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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 329
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104 Ayla

“I know you she-wolves like to nest, and | decided it would be better for our mate-bond if | stay here with you. |

brought you a bunch of nesting. shit so here you go” David gotout of my stupor by throwing a bag filled with

ratty blankets towards me.


The dull thud of the bag landing on the bed seemed to snap something in me. Like | suddenly was done with all

of it. There is no use forbeing sad, after all, Griffin showedhe was coming for me. | know he will and not

just him, the BloodMoon pack treatedlike shit. Makingbelieve | was unloveable just for being smaller

than the average wolf. But with moving packs, and getting to know yet another pack, | have learned | am

loveable, I might not be it for everyone. But | am for the people who care about me. The people | need to love


Griffin won't be alone in his mission to rescue me. All these wolyes risking so much to getback. The least |

can do is stop wallowing in self-pity. Stop crying myself to sleep every night and to stay strong. David can slap,

hurt, and abuseall he wants. He won't kill me.

Not because I trust him to not be a killer. | know he is, hell this man. killed his parents as a way to winover.

The reason | know he is not going to killis because he thinks he is in love with me. In his mind, all of this is

leading up tobecoming his mate again. It is clear he is prepared to put up a fight, thinking he can just wear



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“Wow, sratty blankets that really would suit a nest for a mate like you. Luckyyou will never be my mate

again” | scoff, walking up to him and grabbing the bag with the food from his hand.

Something | could only manage because he was too stunned with my reply. It was another half-cold breakfast

left over from the pack breakfast. It is nothing special, but it would sustain me. Soon enough I would be having

breakfast with Griffin in our kitchen again. Or maybe just in the pack kitchen | am sure I could get Milo to make

Thinking about the meals | would soon be having | scarf down this breakfast. | am hungry and there is no need to

pretend to be more elegant or to look good. | cannot wait for David to be put off byagain. | rather spend my

tin solitude here than being with him all the damn time. Besides he should spend tat the pack to lead

his pack members. Even with how most of them treated| still wanted the pack to do well. The pack | once

wanted to becthe Luna of so | could lead them to a bigger and brighter future.

Of course, David is hot on my tail, steaming as he pulls his plate towards him and starts eating. Glaring at me,

but I have never been so

unbothered as | am now.

“You know | could kill you right, | had my parents killed” He growls.

“No, you can’t, you won't kill your mate you will have to beg on your knees to get a second chance. Neither did

you kill your parents you were



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too much of a coward. Like you just said you had someone else do it” | scoff, the benefit of growing up with this

poor excuse of a man is that | know how to push his buttons. All of them.

He growls again not even speaking this time. There is a tick in his jaw, which he used to have when his dad

would scold him. | took spleasure in knowing | was as annoying to him as the man he killed to bechis

own man. Not that he would ever be a man. He is a foolish little boy who obviously didn’t get the love he

needed. Something | would sometimes notice when we were growing up. | used to pity him. and think he liked

coming over to my place because my parents had so much love to give. It was why in my mind | figured we

could turn things. around and change the pack for the better. But my sympathy for him had long vanished he

was an adult now. He chose the path he was on, all by himself.

“If you are so sure, we won't ever be mates again then why should I not kill you” He asked me, and as convinced

as | was that he would not actually kill me.

| did need to tread carefully and make sure | didn’t upset him so much that he would attackin a fit of anger. |

remembered the clip Griffin posted on the royal website. Making sure to leaveso many hints, acting like he

believed the letter all to keepsafe. | needed to act like that too, | needed to give David just enough to keep

him believing he was making sprogress. Just placate him enough to not hurttoo badly, and for him to

want to keepalive. Swallowing down the bile because of what | was about to do | looked up at him.



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“I am sorry David, | get you mean well but | am hungry, cold, and bored. | have been rejected for the second

t| am just a bit emotional,” | told him keeping my eyes focused on the plate like | was ashamed of myself.

When in reality | did not want him to notice the burning hatred in them.

“That figures, you she-wolves are emotional. But | will be staying here. now, so the shower will have warm water.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

You have company and | will get us regular meals” He half apologizes.

That son of a bitch could have grantedwarm showers, but only when he is here. Only when he needs to use

the shower he turns on the heat. | am livid and as much as | want to get into another argument with him. | know

that won't help my case at all. | just swallow down the treats and curses | want to scream at him and opt for a

half-truth instead,

“There was a t| wanted you to reconsideras your mate. But since rejectingyou have done so much

to hurt me. | am not ready to just take you back you know.”

“I know | made smistakes too, and with you being so emotional it makes sense that you couldn't cope. But |

will make you see what you lost and have you crawling back to me. If Princeboy could, | have no doubt | can too

since | am the one that was hand-picked for you, not him. Second chances mates are just the MoonGoddess’

sloppy way of getting rid of loose ends” He boasts and for the third tduring this breakfast, | just swallow his

remarks not wanting to let on how much I still love Griffin. How much fate | have in him and how good we fit




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Arrogant as he is David takes my silence as a confirmation that he is right. Thinking I lost the ability to say

anything because he outwitted

1. me.
