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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 351
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126 Ayla

She’s all about you, she’s never interested in Prince Griffin, you know that as much as | do. Your father forced the

two of you, so | never understood why you...” The shouting stopped just as | slipped into the warm bath.

| was ashamed of how murky the water was getting, but | needed to hear all of this, so | didn’t dare to rinse off.

Not that it helped because David had obviously used his Alpha command again. There was no way Jason would

stop shouting mid-rant. Followed by a soft “Yes Alpha” before he got out to get us pizza. At this point, | was

wondering if Jason would be joining us for our movie night. Not that | would be too bothered with it It might even

be a barrier to make sure David wouldn't take advantage ofagain.

It was just weird because it had always seemed like David and Jason were close, too. And when David was not

spending twithand Jessa, he would spend twith Jason. We lived in the spack and were all about

the sage. But we never did anything together. Not that | wanted to at the time, even before the abuse

started, Hannah and | had never seen eye to eye. And even if Jason did not seem to be too fond of her friends. As

siblings, they were close, so hanging out with Hannah* s brother never appealed toand Jessa much.

But thinking about it now would not helpget anything done. And it would be best to get out of the tub and

rinse off now that | still had a



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little energy left. Because, no matter, how much | disliked the idea of having a movie night with David. Getting

two meals in one day had turned into a luxury I could no longer refuse. Especially not since | felt like | had minor

flu, | could instinctively tell it was Griffin's illness | was feeling. | longed to be there with him, caring for him and

nursing him. back to health, but | knew I could not. And with that, | decided all I could do to make him feel better

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

was to be sure | was feeling the best that I could. If | could feel him being sick, he would feel all my pain too. |

know it would make hworry even more. So tonight | would be extra careful not to anger David to avoid

getting beaten up again.

Something that was probably for the best regardless of how Griffin was feeling. Taway from the BloodMoon

pack had healed ninety percent of my scars. It also made my body capable of fighting off injuries again. Not that

| had gotten into any major ones anymore. Not before the night. | got kidnapped, but now after being so close to

losing Willow Not being able to shift for weeks on end. Combined with all the abuse, and the lack of food. My

body was starting to stop healing itself again. To my horror, this tit didn’t even scar. Sof the wounds still

hadn’t closed yet. And | had bruises still visible that should have healed a long tago, even on a normal

human body.

| was close to giving in on the physical front, and a lot of days, | was close to giving in on the mental side as well.

| was so done with what my life had turned into. But on days | was at my lowest, Willow still managed to talk to

me. Like she was saving all her strength for the moments of dire need. The moments where | required her most

without even realizing | required her. In those moments, she would remindhow Griffin would feel if he would

findwhen he was too late. How

he would feel if he founddead? And every tWillow reminded



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Holding on mentally meant | needed to take the best care | could take of my physical body. Even if it meant

eating David's favorite overly greasy pizza and watching a movie he loved, sharing a blanket because he wanted

to. Still, | kept as much distance as possible, no matter how much it annoyed him. He lashed out by tellinghe

was taking a nap, and | was not allowed to take one in the bed with him. | needed a nap too because | still was

very low on energy. But the washer-dryer was done. So | remade my still-warm nest and curled up in it, the

health of the freshly dried blankets lullinginto another deep sleep.

| woke up before, David, and Jason would be back with dinner soon. He would have to wake up David. So |

crawled over to the laundry basket, pulled it close, and started folding it. Jason walked in to wake David when |

was almost done.

“How, does he have she-wolves falling at his feet, waiting on his hand and feet” Jason scoffed as soon as he saw


“Trust me, | would much rather be at hwith my true mate. Sadly, here | need to fold the laundry of the man

who is ruining my life. To get fed” | snap back at him.

For a second he looks atwith a bit of pity, but his face hardens again soon. He seems to be just as annoyed

with David as he is with me. Not that | can blhim, as an Alpha you need to take care of your pack and lead

it. To an extent, that means that you will have staff to do simpler tasks for you. Tasks like cleaning, and cooking.

Not being woken up



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from all of your naps. Hell, most Alpha’s | know do not have the tto


Now Jason has to wake up, the man who refuses to make his sister happy. After he has been acting like he would

make her happy. | wonder if Jason ever truly saw David as his friend because it would be better forif he did

not. It would be easier to get him to help me. He is hard to get a read on, though.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Seeing as you did more laundry, you can have dinner withat the dinner table,” David tellsas he walks

past me. Chain in hand, like | am skind of rabid dog he needs to take care of. Again, | cannot comment on

what he is doing yet again. Griffin seems to be doing a little better, but I’m still not willing to risk causing him

any more harm..

Dinner is a greasy takeout meal again, and this t| cannot help doubling over in pain. For sreason, this

annoys David.


“Why are you acting like such a little bitch, you know men don’t cook, so take out it is” He growls at me.

“I-I-I'm sorry David, since you punished| get a stomach cramp every t| eat something” | stutter not out

of fear but because my stomach keeps cramping up.

“Or you might be carrying my pup since we made love that snight,” David remarked gleefully.



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| shuddered at the thought that David called raping me, making love. | was sure it wasn’t because | was

pregnant. Not only that, but | knew it was because my stomach hadn't handled food for such a long time. And

now eating so much food, and such fatty foods, was just too much. And Hannah gavethe injection from

stoppingto conceive, with the circumstances of the rape making the chance of a pregnancy unlikely, to

begin with. But | couldn't tell David any of that.

“I am sure is not pregnant, and | can tell you why” Jason's statement felt like someone pouring a bucket of ice

over me.
