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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 122
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122 Ayla

With how weak I was, I couldn’t do much, still I managed to get the bedding off the bed. It

left me breathless, and I just slumped down on the mess of dirty linen resting against the

side of the bed.

“What the hell do you think you are doing” David snarled at me.

I was trembling with how much this took out of me. Still, I felt the need to scream at him.

A need I repressed because I needed to make him believe I was doing this for him, for us.

“We can’t go on like this anymore, David, I wanted to change and make the bed for you.

But with how little I have been eating, I hardly have the energy.” I told him, sticking as

close to the truth as I could be, without angering him more.

“Well, whose fault is it, you haven’t been getting more food?” He snarled again, not

waiting for the answers.

Still, his tone softened somewhat when he told me he was glad I was coming to my

senses. Ordering me to have it done before he was coming back to bed.

And I managed too, with all the breaks I required it took me the entire evening. But by the

time David got into bed, the bedding was clean, and the bed was made. David didn’t say

anything, but he grunted appreciatively before going to sleep. As soon as his breathing

showed me he was actually sleeping, I let myself get some sleep too.

“She made the bed, see I told you this would be working, I might let her sleep in the bed

with me again tonight” David’s booming voice

122 Ayla

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woke me up.

Hannah must be here with breakfast, I couldn’t move, all the effort it took me to chance

the bed. Hoping it would earn me some breakfast, but no. He wanted me to sleep with

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

him, of course he did, how could I have been so naive. Of course, he would choose the

reward that fitted him the best.

“Well I am happy for you but think about it David, there is still a lot to clean around here,

this place is getting filthy.” Hannah pointed out.

Sh it, even if it meant sleeping in the bed with him, which I absolutely despised, it would

mean I was on the right track. In the end, the reward would consist of being fed more. And

I was at the point that I would do anything to regain some of my strength. The feeling of

Griffin being closer to me hadn’t left me all night. It was the same feeling I always had

when I reach Silver Creek as soon as I would drive on the pack ground. There was this

feeling of coming home. And it was that feeling that still lingered with me now.

“I am well aware, but I am still and Alpha, I am still your Alpha. So what do you expect me

to do about it” David seemed more on edge ever since last night than he had been for the

entire period he had been here.

“Give her food, let her clean more, give her more food. Sleeping in the same bed as you

seems like too big of a reward right away, don’t you think?” Hannah asked, leaving me to

wonder if she was so jealous of me she didn’t want me in the bed with the wolf she so

obviously loved. If she was pitying me, or if she simply had a modicum of logic left in that

otherwise vapid brain of hers,

Not that it mattered because David agreed with her logic and seconds after he did I heard

her footsteps coming towards my nest.

“Guess you earned yourself some breakfast” Hannah scoffed like she

122 Ayla

was unhappy with it, when I knew she was the one suggesting it.

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So I just nodded, and scoffed down the hash browns, and breakfast burritos Hannah

placed in front of me. It was an odd combination to say the least. And like all of David’s

favorite take-away foods, it was dripping with grease. Suddenly I realized ever since the

night that David acted too weird as I felt Griffin closer to us. Something definitely was

going on, and I was too tired to make sense of it.

All I did know was that it was Griff’s doing because he was coming for me. Because the

man I did not trust enough before. Was the one person I should have never doubted. He

must have felt David raping me, and he didn’t leave me for it. No he was here again, for

the rest of my life I would show him how much I loved him. And how much I regretted

being such a bi tch to him for the first few weeks.

Strangely enough, scoffing down this greasy burrito, the first real meal I had gotten in a

week, was showing Griffin how much I loved him too. That was what I kept telling myself

as I ignored the nausea. The clenching of my stomach that wasn’t used to food anymore,

and now had to deal with this heap of fat. But I managed to keep it down. And as soon as I

was done eating, I curled around to a small ball on my bedding.

Hoping and praying, I would be able to keep the food down. As soon as I was feeling

better, I would have to do more chores around the house to earn myself a lunch. As much

as I hated doing anything for David, as much as I hated giving him the idea he was getting

through to me. Finally being able to do something, being back to plotting my escape, gave

me a sense of purpose.

It couldn’t have been more than an hour before I was startled awake, because David was

hissing in my ear.


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“Did you call for them, why are they here with so many of them” He scream-whispered

only adding to my confusion.

When I finally became aware of my surroundings, I noticed it too. The fact that there were

wolves in the forest. And not just some wolves, there were a lot of them. From what I could

sense, some of them were from the BloodMoon pack, but others were from the Silver

Moon Pack. Were they fighting, had Griffin with an army found our location only to be

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

ambushed by t only to be ambushed by the BloodMoon warriors? Or was something else

going on?

With us being several feet underground and the wolves seemingly not directly above us,

the sounds were very muted. But it didn’t sound like they were fighting. I would almost

say there was some sort of

comradery going on. But then again, it was hard to hear what exactly was going on.

“What the hell did you do you bi tch” David was now full on screaming, shaking my by the


“STOP, PLEASE JUST STOP” I screamed on the top of my lungs, not because I was scared of


No because I hoped that one of the wolves outside would hear it. That one of the Silver

Moon pack members heard the screaming, recognized my voice and alert Griffin.

“I haven’t done anything, I was down here weak and miserable because you made me” I

answered, still screaming so loudly it left me a bit out

of breath.

And then, just as, David threw me back on my nest with an

exasperated sigh. A shadow fell over the both of us. As a silhouette of a wolf was standing

directly on the sunroof.

Was this it, did Griffin and our pack finally find me. I wanted to




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scream, shout, anything to draw the attention of the wolf directly above me. But David

clamped his hand on my mouth and nose and pushed me back to the ground with so

much force my weakened body could not fight him off. So I just laid there, eyes glued to

the shadow that could very well be my savior.


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!