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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1128 Hush Money
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Zhao Li Xin never drank a drink that could burst inside his mouth and a fizzy air from the drink went up his nose, Zhao Li Xin reflexively covered half of his face as he begin to cough.

Lory stood up and then rushed to Zhao Li Xin's side while rubbing his back she laughed even though she also felt sorry for him.

[Are you okay? is that too much for you?] Lory tried to hold back his laughter but failed after all she had never seen the 'ever-stoic Lord' cough until his eyes turned misty red.

After a while he finally managed to calm down, Zhao Li Xin looked at Lory with a perplexed expression [What kind of drink is that?]

[It's a soda] Lory smirked playfully then handed him a glass of water, [Sorry dear I should remind you beforehand] She sincerely apologized even though she still can't hold her chuckles.

Zhao Li Xin took a mouthful of water before he could breathe again but then he realized how embarrassing his reaction was that several people around them glanced at him with suppressed smiles.

Zhao Li Xin straighten his back and then put down the glass of water on the table in an elegant manner as if nothing happen, [It's fine, maybe because it's my first time] he excused himself while staring deathly at the cold black drink before him.

'This thing dared to humiliate me in front of my wife, I will subdue you!'

[Well, you will get used to it…] Lory said while returning to her seat she took the Coke and then take a sip before letting out a long exhale, though soda is not good for her health still she missed this fizzy taste in her tongue.

After she finishes her meal Lory wipes her mouth with a tissue and then turns her head at Zhao Li Xin [Are you finished yet?]

Zhao Li Xin sips his drink and then nods faintly [Yes]

[Then let's go, we still need to buy a few things for tomorrow's hunting]

[En, Let's go] Zhao Li Xin got up from his seat.

Zhao Li Xin and Lory then went to the cashier to pay and then went to find a gear shop luckily they found it right away.

The first thing they bought was shoes because both of their shoes were still the ones they had from the fight with Lazarus so they weren't in very good condition after that Lory bought more practical clothes for hunting for her and Zhao Li Xin but the important thing was that she bought some recovery potions for herself and then some weapons such as a stack of small throwing knives complete with leg holster then some hunting knives and a backpack to carry miscellaneous things like wet tissue, small towel, cup noodles, water bottle, and other necessary things.

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Even though Lory believes the task will be easy but she had a motto 'Better to be safe than sorry' because of that she still make careful preparation with the little money she had.

After draining almost all of her money to the last penny, Lory and Zhao Li Xin back to the Beast Slayer guild building, however, just when they just arrive they were startled by a commotion then suddenly someone shouted while pointing at Lory.

"It's her! She was the last person with the Bold Scorpion's group!"

The two men in officer uniforms simultaneously looked at Lory and then sized her up and down with a doubtful expression while Madeline looked at Lory with a worried look.

"Your name?" the officer took his small tablet from his back pocket and then begin to write a note.

"Raven Jane" Lory answered calmly.

"And this.....man?" he was stunned when he looked at Zhao Li Xin, guessed he had never seen anyone as handsome as Zhao Li Xin, especially in this kind of place.

Lory was slightly annoyed "My husband, Zhao Li Xin but he can only speak in Astern"

The officer consecutively glances between Lory and Zhao Li Xin "Identification please?"

"Don't have it" Lory answered straightforwardly.

The two officers exchanged looks and then say: "Well, then we have to go to the office to process this," one of the officers gives Lory a meaningful gaze.

Of course, Lory understand what the officer wanted, "This is all misunderstanding sir, I hope we can talk about this" Lory shakes the man's hand with a meaningful smile.

The officer could feel the rolls of money between their hands "Well..." he chuckled while secretly tucking the money in his pocket "Then I'd like to ask what happened to the bold scorpion group, do you know anything about them?"

"Bald scorpions?" Lory pursed her lips.

"Bold Scorpion" the officer corrected.

"It's a bad name" Lory state the fact.

"It does" the officer agrees "So what happened?"

Lory shrugged "Nothing weird, they harassed me - I slapped them - they got angry - I gave them more slapped" Lory give a perfunctory explanation.

"Several of their ribs were broken, as well as their arms, and nose and they lose some teeth too they also cover with bruises all over their face, body, and.... well, simply put, they look like swollen pigs" The officer raised his brows.

"They act like pigs so they end up like pigs, I call it karma," Lory said with profound expression.

The officers sighed "True, Luckily no one died and we got a lot of reported they had been harassing and harming a lot of people so…it is karma as you said"

"That's how it is..." Lory gives an agreeable nod.

The officers didn't want to prolong the problem after all fighting between hunters was normal and they didn't want to waste their time on a small matter like this especially since they already got the money they wanted.

"Very well then, stay out of trouble Miss Raven" The officers give a brief warning.

"That's the plan Sir" Lory give a courteous nod.

After the two officers left Madeline who was watching from afar heaved a sigh of relief, on the other hand, Lory didn't feel worried at all because she knew that the officer only came to extort small money with no intention of knowing what was really going on, after all in a place like a hunter's guild that full of hooligans, it was difficult to find out who's right and who's wrong, and what for? most of them were not innocent people, to begin with.

Once they were back in their room Zhao Li Xin asked [Are they asking about the hooligans that attack you before?]

[They are, but it's okay they just making a report] Lory throws away her room key to the small table on the side.

[So what's the bribe for?] Zhao Li Xin asked again.

[We have no ID, and that makes us illegal here, that alone would give them reason enough to keep us in jail for a few days, but it's only gonna give them too much work so it's better for them to make small money rather than adding unnecessary paperwork...] Lory continued to throw her jacket on the chair later on she took off her boots then jump on the bed and resting her back on the pillow.

Looking at the clothes Lory was wearing, he frowned [Are you going to wear that tomorrow?]

Even though Lory's clothes cover her neck and arms, however, her back is slightly open which is too much for people in her world that even women are not allowed to show their ankles.

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Lory bit his lips realizing his clothes were too vulgar for Zhao Li Xin's standards but she needed clothes with an open back so her clothes wouldn't tear when she spread her wings and it would be really troublesome if she had to keep changing clothes like in Zhao Li Xin's world.

[I'm wearing a jacket so no one will see] she reassured Zhao Li Xin.

[You are not going to open your jacket?] His question is coated with a warning.

Lory raised her two fingers to the air [Swear to god!]

Zhao Li Xin still felt uneasy but he had to accept that this was a new world with a different culture and a different society so just like Lory had to adapt to his world he also had to adapt to her world.

Marriage is about respect so Lory doesn't want to disrespect Zhao Li Xin cause she knows Zhao Li Xin still has traditional beliefs which she respects, understands, and has no problem following.

Lory took Zhao Li Xin's hand while looking at him deeply [Don't worry Li Xin, this jacket will never come off unless it's just the two of us] she promised.

Lory's sincerity made Zhao Li Xin feel guilty but relieved, the truth is Zhao Li Xin didn't want Lory to think he is too controlling, it's just that there were things he still found it hard to accept, such as the way the people in this place dressed, especially the women, Zhao Li Xin didn't understand why the women clothes is very tight and had little fabric? could it be the cost of clothing materials is too expensive in this world?

Zhao Li Xin stroked Lory's cheek then sighed heavily [Am I annoyed you?]

Lory chuckled, suddenly she pulled Zhao Li Xin onto the bed then threw herself on top of him then pecked his thin lips, and giggled [Never!]

[Oh is this an invitation] The fire in Zhao Li Xin's eyes instantly burning [When we think about it, it's been a while since we...]

[No!] Lory pinched Zhao Li Xin's nose [Don't you dare tempted me! we have to leave early morning tomorrow!]

Zhao Li Xin's head sunk helplessly on the pillow [Tsk, I forgot how hard it is to make money] he complained.

Lory pulled her body from above Zhao Li Xin then lay beside him but then place her hand on his chest while rubbing her cheek on his shoulder, [Don't you feel grateful to Wu San Bo and the other now?]

Zhao Li Xin sighed [Yes…]

Zhao Li Xin's mind wanders to the Mong brothers and the four King palaces, he wonders how they are doing now, hopefully, they have the life they always wanted, like a family complete with children and friends, a peaceful life.

Zhao Li Xin didn't think there would ever be a time when he thought of them like this, he marveled at how much he had changed since he met Lory, and that in itself was a miracle he never expected she would see.

Zhao Li Xin turned his body sideways and pulled Lory closer until there was no gap between them, Zhao Li Xin then wrapped his arms around her waist then gently kissed Lory's forehead [Good night, wife]

[Good night husband] She buries her face in his chest then gradually fell asleep.

They drifted off to sleep in the warmth of their embrace along with that the night full of fun passed peacefully... unfortunately not for everyone.