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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 103
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103 Griffin

By the time I finally could go to bed, I was exhausted, and I still didn’t have an appetite.

Desperately wanting to feel closer to Ayla I decided to just go to sleep in the bed that still

vaguely smells of her. When I find one of my shirts she wore to bed the last night we were

together under her pillows I slip into it. Normally I would sleep tople ss but, having her

scent envelop me is the most calming thing for me at this moment. I allow myself to close

my eyes and imagine she is peacefully sleeping next to me. I know this will alone cause

me more pain in the morning. But for now, I let it lull me into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning I woke up after a fitful sleep. Wearing a shirt that smelled of her helped

me fall asleep peacefully. However, I should have known that it would never be enough to

actually have a peaceful night. Even my subconscious misses the feeling of her in my

arms when I am sleeping. I needed to get up though, we would travel to the White Oak

pack shortly. After the announcement on the website, I let the pack know we were still

actively searching for their Princess.

And after yesterday’s hiccup, we now truly had the support of the entire pack and it meant

the world to me. Not only because it would make my life, and my mission to get the love

of my life back to me so much easier. No, I wanted Ayla to have a warm, loving pack. That

missed her, that believed her and fought for her to go home too. Being without our mates

even without having completed the process was painful for any wolf. We had always

managed to take the edge off with texting every day. Making sure we were surrounded by

each other’s scent. I highly doubt David would allow her any of those.

That’s the dark place my mind keeps going back to. Trying to imagine

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what he is doing to her. How he is trying to break her because I know from my own

experience just how strong she is. And just how stubborn she is, she will keep fighting him

if not physically she will fight him men tally. I wish I could tell her to just go along with

everything he is coming up with. That I would never blame her for acting like she prefers

him over me. I know it is not true but, if that is what is going to keep her safe she should

do it. Just hold out long enough for me to come and save her. Sadly I cannot reach her and

she will be too stubborn, she loves me too much to speak badly about me.

With a body that feels like it’s been run over by a tow truck, I shuffle towards the

bathroom. Hoping that a hot shower will release some of the tension in my body. I feel like

I have to be ready for anything, every second of the day now. So my body has been

tensed up ever since reading that letter. Ready to pounce on whoever I need to pounce

on. And it made my muscles sore, of course, the lack of nutrition doesn’t help either. But

how could I be stuffing my face when I am not sure that Ayla even gets to eat anything?

When I walk out of the shower Mom is waiting for me, a plate of scrambled eggs with

bacon sits on my dining room table next to a mug of coffee.

“Honey, I know you don’t want to but you need to eat something. The only way we are

getting your mate back is by keeping our strengths up. You know Ayla would never want

you to starve yourself” She adds the last words in a gentler tone.

She is right, I can practically hear Ayla scold me for not taking care of myself. It feels like

nobody gets it though. Nobody seems to understand how much the simplest things like

eating or even breathing feel without her. No one in my family or pack has ever been

through something like this. So there is nobody here I can talk to.

“I know Mom, I just miss her so much that it hurts me” I can barely hold in my so bs.


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Suddenly Mom’s arms are around me, it feels so comforting. Like it did when I was a little

pup crying over a scraped knee or a missing toy. Only now I was an adult, set to take over

the throne in a few years. And now it was my heart that was hurting and I lost my mate,

not my favorite toy. So Mom’s hugs could only go so far. Still, it comforted me enough to

attempt to eat breakfast. My mouth felt dry, and my throat was swollen. I had trouble with

every bite I swallowed down. Feeling like the bit of fluffy eggs got lodged in my throat.


Two hours later I sat in the royal jet, heading towards the White Oak pack once more. Next

to me was an empty chair, the chair where Ayla should have been seated. I should be

flying to the White Oak pack not because I needed to find out what happened to her. No,

we needed to be going there together to visit her family. Maybe even to go over to bring

them some good news.

Still, I was glad to be out of the castle, looking for hints here would feel so much better

than just sitting at home. Staring at words or images on a computer screen to try and get

more information. After landing we would go straight to the packhouse to speak with

Alpha Cedric and the rest of his family, he was heartbroken about the news too. But as the

Alpha, he couldn’t just come over to the castle and leave the pack without a leader. More

so because the kidnapping had taken place on his packground. Indicating a breach of

security, something he had to look into. Both to keep the rest of the pack safe and to see

if there are any hints to find out what happened to Ayla.


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After we arrived we did as we planned, we spoke to Alpha Cedric and he had some news

for us. Since it had been peace among the neighboring packs for so long there wasn’t any

security around the borders of the pack apart from the guards station at the entrance.

With the party and how well-loved Ayla was in this pack. almost everyone


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had attended the party so security was at an all-time low.

Some of the security cameras on the property had managed to capture three unknown

wolves. He had also been able to track most of Ayla’s route home, not all of it as the

security cameras where put into place to protect the heart of the pack better. And to

possibly form evidence if there ever was a fight between pack members.

It was better than nothing though because it meant there was a set path Ayla had taken to

her home. With our combined force we would research every inch of said path to look for

traces or hints of what had happened to her. Agreeing with the rest of us that the

BloodMoon pack had to be involved. David more specifically, Cedric asked everyone to

look at the wolves on the camera. Hopefully one of the former BloodMoon members could

confirm who it was. The council had already agreed with us that we had more than enough

evidence to act on our suspicions that it was David who kidnapped my mate.

So we didn’t need to know who kidnapped her to be able to act upon it. It was still

valuable information. We could maybe use it to put some pressure on the kidnapper

hoping they would crumble underneath the weight of it. Confessing and pointing us out to

Ayla in return for a lesser sentence.

Upon seeing the security camera footage both Jessa and Dan jumped up stating they

knew who the wolf on the screen was. But I noticed something else as I closely monitored

the videos for any lead that could bring Ayla back to me.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!