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The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 341 Flame And Crystal
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Drake's transformation reached its pinnacle as he melded with the essence of the Blazing Flame Dragon.

The fusion was complete, giving birth to a formidable being that embodied the raw power of fire and the indomitable spirit of a dragon.

His form now stood towering before Orion, a majestic and fearsome sight to behold.

Scales, glistening with an infernal glow, covered his body, exuding an aura of scorching heat. Fiery wings extended from his back, spreading wide with an imposing span.

Drake's eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the flames surrounding him, and his voice reverberated with an otherworldly resonance.

Every word he spoke carried the weight of his newfound power and a touch of mocking triumph.

"Now, Orion, can you still maintain your smug demeanor in the face of my true might?" Drake taunted, a self-assured smirk curling his lips.

"You thought you had me cornered, but little did you know that I had this incredible power within me all along. I am the embodiment of the Blazing Flame Dragon, and you shall witness the limits of your feeble mortal abilities."

His mocking words dripped with arrogance, aimed at shaking Orion's confidence. Drake revealed in his apparent superiority, fueling his desire to prove himself as the ultimate victor.

Orion's response was measured, his voice laced with unwavering resolve. "Drake, your transformation may be impressive, but true strength is not defined by the form one takes."

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The tension between them intensified as they prepared to engage in a battle that would test the very limits of their powers.

The desert air crackled with anticipation, the clash between the transformed Drake and the steadfast Orion imminent.

Drake's laughter echoed across the battlefield, a blend of superiority and derision.

"Your ideals are no match for the raw power that courses through my veins. Prepare to witness the futility of your beliefs as I bring your defeat upon you."

Orion's eyes narrowed, a spark of determination igniting within him. He raised his hand, commanding his loyal companion with unwavering confidence. "Atlas, Crystal Spike!"

In response to Orion's command, Atlas, the colossal Crystal Behemoth, unleashed a torrent of crystalline spikes from his body.

The spikes, sharp as daggers, soared through the air with astonishing speed, aimed directly at Drake.

Drake smirked, channelling the raging flames within him to create a protective shield. A swirling inferno enveloped his form, transforming into a blazing barrier of unparalleled heat.

The flames danced and crackled, forming an impenetrable defense against Atlas' crystal assault.

Drake's voice resonated with an eerie power as he countered, his words dripping with both confidence and contempt. "Blazing Flaming Shield!"

The clash of elements echoed through the battlefield, the crystalline spikes colliding with the blazing shield.

Sparks flew, and crystals shattered, their collision creating a dazzling spectacle of light and sound.

Orion observed the clash with a steely gaze, unyielding in his resolve. "Your shield may burn bright, Drake, but its brilliance does not hide the fragility beneath."

Drake chuckled, the flames flickering around him as he responded, "Fragility? You underestimate the power that flows through me. Your crystals may be sharp, but they shall shatter before the might of my flames."

Their banter continued, each mocking the other's abilities with an air of superiority. Back and forth, they exchanged words, their rivalry fueling the intensity of their battle.

Orion's voice carried a hint of mockery as he taunted, "Your flames may burn, Drake, but they lack the substance to withstand the weight of true power. Let us see whose abilities prove more formidable."

Drake's eyes blazed with defiance as he retorted, "Your crystals may dazzle the eyes, Orion, but they cannot match the searing heat of my flames. Prepare to be consumed by the inferno!"

Their conversation served as a backdrop to their clash, the words punctuating the clash of their powers and the fierce determination that fueled their every move.

The desert trembled beneath their feet as the battle raged on, their respective abilities pushed to their limits.

Each strike and counterstrike intensified the animosity between them. Each determined to prove their superiority over the other.

In this battle of elemental forces and biting words, only one would emerge victorious, while the other would be left to lick their wounds and ponder the depths of their own shortcomings.

Atlas, the colossal Crystal Behemoth, unleashed a relentless barrage of Crystal Spikes toward Drake, aiming to pierce through his defenses and bring him down.

However, to Orion's surprise, each crystal projectile was effortlessly dismantled by Drake's fiery prowess.

Drake revelled in his moment of triumph, his laughter echoing across the battlefield. He raised his hands, commanding the raging flames to obey his will.

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"Die!!!" he bellowed, summoning a devastating attack.

With a surge of power, flames erupted from Drake's body, swirling and coalescing into a blazing vortex.

The scorching tempest expanded rapidly, engulfing everything in its path. This was the Flame Nova, a cataclysmic display of Drake's unrivaled mastery over fire.

Orion's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with determination. He recognized the gravity of the situation and knew that he needed to respond swiftly.

He locked eyes with Atlas and issued a command with unwavering confidence. "Atlas, Crystal Dome!"

In an instant, a shimmering dome of solid crystal materialized around Orion and Atlas, forming an impenetrable shield that deflected the onslaught of flames.

The intense heat washed over the dome, its surface remaining unyielding against the onslaught.

Drake's mocking laughter faded into a scowl of frustration as his Flame Nova was thwarted by Orion's countermeasure.

The clash of their powers reverberated through the air, their battle pushing the limits of their abilities.

Orion's voice cut through the chaos, laced with a tinge of mockery. "Is that the extent of your power, Drake? Your flames may rage, but they are no match for the impenetrable fortress of crystalline might."

Drake's eyes burned with a mixture of anger and determination.

"You underestimate me, Orion. I have yet to reveal the full extent of my strength. Prepare to witness the true power of a King Realm cultivator!"

Their conversation wove through the fierce clash of their elemental forces, the verbal jabs serving as fuel to their already intense rivalry.

With each passing moment, the battle escalated, their determination to prove themselves growing stronger.

Orion then murmured, "It seems that I have to use it, too." Drake didn't know that Orion still have other ability.