, but now he couldn’t tell anything that was running through her mind anymore.

Would she be able to hold back if she found the boy? He didn’t know if he could hold back himself, but she was another story when it came to that. She could kill him without another thought or if he gave too much of a resistance. That’s what he thought of her anyway. It wasn’t long before he heard the distinct sound of a thunderclap. “Is the Mighty Thunderclap here yet? I don’t see a cloud in the sky,” it was dark, but the stars were out as well...

“No, he’s still far from here...”

“Then who was that?”