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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 328
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I know I cannot just decline a call from my father though. He doesn’t deserve that and it would probably make

him worry like crazy. Despite not wanting to | answer the call. Just as | expected he is just calling to see if there

are any updates. As much as | love knowing my parents are genuinely worried about Ayla because of how much

they love her. It makes telling him, that | have been unable to find any clues to where she


“Son, | think there is something we are missing. He must have found a way to take her close to the BloodMoon

pack, he is still the Alpha after all and it makes sense with how you're tellinghis packmembers are behaving”

Dad tells me.

Thinking about it he might be right, an entire pack not being online can only be caused by two things. Either the

Alpha requested them not to and they are willingly obliging because they honor and respect their Alpha. Or the

worst option he has them all under his control using his Alpha voice. | can check with Tessie and Jay to find out

which one of the two is the more likely option. For both, he would need to be close enough to the pack though.

“I don’t know why | didn’t see this before but you might be right,” | tell Dad, thinking this means | need to travel

to the BloodMoon Pack


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“Trying not to alert David, was a smart move but it is not doing us any favors now. I'll arrive with the royal yet

and a part of our army in the morning. I'm taking the yet, all you need to do is board with the wolves you want to

bring with you and we fly to the Blood Moon pack” It's been a while since Dad just decided what we were going

to do.

As | grew older, as | was getting closer to being the Alpha and King he started discussing things with me. Valuing

my insights and opinions. Not that | mind though because honestly, | am getting so overwhelmed. Even with how

involved he is, he still isn’t as emotionally invested in this case as | am. No one is because the bond between

mates is like nothing else.

Where all | could do was act like a hurt mate, he had the strength to take a step back and think as a king. With

that, he cup with a great plan to hopefully finally be one step closer to finding her. After going over, some

more details | went to Jay and Tessie’s home, as they invitedover for dinner. Stating that | still needed to eat.

| accepted because I’ didn't want to refuse them, not because | was looking forward to having dinner. Now it

suitedthough as | was sure they wouldn't mindtalking about my plans to find Ayla. And more so to ask

them squestions about the BloodMoon pack to have a better understanding of what was happening.

“Honestly, | wanted to be mad with the pack. Most of them bullied Ayla. | still blmyself for never noticing.

The only reason the pack did not abuse her was the respect most of them had for us. Just not Hannah and

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her goons” Jay started, still boiling with anger thinking back to what they put his daughter through.

“But there are sgood eggs in the pack, honestly most of them just got caught up in how the pack was run.

You know as much as | do good. leaders can make or break the pack. | don’t believe all of them would be so

willing to follow David that they would stop all outside communication” He ends, and with it, | have my answer.

If they are not willingly following David, he must have them under control using his Alpha voice. You need to be

close to the pack to do so. And it takes up a lot of energy. Especially when controlling the entire pack. | shudder

when | think about what it says about David.

An Alpha-to-be normally does not have the Alpha command just yet. But withbeing a royal wolf. The first

heir to the throne | already have mine, but I hardly use it. Let alone address the entire pack with it The last t|

used it was the day | met Ayla when | told everyone to leave her alone. To not touch her, it was in a moment of

desperation. To keep my mate safe, as it should be used. In times of need, just to give one simple command to

keep someone safe. Whether it was the entire pack or just one wolf. Not to make the pack do your bidding,

taking away their free will.

When all of this is over we are going to have to reassess and find a new Alpha for the Blood Moon pack. Not like

David was going to cback soon, he would need to be punished but if it did not end in him getting executed

he would still be the Alpha. Stripping someone from their Alpha title means you strip their entire family of it.

Giving that power to

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someone else, the new Alpha’s family would get all the power. Ayla toldonce that David has a sister, who

was a lot kinder than her older brother. If she were to be the last surviving member of the family she would be

the next Alpha.

Either as a placeholder until David, finishes his sentence or permanently if David dies during the fights or gets

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executed with his punishment. But abusing your Alpha power like that would immediately get him stripped of all

his power. For sreason, this all makesa little hopeful. What if he has his pack under control so much that

he can just live his normal life with Ayla as his Luna?

It’s not like he would allow the pack to help her or let anyone know for that matter. | know she would hate it, but

it would mean she was as safe as she could be in the current situation. And it would mean | would see her

tomorrow this could all be over so much sooner than | expected.

“It is good finally seeing you a bit more hopeful, care to tellwhat is on your mind?” Tessie asked me.

| notice the doubt on her face when | tell her my theory. But she doesn’t say anything. And just ignore it because

honestly, | need a bit of hope. This dinner is the first one in a long tthat actually tastes good. Sure Tessie is

an extraordinary cook | already knew that. But this is the first meal | have eaten where | have a bit of an

appetite. All because of the hope | feel of seeing Ayla again soon.

I'm choosing to give myself one night of hope, tomorrow in the plane to



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Blood Moon pack | will worry about all the possible outcomes. Tomorrow when | go there, | will try to convince

myself that whatever happens, | will be one step closer to Ayla and that is all that matters. So with dinner

finished | make my way to Alpha Cedric to update him on the plans. And then I will have to tell the people from

the Silver Moon pack who traveled with me, they would most likely all want to joinin traveling to the

BloodMoon pack. When that was done the only thing. left to do was to let Dad know how many people would

board the plane with me. And then go to bed to hopefully have one good night's sleep so | will have my energy

up for tomorrow.
