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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1183 A Dilemma
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Jacob give dead glared at his dimwitted little brother, never would he have thought in a million years he would use such lowly methods for Hamilton's little daughter, did he think no one would know what he was doing, did he think everyone was as stupid as him?

Ron's voice trembles "Brother I..."

"Shut up!" Jacob crudely shushed him.

Jacob didn't know if this situation could be saved, even before, The relationship between Hamilton and Augburn had become estranged since the death of their grandfather Nicholas Augburn.

Unlike previous generations, the relationships of later generations were not so harmonious and sadly got worse with each generation. 

Jacob could only describe his relationship with Ethan Hamilton as like oil and water, they never agreed on anything, not even on trivial things, like what restaurant they should choose for lunch or what drinks they could have, where they should sit, whatever decision they make they never at the same page and now everything were about to get worse because of Ron's stupidity, they probably couldn't pretend anymore.

Jacob's assistant dispersed the crowd effectively as soon as they arrived, leaving only the four of them and a few of Jacob's assistants. it seems Jacob's influence may not be less than the Hamilton Family.

Lory nonchalantly shoved her hands into her trouser pockets without showing any concern at Jacob's blatant display of authority.

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It was easy for Lory to guess that Jacob might want to weaken Lilly's tenacity before he start to negotiate, it's a classic move, even so, Lory was quite curious how Lilly handle it.

A deep uneasiness seeped into Lilly's heart, she was actually worried about what Jacob would do or say what's more Lilly was even more worried about how this would affect the relationship between the two families, her family had just gotten out of a  serious predicament therefore Lily didn't want to drag her family into another predicament however, she can't let Ron's actions escape without bearing any consequences cause it will affect her family's reputation.

"Lady Hamilton, I sincerely apologize for my younger brother's stupidity, could you give me a moment to speak, please" Jacob's polite attitude made Lily unable to refuse him.

Lilly reluctantly nodded and sat across from Jacob while Ron and Linda stood side by side not far from where Jacob and Lily sat.

They seemed to have forgotten Ron and Linda were there but the two of them couldn't leave because the only door was guarded by Jacob's assistant so they could only stand nervously.

Ron felt uneasy not knowing how his future would be decided from now on while Linda felt very awkward being in this place if she could choose she would rather crawl on the floor to get out than stay here.

On the other hand, Lory calmly stood behind Lilly like a watchful bodyguard later on,  Lory put her hand on Lilly's shoulder as if to say she was here so there was nothing for Lilly to be afraid of.

Certainly, Lory's reassurance give Lilly peace of mind, it didn't take long for Lilly to muster up her courage again.

Lory's actions didn't escape Jacob's attention, but Lory didn't try to hide it either. Jacob glanced at the red-haired woman with green eyes. From the look on her face, it was clear that the woman was very beautiful sadly the thick makeup he wear ruined her appearance, a moment later Jacob sighed in disappointment.

"What would you like to drink, Miss Hamilton?" Jacob smiled kindly as if they were old friends.

"I trust your taste Mr. Augburn" Lilly replied calmly but Lory saw Lilly's hand unconsciously squeezing her own skirt.

Well, Lilly was still young, she was also quite protected by her family as seen by her honest and straightforward attitude.

"Miss Hamilton I'm really sorry for what happened but you have to believe we didn't know about this and it was purely my own little brother's stupid decision" Jacob shot Ron a sideways glance.

Lory's eyebrows shot up at how quickly Jacob threw his own brother under the bus.

Lily pressed her lips into a thin line and snorted "Fine, but she still has to take responsibility for what she does"

Jacob rubbed his chin in contemplation for a moment before continuing, "For the sake of our family relationship can you let go just this once"

Lilly's face scrunched up, "Just like that?"

"No, of course not, we will properly compensate you for your trouble and I will send my brother overseas so you don't have to see him again, what do you think?" He smiled kindly.

Lilly was in a dilemma, she didn't know if this was a good thing but it meant she had to forgive what Ron did to her not only that sending him out of the country was hardly a punishment for Ron.

It just moved him somewhere else where she could continue to enjoy his high life without any consequences of what he had done, well, that's unfair.

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"Oh, I see?" Lilly's expression darkens "In other words, he will not be held accountable for what he did. He will live the life as he always does, having parties, playing with girls, going whatever he wants without any repercussions, do you think it's fair Mr. Augburn?" Lilly was so angry he felt his scalp tingling, "You know if it wasn't for my friend finding out your little brother's mischief, I could have ruined my life?!"

"Miss Hamilton, please," Jacob sneers.

"I don't think marrying into the Augburn family would be a bad deal for you," Jacob sincerely believes that anyone who marries into his family will be lucky even Lilly because the Augburn family will have a significant impact on strengthening the Ellecant group shares which means strengthening the Hamilton family's position in the business world.

"Not a bad deal?" Lilly gritted her teeth "I'm sorry to be blunt but your brother is a worthless piece of trash who does nothing but attend parties all night - every single day, the only thing that works on his body is his lower head do you know how many women he has sex with on a daily basis and let me remind you again, your brother cheated on me just days after he formally dated me, you think no one told me? so I can't imagine how many mistresses he will have out there during our marriage, so it's not a good deal Mr. Augburn and I don't need to marry a loser like your brother to have a good life. I think I have more than enough from my own family!" Lilly let her anger burst openly by now she no longer cared about maintaining the relationship between the two families anymore, not when Jacob was clearly underestimating her and her family.

Apparently, threats can't suppress Lilly, therefore Jacob must be willing to compromise a little with this young girl, "So what are the suggestions for Miss Hamilton?"

Lilly take a deep breath, anger still remaining in the brows eyes then she said in a firm tone "I want Jacob in jail!"

Lory looks at Lilly in surprise she almost says 'DAM* GIRL!'

Lory wasn't the only one who was shocked, everyone present including Ron and Linda along with Jacob's assistant, were also dumbfounded they didn't expect Lilly to be so bold.

Even though the Augburn family's stake in the Ellecant group is not as large as the Hamilton family, Jacob Augburn's influence in the business field is not something to be underestimated, especially after the Anchora company that Jacob himself founded has skyrocketed in recent years.

Jacob himself didn't know whether to compliment Lilly's bravery or her naivety, but he was relieved that Lilly was easier to read than his older brother, Edmund.

Jacob rubbed his hands in contemplation for a moment then looked up at Lilly, "You know I can't let my stupid little brother go to jail, it will damage my family's reputation as well as... your family, don't you think about it?" it missed Hamilton? what do people think of you?"

Lilly clenched her fists, she knew as much as people took her side there would be many who sneered at her, although Lilly didn't care about that but what about her family? his grandfather had often reminded him not to depend too much on her gift in judging people because in reality what is in each person's heart is not something easy to perceive even for their own, this is her fault and she can't deny that.