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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 346
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121 Griffin

As | was getting dressed to have dinner with Rob, Marianne, and their kids, | felt | was getting out of breath. The

sensation of hands wrapping around my throat as | was all alone in the room, was indication to why | was feeling

this way. Somebody was choking Ayla again. This tit was all my fault, he must be lashing out at Ayla because

he sensed how close we were.

Or they because for all | know, the about ten pack members that have gone missing ever since David had to: Are

all living with Ayla in ssort of cult-like new pack. This time, unlike the last t| felt Ayla getting choked, |

could not shake the feeling of being weak. It was as if my mussels were trembling underneath my skin. My legs

felt heavy and jelly-like.

| wondered what was happening to Ayla to make her feel like this. And if this was even because of what she was

feeling. There is always a different edge to the pain you feel when it is your mate. They had taughtso during

my education. Sadly enough, | had been well aware of the truth behind that statement. Having felt Ayla’s hurt

and pain so much the past few weeks. And this feeling weak was different, it felt like | was coming down with a


But werewolves like | hardly get sick, and if we do, we are quick to recover. Meaning that either way | had no

tto think about what it meant. It would not help Ayla, and learning what Lizzy had to say could




121 Griffin

1288 Vouchers be the hint we needed to find Ayla. If it wasgetting down with skind of sickness | would

be all better in about two days. So that would mean | could just push through without getting any more delaying

in finding my mate.

Walking over to the cabin Rob and his family in tooklonger than it should have. My legs felt like they were

filled with lead. | was determined not to let my hosts know though. They already seemed so jumpy around me. |

knew that invitinginto their home, to cook for me. And to tellsomething they had new before and could

turn out to be essential in finding Ayla. Was already scary enough for them, they didn’t have to worry about how

| was feeling. And if it had anything to do with them and the food that they made me.

Another young girl opens the door when I finally arrive, she must be Lizzy’s younger sister. She is absolutely


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“Hi, sweetheart | am sorry | am a little late I got held up, can | know your name?” | try to keep the tremble from

my voice and sound as gentle and sure as | can manage to.

After a bit of hesitation, she takes my outstretched hand in hers and


“Yes of course | am, Jane” she stutters shaking my hand.

“That's funny, one of Ayla’s favorite books is Pride and Prejudice do you





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know the names of the sisters in that book?” | ask her, wanting to have a bit of small talk to put her at ease.

Suddenly the hallway fills with Rob’s deep chuckle out of all of his family members he seems the one who is

most at ease in my presence.

“Go on tell him Jane” he prompts his youngest daughter.

“It’s mom's favorite too so she named us after them” she now giggles.

And her giggling is a fast improvement from her trembling and stuttering. So | smile and chat a little about books

and how much Ayla loves to read. All while sitting down at the table.

“It is nothing special, just mac and cheese, green beans, mash, and fried chicken,” Marianne tellsas she

loads the table with comfort foods.

I'm still feeling weak and shaky but the comfort food is helping. It is the first tin days | have an actual

appetite. Part of it is because this dinner is supposed to helpfind Ayla quicker and with that | do not feel as

guilty to be eating when she is most likely going hungry.

“First of Prince Griffin, | am so terribly sorry for not telling you | was so scared. | told Dad when he chome

tellinghow kind you are. | wanted to tell you but | was still scared that you would get mad atfor waiting

so long to tell you. Dad promisedyou wouldn't though” Lizzy swallowed looking at her father hopefully.




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Rob nodded, encouraging his daughter to continue. But she was still scared, so | decided to reassure her a little

bit myself.

“Listen, Lizzy, you are almost an adult wolf so | feel like | can tell you this. Leaders should make the other wolves

trust them. You not being able to trustis all on Alpha Philip and his family. | am just happy that | could show

your father he could trust me. And | would never make a father break his promise to his daughter so you can just

tell me” | explained, causing her to bite her lip and not with determination.

“Okay, well you see Kayla’s younger sister Suzanne was my best friend, or maybe she still is. Kayla’'s family

agreed with the Birches and have. followed Alpha David to the new pack. Suzanne never wanted to, she

complained toabout it. The Alpha command stopped us from talking about things like this to wolves outside

our pack” As Lizzy was talking to me, | was wrecking my brain to remember who Kayla was, but | couldn't.

“Hannah had always wanted to be the Luna, she is so in love with David that it's pretty embarrassing.” Lizzy

rolled her eyes, finally showing she was a teenage girl.

Ayla had toldas much, though, that Hannah, Kayla, Charlotte, and Taelyn bullied her for being so close to

David. When Hannah had hoped they would be fated mates. Suddenly it occurred tothat was the Kayla, Lizzy

was talking about now. So with seffort, | focused back on what Lizzy was telling me.



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“I would hate to have to live underground too, that is why | remembered it. Maybe Suzanne was making matters

worse than they were. And maybe they changed their plans but well | figured maybe it would help you to know

she might very well be kept underground?” While tellingwhat she knew, Lizzy had gotten less sacred, which |

was happy about.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Because the fact that Ayla might be living underground was upsetting. Still, it was new information and

something we could look into. It could very well explain why | felt so close to her in the woods, without being

able to pinpoint the exact direction it was coming from.

“Thank you, Lizzy, that has been extremely useful, and of course thank you for being brave enough to do the

right thing. If there ever is something | can help you with, be sure to letknow, and | will do what I can” |

promised the young girl, something flashed behind her face, but she didn’t answer me.

The rest of the night | spent eating, three hours later | made my way back to the pack house, ready to collapse in

my bed and hopefully wake up feeling better.

| just turned the corner, blocking Rob’s hfrom my view, when | heard someone call out for me.

“Please, Prince Griffin, wait for me” | recognized the voice as Lizzy’s. Maybe she had remembered something

more, so | stopped in my tracks, waiting for her.





121 Griffin

288 Vouchers.

“I couldn’t ask you this with my parents here, but your Beta to be

Dillion, he visited the pack before he mentioned, how his mate is a man is that true?” She asked if same-sex

relationships were commonly accepted among werewolves.

After all, if the Moon Goddess blesses wolves with same-sex mates who are we to argue, but | knew sAlphas

still thought they knew better and did not accept it.

“Yes, he has, Colin is an amazing mate to my best friend why?” | asked in return but she just ran off crying

leavingutterly confused. And, hopeful that one day she would tellwhat this was all about.

A part ofwas worried that she was against same-sex mates, and would now causetrouble for accepting

it. But she had seemed like such a sweet and kind girl that | pushed those thoughts away if only to makefeel

