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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 389
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164 Ayla

It turns out most of the Blood Moon pack members, including Alpha Philip suspected David and | were mates.

This pull between young wolves when they are mates growing up in the spack is fairly common. It’s always

just a close friendship, sweet and wholesome. Looking back Alpha Philip must have known because at first, David

wasn’t happy about needing to befriend me. Only to grow to love spending twith me. Wanting to see me

every free moment, and telling them he was going over towithout them asking him to do so. As the pack’s

leaders, and with that knowing a lot about our heritage, culture, etc. Both Alpha Philip and his mate knew the

chances of us being mates were high. Especially since David would never pay much attention to other She-

wolves during events.

Something his dad, would have wanted him to do. Already preparing to find a chosen mate if his fated mate was

not “up to standard”. It was why Hannah would always be jealous of me, maybe she realized that the chances of

her being the fated mate of the wolf she was in love with were small. It was also during one of these events Dad

overheard Alpha Philip tell his Beta. Hannah and Jason's father.

“I am so sorry, Sweetheart | feel like | could have prevented this all from happening. | feel like | failed you

because | did not. Back then | wanted. to believe that your fated mate would be perfect for you like your mom is

for me.” He swallows again visibly upset.



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But it was not his fault, | hate all that had happened to me. Still, | feel like it had to happen to me. It ended up

leadingto Griff, the fated mate my parents wantedto have. The fated mate that was perfect for me, and

who madejust as happy as my parents make each other. So | prompt Dad to just tell me, reassuring him he

isn’t the one to blame, That there was nothing he could have done this from happening to me.

“Besides, Dad, it all turned out okay. | needed to go through this to understand what | am capable of. And what |

need from my mate, and | found that fated mate who is more than perfect for me” Griffin pullscloser to him,

causing my cheeks to flush with the upcoming heat. And Dad just smiled atbefore continuing:

“I overheard Philip talk about how he never wanted a runt like you to be his son’s fated mate. He was unsure if

he would allow it though because you were a pretty thing coming from a strong Alpha bloodline. He just wanted

to find out how high the chances of his grandchildren being small too were. And as if that wasn’t enough, he

then said that he would never allow you and David to marry. Mated or not he would never agree to his son to

indulge in dumb human traditions” Even withtelling him he wasn’t the one to blame, Dad still looked

crushed remembering

that conversation.

| had always been very honest about wanting to marry because it was a tradition in my family. As | have always

been very honest and vocal about being proud of my human heritage, and the humans | considered family.

Having lived as a human for years caused her to have shuman friends. People who were there for her

through thick and thin, helping her when her life was falling apart. Accepting her and Grandpa



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for who they were. My father was named after her best friend and former co-worker Jay. | grew up visiting Uncle

Jay his husband, their daughter, and grandchildren and | always loved them.

Both my parents knew about my dreams for the future, now | know they knew about Griffin proposing to me. Dad

must have been emotional to find out that in the end, | did get the dream life, | wanted as a little girl. Something

none of us dared to hope for anymore. Not to mention that during the kidnapping | had to survive. It was the only

thing on my


to survive to get back to Griffin, my family, and my pack. Almost everything I did was with that on my mind. It

never had been much, but | was able to do something to get out of that situation. While all my family could do

was wait and hope to find a clue to getback. He never said the words out loud but he must have feared he

was going to lose his oldest daughter. Then he tried to save the pack | dreamed of saving only to find out he


This night was supposed to be aboutand Griffin. About our love and the future we would shape with that

love. None of that would have happened without the support of my family/our families though. And so | am

happy to spend this twith mine. Reassuring them, letting them know that they have nothing to worry about

anymore. Griffin being so happy to spend twith them too. Makeslove him more, and it leaves me

wondering if | will ever reach the height of our love. If there will ever be a moment where | do not love him more.

Because so often | realize that | actually love him more than | did before.


“Everyone, | want to thank you for supportingand your Princess like

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you have. Not only welcoming my mate into our pack with open arms. But celebrating with us too. You all can

continue the festivities for as long as you want. However, my mate and | are tired and we are going to retire to

our room for the night.” Griffin's last speech is not only met. with thundering applause but with chuckles and

wolf whistles too.

Unsurprisingly because we had to let the pack know what the rush was, aboutjoining the pack tonight.

Leaders going through heat is always announced, as it is a big deal for the wolf community. Not to mention. the

fact of us not coming out of our chambers for three or four days would be a dead giveaway. Every adult wolf in

here knows why we are retiring from our own party early. By the twe wake up tomorrow, there will be a pile

of gifts and talismans waiting for us just outside our


It would just be plain weird that we are going to our room to mate for hours and hours on end. Because | am

barely holding on anymore. It has gotten to the point where | feel dizzy. Being in heat makes a she-wolf-

vulnerable as her hormones and instincts take over everything. Even Griff's hand on my lower back to guide me

out of the ballroom is settingablaze right now. With Griffin though | feel safe being this vulnerable, certain he

will take care ofand keepsafe until we reach our chambers. Where he can then take care oflike he

promised he would earlier this night when he broughtthe plate of food.

Even when he tellsit would be wise forto take an ice-cold shower, a way to temporarily stop the heat

symptoms. Something you would usually do when you can’t or do not want to act on the heat I trust him. He

would never plan onriding out this heat by taking cold