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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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140 Griffin

We had moved Ayla to the Silver Moon pack’s hospital. Partly because the BloodMoon pack

no longer existed. Partly because, unlike the Blood Moon pack had, we have been thriving.

So we have more staff and a better-equipped hospital. When I first brought Ayla here, I

had hoped it would mean she would recover quickly.

Maybe I wanted too much too soon, after all, it has only been two days. since we have

been back at the Silver Moon pack. The reason Mom had called us in was because Ayla

had twitched when she was reading to her. It had given my mom hope, she was waking


And it still could be the case. Tessie told us that she would have to show more signs of

being responsive in the next few days. If she did. not, that would mean she had slipped

too far into the coma. And it would mean we would have to consider taking her off life

support at the end of the week.

“I feel like you should be the one to make the decision, Griff, not to unload something like

this onto you. She wanted to complete the mating process and it would have made you

the next of kin. Not use ast parents and I pray to the Moon Goddess, that it does not come

to it. But if it does, I want to honor her wishes and have her mate be the one who decides”

She had added, and I could only nod because she was right.

It was not a decision I would make lightly and like my mother-in-law, I prayed to the Moon

Goddess every day that she would help Ayla pull through. But if she wouldn’t, I would want

to do the last things that a mate can do before losing the love of his life.

I already regretted not being able to bring her home to our chambers.



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With all the life support she needed to be on, it was impossible to have her sleep in a

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regular bed. And me climbing into bed with her, twisting and turning as I was sleeping.

Meant a risk, I pulled out one of the threads keeping her alive. Tessie, however, had been

very clear about the importance of keeping track of Ayla’s movements and twitches to see

if she was waking up.

So I got myself a notebook, I had Ayla put in a private room and I did. not leave her side.

Not even allowing me a full sleep, all I would allow myself were little catnaps when others

were visiting her. Because my wonderful mate had clearly made a lasting impression on

our pack. Every day. pack members came by bringing flowers and gifts. Several people

had asked if they could read to their Princess, hoping it would help her wake up. And of

course that was just the pack members. Our family and closest friends were coming over

more often.

Krystel was determined to believe that her sister-in-law, new friend, and her future Queen

would come back to us. Had started on her Beta duties, compiling files of what Ayla

needed to learn, and making shopping lists so that Ayla would have everything she

needed in her office. She would come over at nine in the morning every weekday. Going

over the tasks she had performed for Ayla. She started this when Ayla was still in the

BloodMoon pack’s hospital. And she kept up with it now that Ayla was home. Today was

Friday again, and Krystel said her weekly goodbye.

“Well, that was a productive week, although I could have done more with your help. But I

will leave you be for now I know you and Griff like to have your weekend off” Only this

time Ayla seemed to smile.

I rushed to get the notebook and wrote down the date, exactly what had happened, and

the reaction I saw in Ayla. Even Krystel agreed that it had seemed like Ayla smiled at her.

“See, I know her she would want me to keep busy to make sure she can be the best Alpha

and Queen to the pack she can be” Krystel had


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beamed before leaving me alone again.

“Come on, Darling, smile for me too. I miss that smile of you so da mn. much. I remember

the first time you genuinely smiled at me. It was when you bit into the snickerdoodle that

made you give me a chance. Maybe I should have told you that before but it was the best

moment in my life. Seeing you smile after agreeing you would give me a chance” I

pleaded with her, holding her hand in mine.

The memory made me think, perhaps I could bake some Snickerdoodle cookies for her.

Tessie explained scents can trigger a person in a coma too. Ever since that first time. I

would so often make her Snickerdoodle cookies. On occasion, I had sent couriers to bring

them to her the same day I baked them. It always seemed to make her happy. But making

the Snickerdoodle cookies would mean leaving her for at least an hour. Something I still

did not feel comfortable with.

Suddenly I sensed Dillion, who was coming over unannounced and without any schedule

or reason for it. Yet he was the one who came over to visit her most often, sometimes just

staying for five minutes. I had asked him about it once, only to find out he had some

rhyme and reason for his visits. After he first visited the BloodMoon pack he had told me

about Ayla, stating he would like her as his Luna and Queen.

They had formed an instant connection, to the point where it made me jealous before I

was secure in my relationship with Ayla. Ayla had described it as a platonic love at first

sight. Like she knew, Dillion was destined to be a close friend. True to his chaotic nature,

Dillion would. always pop over when Ayla was at the castle. Sometimes to go out and do

something, to discuss something serious with her. Other times to just showed the new

jeans he had just bought or brought her a coffee just showed the new jeans he had ju and

donut since he had been on a coffee run. Where he would give

her, the treats he got her, and would go on about his busy day.

So when he told me the reasons for his erratic visits, I finally understood how much they

loved each other.


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“She will come back to us, and I don’t want our friendship to chance. She hates being

pitied, so every time I would have visited her if she was still healthy. I visit her now. That is

why I still bring her coffee and donuts, even if I know she cannot have them now. Or show

her my new shirt, when she cannot tell me how good I look in it. Because one day she will

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wake up and thank me for the coffee. One day, she will look at me and tell me the shirt

brings out the color of my eyes.”

He had nodded, not to make anything clear to me. He nodded to hide the tears forming in

his eyes. His nod was to confirm to himself that he was right that his Fire Cra cker would

come back to us.

“Da mn. Grill you are reek, are you not bathing?” He asked as soon as he walked into the


He was probably right, with not leaving this chamber I would wash myself with hand soap

and paper towels before changing in the fresh clothes Gerald would bring me every


“Well there is only so much I can do with this bathroom sink” I shrugged at him, thinking

he would understand me and leave it be.

But of course, Dillion didn’t, he told me to go home to shower, and have a longer nap,

promising he would stay with Ayla. Write down. every single movement and not take his

eyes off her.

“I cannot leave her, Dillion, you know I can’t,” I told him, ready for this conversation to be


“Firecracker, please tell your man to go shower. I mean, it would be bad enough for a

human, but with our wolf scent, my eyes are watering. Please squeeze his hand if you

want him to shower and sleep?” He asked Ayla and just as I was about to snap at him that

it wasn’t that bad.

I felt her squeeze my hand, and it felt like the entire world came to a


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standstill. This has been the most obvious response to anything ever since we found her

“Did I see that correctly?” Dillion whispered in shock at the possibility that his pleading

had helped.

“Please Darling, can you squeeze me once more if you do I promise I will shower, sleep,

and then I will bake you your favorite?” I begged her, her hand twitched, and then….

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!