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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1175 Meet With The Hamilton's
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As soon as Garrof stood up he feel a bit dizzy thus he bend on his knee for a second before taking the last health and mana potion he had then drank both of them at the same time then took a deep breath, Garrof swept his eyes across the vast desert around him in amazement when from the distance came the sound of an explosion ending with black smoke billowing into the sky.

"Looks like we can't return the plane back to Albrecht…do you think he'll ask us to compensate the plane?" Lloyd sent a cynical glance at Garrof.

"I hope so, that's why I can slap that bastard in the face!" Garrof's face hardened knowing if it wasn't for Lory he believed they would be dead by now.

"At least we made it to land at the Rock City or at least close to it...." Lory said while taking off her thick jacket.

"I guessed we land quite far from where we should be" Garrof cast his gaze around him and all he could see is endless yellow sand and as far as he can't find any sign or building near them.

"Oh yeah, we can call Miss Lilliane to pick us up!" Garrof just remembered his phone still had a signal though it was only one bar but it was better than nothing, Garrof then proceed to call even though he managed to call Lilliane he didn't know how long it would take for them to get where they are.

"Wait a minute!" Lory abruptly raised her hand and Garrof reflexively stop.

Lory narrowed her eyes staring in a certain direction  at the same time Zhao Li Xin furrowed his brows  looking in the same direction as Lory, then he muttered [This sounds familiar...]

Not long after a roaring engine was heard along with smoke and dust a moment later a Hummer drove towards them not long after the Hummer stopped next to Lory and the driver's window slowly rolled down.

"Another crazy party, Raven?" an old man in a leather jacket propped his elbow on the windowsill, he grin at Lory.

A broad smile blooms on Lory's face "We meet again Joe! Can we get a ride?" Lory raised her eyebrows with an expectant look.

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Joe tilted his head toward the familiar handsome man but there is an addition of two big men that he could guess to be a hunter or Mercenary, Joe turned his surprised eyes towards Lory, he didn't expect that Lory could involved with this such dangerous people.

Lory knows what Joe thinking, but she doesn't want to explain so she only smiles and shrugs.

Joe got more intrigued when he noticed they were all wearing winter clothes, Joe then saw a dark gray smoke in the distance like something is burning.

Without being said he could guess what was going on, but he didn't want to pry knowing nothing good came out of it, he then feign ignorance and waved his hands nonchalantly "Hop in!" he said curtly.

"Thanks, Joe!" Lory rejoices, she bounces toward the car with the other following behind her.

Garrof who had the largest body sat in the front. On the way, he called Lilliane. After negotiating with Joe, he was kind enough to take them to the Hamilton house.

"Thank you, Joe!" said Lory as she closed the door.

Joe raised his thumb coolly as he drove away in his Hummer in impressive fashion.

Garrof glared at the hummer that sped away clenching his fists angrily "That old man robbed me!"

"..." Lloyd sighed and faced a palm, it was a bit pitiful to be deceived by an old man at their age.

The steel gates opened and Allen Alderton the secretary of the old Hamilton patriarch has already waiting for them, the man smile faintly with his hands behind his back then he giving nodded at Lory and Garrof "Miss Hamilton has been waiting for you"

Lory walked side by side with Zhao Li Xin entering the main road to the manor grounds where many guards in black suits were on guard they all watched Lory and the others as they entered the manor with vigilant looks.

For someone who grew up in a dangerous environment like the imperial palace, it was only natural for Zhao Li Xin to be sensitive to the threatening atmosphere [Something big might be happening until they tighten their guard] Zhao Li Xin utter his thought in a very calm manner.

Meanwhile, Lory was feeling a bit apprehensive after nearly getting killed the other day, thinking she was sure it had nothing to do with Lilliane Hamilton but Lory cannot be sure if no one in the Hamilton family was involved in the incident. However to know what really going on she had no other choice but entered the tiger's lair and see what she found.

Lory tightened his grip on Zhao Li Xin's hand [Yes, there were a lot more guards than yesterday and many of them were 'gifted' people and quite strong too] [Are they as strong as you?] Zhao Li Xin ask.

Lory glance at Zhao Li Xin and chuckles [Of course not]

Zhao Li Xin patted the back of Lory's hand and smirked [Then we got nothing to worry about]

Lory's worries were immediately swept away like dust in the wind, hence she covered her mouth and giggled.

When they reached the living room, Lilliane sat on the sofa with a sullen face while on another chair a man with a stern face sitting cross-leg while propping his chin with his fist.

On the other hand, an old man, Hugo Hamilton was pacing back and forth with a stiff expression, neither of them saying a word which caused the atmosphere in the room to feel extremely heavy.

The main living room door was knocked several times before it was opened from the outside by two security guards.

"The guests have arrived, Sir" Allen's voice broke the unbearable silence that enveloped the whole room.

Everyone simultaneously looked at the double wooden doors that had just been opened.

"Raven!" Lilly literally jumped off the couch and ran up to Lory "I'm glad you're okay!" she hugged Lory with a sigh of relief.

Lory was taken aback for a moment, with suppressed smile Lory softly patted Lilly back "Thank you, Lilly"

The old man's wrinkled face lit up like a light bulb when he saw Zhao Li Xin's gorgeous face, "You! I've been looking for you! I'm so happy to see you again!" the old man, Hugo Hamilton stretched out his hand.

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Zhao Li Xin already knew the meaning of that hand gesture so he stretched out her hand for a handshake.

The old man was so excited he didn't know if it was just his feelings but he felt the young man had become more approachable than the last time they met.

"Oh, is this your wife?" Hugo looked at Lory and then gave her a quick assessing look a moment later the old man joyful smile spread across his face, and he immediately feel a pleasant feeling about her.

"Miss Jane Raven, it's nice to meet you, you are as beautiful as Lilly said." Hugo held Lory's hand in a gentlemanly manner.

"The pleasure it's mine Mr. Hamilton" Lory replied with a calm smile, she doesn't look nervous to meet the previous head of the most powerful family at all.

A glint of satisfaction shone in the old man's eyes, even though she was a hunter the lady possessed a graceful demeanor that was not inferior to women who grew up in the upper-class family in fact he wished his granddaughter can possess at least half of this lady's demeanor.

"I'm glad you all returned safely" a middle-aged man with dark brown hair combined with a bit of gray on the sides of his hair added a charismatic and dignified charm, the man approached Garrof then shook his hand "Thanks to you the curse on my son has been lifted until his condition becomes stable"

"We're just doing our job sir" Garrof replied politely.

"My name is Edmund Hamilton, I've heard everything about you Master Zhao - Miss Jane, to be honest, I think it's an exaggeration but seeing you both save and well I guess I might be wrong" his eyes scanned Lory and Zhao Li Xin carefully soon his eyebrows begin to furrow, he turned around and then said: "Let's have a seat"

Edmund's behavior could be called impolite but it was normal for someone of such a high position but for Garrof and Lloyd who knew Lory's true identity suddenly felt like the air sucked from their lungs causing them to hold their breath, subconsciously they turned their eyes to Lory uneasily.

It was the same with Zhao Li Xin, for someone who had lived his life without ever putting the emperor and or empress in his eyes would never take the Hamilton family as someone on his level, and yet, Edmund Hamilton dared to show blatant doubt toward his face, the man impudence seems has no limit.

Lory intertwined his fingers with Zhao Li Xin, a gentle smile spread across Lory's face and Zhao Li Xin's heart instantly melted like a puddle. Zhao Li Xin knew what Lory was thinking Zhao Li Xin had no choice but to swallow his anger and then magnanimously let go of that person's impudence or at least for now.

Lory was relieved that Zhao Li Xin's mood had calmed down, and to be honest, Lory didn't blame Edmund Hamilton's skepticism of them. After all, Lory and Zhao Li Xin's appearance did not match that of an ordinary hunter. 

Lory's appearance even though she had covered up her appearance she was still a beautiful young lady. She was elegant, well-spoken, polite, and well-mannered, meanwhile Zhao Li Xin.

Without his sinister aura, Zhao Li Xin would appear to be a quiet young man who doesn't say much with an awe-stricken beauty that is impossible to ignore combined with the mysterious air around him Zhao Li Xin looks like a cultured man that spends his time reading poetry or old literature while listening to classic songs and drinking wine therefore it's hard for anyone to imagine someone like him doing dirty laborious jobs like a hunter.