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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 399
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What was supposed to be a wonderful day, our last hurrah before needing to go back to business as usual was

cut short. Deep down | knew it was just a minor inconvenience that both of us were aware might happen. Still, it

annoyed me, | was having such a good time. meeting my gamer friends. Qr well sof them with Ayla. | loved’

how she was able to charm every important wolf at royal events. And now she was just as charming with my

human friends. So to leave early, just because we still needed to deal with all the shit David and Hannah

caused for us.

I understand why Ayla wants to see her now before, the trial. The Council of Elders already was a little agitated

that Ayla went into heat before the trial. They realized it was not something we could control. And they

understood the emotional toll and risks in, proceeding with the trial when Ayla was in heat. So they begrudgingly

told us to contact them when the heat was over. We did, so that all worked in our favor, Ayla being prepared, and

having her statement ready. Having a clear idea about her punishment, and even having it written out.

Still, most of Hannah's statements and explanations anger me. Especially the one about pack leaders needing to

be happy first in order to lead the pack. | was biting my tongue because | was afraid | would not be able to

control myself. Luckily | didn’t need to because my wonderful, witty, poised mate handled it. Holding my hand in

silent support.



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Last night Ayla seemed so on top of it, tellingshe wouldn't be nervous if | was there with her. But when she

woke up she was a ball of nerves, so | did everything | could do to make her feel less nervous. Luckily pack

breakfast helped too and | loved discussing the future and talking about our pups with our pack members. To the

extent that we almost forgot to pick up Ayla’s parents and the Council of Elders would be arriving. The timing of

them both arriving at the exact stwasn’t ideal either. But we found a solution and | wasn’t about to give

Ayla more stress by freaking out over little things like that.

Not long after | walked the council to the meeting room, Ayla joined us. It made sense that her parents wouldn't

keep her occupied for too long. They knew the importance of impressing the Council of Elders. Ayla taking too

long to cout to meet the Council of Elders would be seen, as a sign of disrespect.

The Council of Elders is fair and just but they just hold a lot of importance to traditions and being respected.

Especially by members of the royal family, because while we rule the country. Their job is equally as important,

they are the ones who execute punishments that transcend more than one pack. If we as members of the royal

family do not show the Council enough respect it could very well affect their standing with all the other packs.

Ayla did not have a lot of interaction with them yet. With everything that happened my parents and | did most of

the communication with them. A lot of the contact started in the moment when she was still



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kidnapped and was unable to contact them at that time. When she walks. in | see she has slipped on a blazer

over her outfit. She toldshe would if the Council would want to go to trial right away. Something made her

reconsider, knowing my beautiful mate it must have been her nerves and wanting to make a good impression. .

She does not show it to, her back is straight when she walks in with a soft smile on her face. She keeps her eyes

trained on me, | know it is because it helps her feel less nervous so | shoot her a quick wink. It is all | can do now

to make sure she knows | am here to support her.

“Please, excusefor not being able to greet you upon arrival. | had other guests | needed to welcome. My

parents to be exact so | hope for your understanding of the importance of greeting my parents”, Ayla explains

her short absence without being asked curtsying to the Council members as she does.

Mom looks like she is as proud and as amazed by how poised she is, by how much she knows with the little

training she has as | am. Dad almost looks smug, like he wants to tell the Elders, see that is my daughter-in-law.

“Your absence is excused Princess Ayla, now let's proceed with this meeting so we can set things into motion”

One of the Elders acknowledges Ayla.

Now we all sit down, | take her hand in mine. The good thing about being in a meeting with only other wolves is

that they understand the

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importance of mates. And the comfort physical touch brings us. | have been in meetings with the human rulers

where they would raise an eyebrow every tmy parents would share a small touch,


By the twe have gone over all the plans and how we are going to arrange the trial it’s not so it is closer to

lunchtthan we expected. Taking that into consideration and the fact that Hannah still hadn’t found anyone to

represent her in this trial. We decided on just having the welcome-to-the-pack lunch my mom and Ayla had

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planned. After the Council of Elders will meet up with Hannah to give her one last chance. to find representation

if she is unable to. The council will provide her

with one.

It’s important to always have representation, like what a lawyer would be to the humans. If you are unable to

find one on your own the council always helps. But finding your own is always the better option. Secretly | hope

Hannah is unable to find her own representation. | know there is. no way she is going to get away with

everything she has done without consequences. And the Crown Prince inrealizes how critical it is for this trial

to be fair. The victim in this, the wolf whose mate was kidnapped and tortured | wanted her to get the most

severe punishment. possible.

Whatever would happen the trial would start tomorrow at 10 AM exactly 24 hours after the Council of Elders

arrived. Giving us a little more tto prepare, now all | need is an excuse to slip away from Ayla. So | can set

things up without her knowing what | am about to do. As



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much as she tries to be strong | can see she is nervous about all of this. And | feel that if | can do this one thing

for her. It will make her so much more prepared to go into trial, maybe it’s not totally appropriate but caring for

my mate will always be my number one priority. All | need is for the others to go along with the plan no matter

what the Council members might think about it.

“Ayla, can you cto my office withfor a second?” Mom asks unknowingly givingthe perfect excuse to

slip away as | offer to bring the council members to their rooms.
