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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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123 Griffin

I knew we had to be close, I sensed her, but I could not feel what side it was coming from.

We combed through every inch of the forest, but we didn’t find any building where they

could be hiding. No, new pack forming, the most logical thing for them to do was to move

to another territory, an unclaimed one. And build their new pack there, or their leftover

pack for that matter. But for some reason, they hadn’t there was no way I could still sense

Ayla this strongly if she wasn’t here anymore. For a moment, my heart fell to the floor

when I noticed the shallow grave at the foot of the three I had marked. The fear he had

killed her ever since I had been close, that the photo was her last goodbye had gripped

my heart.

“Prince Griffin, it does not work like that you would know if your mate dies, you know that

right!” Rob, the warrior I met the other night, had asked to be in the group with me and

now calmed me down.

Talking to him had been somewhat useful, he wasn’t sure of anything. However, he

seemed to be one of the first Pack members who saw something was off with David. When

his parents died, Rob was the first one to suspect David was involved he still was, same

with David’s sister going missing. Rob and his mate had been wanting out years ago. Rob

being a warrior though caused Alpha Philip to forbid him to move packs. He couldn’t risk

becoming a rogue not with a mate and two teenage children.

Even now that Jay was leading the BloodMoon pack, it was clear how much the pack was

damaged. There was no telling if we could bring the pack back to how it was supposed to

be. But the threat of someone so unstable, someone worse than the Alpha who brought an

entire pack. to the brink of ruin. A wolf capable of killing his family to get what he wants.

Having kidnapped my sweet, gentle mate worried me more than


123 Gon

288 Vouchers.

before. So every second I was coming up empty-handed, I felt more. and more desperate.

Hopelessness had settled in my chest like it was there to stay.

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Not that I was about to give up, neither of us was. Still, for now, we had to retreat. We had

been at it for four hours now, and we didn’t find anything. Chances that we wouldn’t find

anything new were very high. We were however at risk of being discovered by David and

his pack.

The marked tree had already served as a reminder to him, it was an action I already

regretted now. Yesterday I was arrogant, thinking I would find her today. Not caring if

David noticed how close I was or not. Only now did I consider he could lash out and hurt

Ayla. But what’s done is done. There was no way back anyway, so there was only one

thing left for me to do. Make sure I found her as quickly as possible, and that meant I

could not lose my cool. I could not stress out now, and I was about to. So when everyone

said we should go back to the pack home, I reluctantly agreed.

We said we would rest for about an hour or two, just to shower, eat and nap. After those

two hours, we would meet up and discuss a new plan. There had to be something we were

missing. Maybe a break and or a fresh set of eyes would do the trick. All I did in those two

hours was toss and turn in bed. Waking up so early after not getting a lot of rest the night

before left me tired and a bit drowsy. As soon as I stepped into my bed, anxiety drove

away my sleepiness.


“You look rough, son, you need to rest, stay strong for her” Jay warned me as I walked into

his office.

It was the same thing everyone had been telling me ever since she went missing. Like I

was not taking care of myself on purpose. When it was never like that, I just couldn’t rest.

My mind kept racing about her, and my body kept aching for her.


200 Mouchers

“I know Jay, but that is easier said than done with how much I am missing her” Jay’s gaze

softened as soon as I told him what was bothering me,

I did not want to waste too much time, so I asked Jay what he thought we were missing.

We could estimate how old the picture was, or how long ago Ayla had left it. That couldn’t

have been more than a week for the scent to be so strong. We needed a way to drive

David out, to make him show himself. The problem was that he was so me ntally unstable

that there was no telling how he would react to whatever we were planning. None of us

wanted to risk Ayla even more, all of us were very aware of the fact that we were already

putting her at risk, if only for a bit.

“Well, if we cannot lure him out, we need to keep looking. There must be something we

are missing” Jay thought out loud.

He was right, but David had no ties left to this pack. When given the chance, nobody had

left to join David’s pack. Of course, that could still very well be because they did not want

to give his whereabouts away. Still, there was no sign of anyone not being loyal to Jay now.

Not a single pack member had seemed shifty or extremely nervous when I spoke to them.

All of them had been a little nervous, like Rob freaking

out the a night when he bumped into me. It was the fear that was pushed onto these

wolves, the fear that leaders could punish you for even the smallest, little mistake. That

was trauma, not the nerves one would get when you are trying to hide something from a

higher-ranking wolf.

Jay and I just sat there in silence, unsure of what to do next, when there was a knock at

the door. Since I was closer to the door, I stood up to open it. When I did, I stood face to

face with a sweet-looking girl who was fidgeting with the hem of her sleeves. And an adult

wolf behind her looks like the mirror image of the girl with a few more years on her.


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“I am sorry to bother you, Prince Alpha, I am Marianne, Rob’s mate” The woman was

almost as nervous as the girl who must have been about fourteen years old.

“Ah. Marianne, I hope you did not give your mate a hard time after I kept him too long?” I

smiled at her, no matter the stress I was under I would always be a kind and

understanding leader and these wolves needed it more than anyone I ever met.

“No, how could I after the voice you sent” she chuckled, clearing thinking back about the

voice I had sent with Rob’s phone made her feel a little more at case.

“I am just here to invite you to dinner at my home in an hour, Lizzy here thinks she might

have some news about David. But she has been scared to talk to you” Marianne’s words

were enforced by Lizzy’s trembling lip.

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Anger swirled in my chest, how could so-called leaders of the pack put so much fear into

young and innocent children? I wholeheartedly believed in the fact that as leaders, you

were like the parents to your pack. All we needed to do was to guide and love them.

Swallowing down my anger, so as to not frighten the teenager more, I looked at


“It’s very brave of you to come forward now Lizzy, and you know what I like your Dad a

whole lot. So it would be a pleasure to have dinner over at your house regardless, okay?” I

told her, and it wasn’t a lie if Rob still wanted to leave the Blood Moon Pack’s memories

behind. after all of this I could use another warrior, and he would be welcome. to be a

royal guard.

Lizzy nodded at me, a smile cracking through her pale and nervous. face as she said her

goodbyes. They were going home to prepare dinner and I would be there in an hour. Once

the door was closed, I turned to Jay to wrap up our meeting, and I was surprised to see

him smiling at

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123 Griffin


288 Vouchers

“You are a good Prince Griffin and you will make a da mn good King, that is why my

daughter loves you. And that is why I believe the Moon Goddess will reunite the two of

you. Because the kingdom needs you, the two of you” He stated before dismissing me to

get ready for my dinner.

And I did, clinging on to the hope that Jay was right, and to the hope that whatever Lizzy

knew would actually be useful.


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!