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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 385
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160 Ayla

Griffin had seemed distracted most of the day. But who could blhim, we both unexpectedly had to work

today. So we could hopefully becpregnant in a matter of days. Still, | had to tell him about my plans for

Cynthia. We tried not to talk business during dinner but with all we had ahead of us. | figured this would be a

good tto make an exception. During cooking, | had already told him all about our plans for the party, and

how | had arranged for my family to cover. He grinned at that last bit of information, and it was nice to know

he was excited to see my family too.

“Griff, I think I finally know what | want to do with Cynthia and her punishment,” | told him.

Causing him to look up and smile at me, urgingto continue.

“I think her punishment has been enough now with being locked up for so long. Maybe we can release her in

honor ofjoining the pack. officially. | kinda like my first act as an official member of the royal family to be

something about rejoining families, have her join the party” | told him fully expecting him to be on board.

As far as | know, up until now he never had an issue with Cynthia or her father. But as he answeredhe was

full do doubt.



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“I like that idea but maybe we should wait until after you are officially at member of the pack. Release her after

the party, like the next day?” He toldbut he didn’t really offer a reason as to why.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

So after a little back and forth he agreed to start her release first thing in the morning.

We had agreed to not make love until the heat. The more we would, the sooner | would go into heat. And we

needed to make sure we could get through tomorrow withoutbeing in heat. With how busy we were going to

be tomorrow chances are we will fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. For now, though that simmering

arousal was very evident. The only thing that could fully keep my focus away from everything else was to read.

Griffin decided to gonline with his human friends for a while.

He had told them a little bit aboutbeing sick after having to deal with my stalker ex. The guys made plans to

meet each other and bring partners too. Now all of them wantedto wear Griff’s headphones so they could all

sendtheir well wishes. Other than that it remindedof the first nights we spent here. Him gaming, |

reading all while being cautious not to touch each other too much. It was a nice reminder both of how far we

have gotten and of how good we have been from the beginning. Even if | couldn't see it back then.




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As he did every morning Griffin slipped out of bed when my alarm went off. And as | snoozed he made us our

coffees in bed. It would be the last twe would see each other probably right up until the party. | had a little

more free time, but Griffin had toldhe was swamped. Again not surprising but a little said. It at least gave

it was just a cocktail party insinuated that people would just have a suitable outfit in their closet. Most would

have, because as social creates, every wolf has a few party clothes in their clothes.

The problem was that | stopped being a sociable wolf two years ago and had not gotten a lot of party dresses

since that moment. | was considering asking Jessa and Krystel to cover and help me. But it had been hard

to reach Jessa. Krystel on the other hand pressureda little into getting all the work done | needed to do.

By the t| was done with everything, there was only one hour left. | was a bit annoyed and how everyone

seemed to want something from. me. | was pulled in every direction and it made my day a lot longer than it

needed to be. The moment | walked into our bedroom my annoyance. disappeared. Laid out on the bed was a

gorgeous dusty blue cocktail dress with a ruffled skirt, off-the-shoulder sleeves and gold embroidery.


| know you hardly had the time, to pick out an outfit. Just as | know you love matching with me. So here is a little

welcto the pack gift from me. I love you with all my heart, and | cannot wait to take this next step



160 Ayla


Your Griffin”

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| placed the note attached to the dress in my nightstand drawer and went to go for a quick shower. Even the

warm water falling on my skin madefeel aroused. | needed to get this night over with. As much as | was

looking forward to it. The symptoms of the heat were getting more and more persistent.

Tto get this show on the road as soon as | get out of the shower, | start doing my hair and applying my

make-up. Dressed in just a robe, so maybe it was good Griffin was so busy he had gotten ready in his office. in

between meetings. Because he would be affected by my heat too and- most likely good not keep his hands off

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Not that the dress would make it any better, because when I pulled it on | felt sexy. It was stunning on me, regal-

looking, elegant, and still it madefeel sexy. After a final look in the mirror, | was just about ready to head out

and find my family. Because of how busy | had been I did not even have the tto meet them. But just as | took

the handle to, the door in my hand there was a knock.

Dad was waiting foron the other side of the door with a huge smile on his face.

“Griffin is a good man, honey, you look beautiful,” he told me.



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He probably didn’t mean it like that, but he made it sound like he knew Griffin gotthe dress.

“Your mother and the rest of the family are waiting for you in the ballroom. But Griffin letknow he was too

busy to accompany you to the ballroom. So | figured | would keep my oldest daughter a bit of company” It was a

sweet gesture, and no matter how grown | was now, still was a bit of a daddy's girl so | eagerly took the arm he

offered me.


Dad on the other hand seemed to be a bit emotional. Maybe it was the fact that | would definitively move to

another pack now. Or perhaps it was because of all | have been through, at spoint he must have been

scared this moment would never come. Because when | asked him about. it he said it was nothing. Rushing to

talk about easier more casual. subjects until we reached the ballroom where | was stunned at what |

