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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1166 Skip Level
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The immortal Flame levels are divided by color, the first stage is a normal color which is yellow to orange like other normal flames, the second stage is Ruby red color, the third stage will be dark blue color, the fourth stage is deep purple color and final stage which is perfect stage will be the golden color.

In the past, it took two years for Zhao Li Xin to rise from yellow-orange color to a Ruby red color but that was due to his weak body and unstable mental state however the current Zhao Li Xin was not the same as before, the present Zhao Li Xin is no longer a man who only driven by hatred, nor he was an orphan child who had no clear origin nor purposed in this world.

No, the present Zhao Li Xin knows clearly who he is, and why he's here, Zhao Li Xin fully understands the meaning of his existence, Zhao Li Xin knew that Immortal Flame is not the power that he accidentally obtained but rather a legacy passed down from his ancestors in order to fulfill their wish also his own wish.

And Zhao Li Xin has only one wish, which is to protect Lory and everything she loves so that sadness and pain will never stain her beautiful face ever again.

Gradually the aura that covered his body turned into red flames which then blazed fiercely covering his entire body until his clothes began to burn slowly.

The familiar burning sensation started to spread throughout his body piercing his skin and searing him mercilessly, once again the flames tried to devour its own master like a beast gnawing its prey but Zhao Li Xin was not yield, why should he? he knew he would succeed. Hadn't the fire always been a part of him, his legacy? so why not embrace it as it is?

'Master' a childish voice sounded but the voice didn't come from outside but from within him.

Master, I said I will help you.

Zhao Li Xin sneakers 'Show me and I'll believe you!'

"Okay, I'll show you master!" the boy's voice sounded excited.

It felt like he had the air in his lungs being sucked in he found himself having difficulty breathing but on the good side, he didn't feel like he was burned alive anymore still it was useless if he couldn't breathe luckily it only lasted for twenty seconds before Zhao Li Xin heard the boy's voice again.

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'Sir it will feel like a sudden burst of power so you have to be prepared or you will pass out or worst of all you might fall into a coma'

'Ha? Wait!' That doesn't sound good.

Still, the boy continued 'Readddyyy - set - GO!'

Zhao Li Xin suddenly had a bad feeling about this but he was not given a chance to refuse, his hand instinctively dipped into the snow then clutched tightly to the frozen ground then clenched his jaw as he prepare for whatever happened.

A moment later an unstoppable force erupted within him, Zhao Li Xin felt like a cannonball fired with high power as all the veins inside her became painfully tensed like a string being fully pulled, Zhao Li Xin could feel his whole meridians filled with intense power that causing his power to increase drastically, but he had no time to rejoice because what he felt is far from pleasant in fact it feels much more worst than the way he normally cultivated.

He should know he cannot trust that unreliable spirit!

The crimson flames have turned into a dark blue flame that ignited the night with blazing light that turned the piles of snow around him into puddles.

Lory watched closely from the side while Garrof and Lloyd remained gaping, at first they thought it was the 'awakening' but then again, Zhao Li Xin was too old for an awakening which usually only happened to young kids besides they had already witnessed Zhao Li Xin's fire before so they're sure this isn't the 'Awakening'  but if it's not then what is this because it feels different?

Lory waited patiently until all the fire around Zhao Li Xin died down, after the fire subside Zhao Li Xin fell on his back on the wet ground.

Lory rushed over to Zhao Li Xin with a worried face, Lory checked Zhao Li Xin's wrist to make sure she was breathing normally meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin was lying down with her eyes closed.

Because half his clothing was burnt Lory could clearly see his chest moving up and down steadily indicating that he was breathing normally. lory sighs in relief.

  [Li Xin...you okay?] Lory gently touch his cheeks and she was startled by how hot his skin was.

Zhao Li Xins eyes flutter a few rapid beats before slowly opening not long after a calm smile spreads across his tired but still handsome face [I'm fine...just tired] he mimicked what Lory said before and then winks at her.

Lory chuckles, if he makes a joke that means he's okay, [Do you feel uncomfortable? you wanted me to heal you?] Still, she couldn't shake off the worry in her heart.

Zhao Li Xin shakes his head weakly [You cannot spoil me all the time, I'll be fine, I just need to close my eyes for a few minutes] Zhao Li Xin closes his eyes again.

Not long after, snow began to fall quietly once again the snow fill the void caused by Zhao Li Xin's fire. Once snowflakes landed on Zhao Li Xin's body instantly the snow melted due to the heat on his body.

Lory didn't want Zhao Li Xin to get wet so she raised her hand into the air suddenly the surrounding snow merged together in the air then formed an ice umbrella that covered Zhao Li Xin from the falling snow, Lory then took off her jacket and placed it on top of Zhao Li Xin's body.

[Get rest, I'll be here] Lory softly said then she pulled her legs up on her chest, Lory then rested her chin on her knee and watch Zhao Li Xin closely.

Without saying anything Garrof took off his jacket and placed it around Lory's shoulder, Lory was surprised but then give a grateful smile at Garrof before the man back to the cave quietly with Lloyd, they know it will be useless for them to ask Lory to return to the cave.

Lory faithfully accompanied Zhao Li Xin without making a sound, her head was covered with snowflakes but Lory seemed to be unaware she kept watching Zhao Li Xin without blinking, something didn't need to say still it was louder than a scream itself.

[Lory...] Zhao Li Xin suddenly called her with his eyes remain closed.

[Hm?] Lory replies softly.

[I missed your eyes] he suddenly said.

Lory chuckled a little then took off her green soft lens, then leaned her head right on Zhao Li Xin's face [Look at me,]

When Zhao Li Xin open his eyes he saw a pair of beautiful purple eyes staring back at him and the smile on Zhao Li Xin's face instantly lit up [There it is…] he muttered.

[You like it so much, huh?] Lory caresses his cheek that not so hot again.

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[Hm, it brings back a lot of memory, a beautiful memory nonetheless…] Zhao Li Xin said with a slight melancholy.

Zhao Li Xin's words brought Lory back to the first time he met Zhao Li Xin in the forest, if she think back again with a clear mind Lory surprised at how reckless her actions were to save Zhao Li Xin, someone she didn't know at all aside from the rumors that circulating on the street but if she hadn't saved Zhao Li Xin back then, they might not have been together like they are now.

perhaps this was the result of Arthea's scheme which orchestrated the stage for Lory and Zhao Li Xin to meet each other nevertheless it proved to be a blessing for both of them because together, they managed to save each other from their tragic fate at the same time the world.

[Those are really good memories] Lory felt a little comfortable with how much time had passed since they were together.

Lory turned his gaze back to Zhao Li Xin and the man looked asleep but then he opened his eyes then stood up with steady movements he no longer looked sick or tired instead he looked vigorous as if he just woke up from a long night's sleep.

[You look okay?] Lory was stunned for a moment then he smiled happily.

[You look cold...] Zhao Li Xin brushes the snow from Lory's head and then pulls her into his embrace,[You are always bad at taking care of yourself] he reprimanded her but his voice was full of indulgence.

Lory stuck out her tongue [Well, I have you for that, don't I?]

Zhao Li Xin chuckles, then raised his hands then exerts his power on his hands later on Zhao Li Xin a dark blue flame ignited it engulfs his hands completely but it didn't burn him.

[It's blue?] Lory tilted her head.

[En, I skipped one level to the third stage of Immortal flame, my cultivation also jumped from warrior level to master level in the beginner stage] Zhao Li Xin smiled contentedly at least the pain is not for nothing, even though he would needed close door training for at least three days to stabilize his cultivation or else he will get internal injured if he exerts his strength too much.

[That's good news, right?] Lory said in a questioning tone cause her guts told her there was something more than that because that's usually the case.

Zhao Li Xin didn't try to hide his condition besides Lory would find out  one way or another and then she will get angry at him so there's no point to lied [I have to enter close-door training for a few days, though I can still fight this time however, I can't force myself or I'll get a backlash because my cultivation rose too fast]

Lory shakes her head disapproving [No, we can't take any chances you better not fight from now on, and I'll protect you, understood!]

[As you wish, your highness] Zhao Li Xin teased. Lory snorted loudly in feigned anger as they walked together toward the cave where Lloyd and Garrof were.