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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1188 The Enthusiastic Lord
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Before leaving the Hamilton house, Lory gets the keys from the butler, telling Lilly to lend her one of her cars until Lory decides what car she wants and Lilly will buy one for her.

Lory thought it was unnecessary but the butler insisted because Lilly had already given the order and the Butler was worried that he would take the blame if Lory refused, in the end, Lory had no choice but to accept Lilly's generosity.

Lory asked one of the Manor security guards in the garage about the car Lilly was referring to because there were at least two dozen cars parked in the garage.

The security guard received the car keys from Lory and then hurriedly entered the garage. Not long after, he came out driving a silver convertible, then stopped in front of Lory.

Honestly, Lory was a bit worried because she hadn't driven a car for a long time. She hoped she still retained some of her driving skills or she would wreck someone else's expensive car...again, wait this felt like deja vu. At the same time, Zhao Li Xin was quite carried away by cars, and quite curious as well.

[Get in!] Lory said while opening the driver's door but Zhao Li Xin had already jumped into the car without opening the door and the two looked at each other in confusion, Lory was shocked that Zhao Li Xin suddenly jumped into the car while Zhao Li Xin was surprised that there's a door on the vehicle.

Lory shrugged indifferently and then slipped into the car, immediately The glass panel on the car dashboard lit up and displayed several menus on the screen, After a while Lory pressed the steering wheel symbol, and A second later the steering wheel came out of the compartment in front of the driver's seat afterward the car engine automatically started.

Lory felt the air was a bit hot then she pressed the roof button not long after a solid roof came from the rear of the car and slowly covered the car.

Lory turned on the air conditioner after the cold air blew Lory felt much better meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin watched everything with awe and curiosity.

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[Let's see if I can still drive this thing...] Lory took a deep breath.

The car suddenly jerked forward almost throwing both of them to the window, luckily they were wearing seat belts. Lory grinned apologetically while Zhao Li Xin raised her eyebrows questioningly at Lory.

Lory cleared her throat to calm her down she then cracked her knuckles and took another deep breath, Lory then continued. Slowly but surely the car started to move quite smoothly but it was too slow only after she felt she got a hold of the car did she begin to increase its speed, and soon after that Lory's old instincts woke up she started able to drive the car normally much to both of their relief.

Once Lory got used to driving she became more relaxed and started to enjoy it [Aaahh, this brings back a lot of memories] Lory sighed with a big smile.

[Since when did you learn to drive this thing...um, I mean car] Zhao Li Xin was increasingly curious about what kind of life Lory lived before coming to his world even though Lory shared about her past once in a while but Zhao Li Xin could only imagine because he had no idea what kinda world Lory live in only now he got clear comprehension what Lory live was.

Lory pursed her lips [I got my driver's license at sixteen but I've learned to drive from thirteen and Fargo was the one who taught me, he also taught me to ride a motorcycle and truck just to be safe after he caught me with Luc and the boys sneak out with a car and almost got accident because of it] what Lory means boys is Jay and Clift, the corner of her lips lift as she recalled the past.

[A thirteen-year-old girl in my world is not allowed to go out alone even cultivators can only go out if accompanied by a maid and their teacher orders her with the permission of her family of course] It was only now that Zhao Li Xin felt the difference in the way of education between Lory's world and hers.

[I know, right...] Lory, who had worked as a maid for a long time in the Lao family, witnessed firsthand how the aristocratic girls in that world were educated and at first she felt strange

but she understands why this is done because a woman's reputation is closely related to the honor of the family, and sometimes the community as well, therefore if a woman's reputation is damaged then the entire family's honor will be ruined with her and this may affect the good name of the community where they live. 

Therefore it is not strange that women are very restrained in that world, but if Lory was asked whether it was fair or not, she would answer no, sadly whether you agree or not that's the reality of that world

[What did you do after being able to drive?] Zhao Li Xin asked again.

[Umm...I usually drive with Lucas, Jay, and Clift to festivals, concerts, or to the mall to watch movies or...tracking beast] Lory remembers that memory fondly even though sometimes they end up getting punished because they left without permission.

[By the way, when are you going to teach me to drive a car or motorbike?] Zhao Li Xin asked with an expectant look.

[Relax my great Lord, your time is full from learning Harlandish, painting, and cultivating your power You also need to learn to adapt to the culture of this world which means you have to learn about laws and general knowledge of this world therefore you have to complete one of them. before learning anything else, do you want to die from exhaustion] Lory strictly reminded Zhao Li Xin not to overdo it.

[I think I will manage...] Zhao Li Xin said stubbornly.

Lory chuckled at Zhao Li Xin's persistence then she recalled in the past Zhao Li Xin showed a lack of interest in everything around him, therefore Lory wished she could show this side of Zhao Li Xin to the Mong brothers. Lory was sure they would be exhilarated to see how enthusiastic he is right now since they were the ones watching over Zhao Li Xin since he was a child.

"Okay, but later..." Lory deliberately used Harlandish as a conversation practice for Zhao Li Xin.

"Thank you...my wife" Zhao Li Xin beamed with joyful anticipation.

Lory shook her head and laughed.

They finally arrived at the Beast Slayer guild after Lory parked her car, they entered the guild building which was as usual filled with hunters coming and going.

Maddy seemed very busy taking care of the hunters who came to assign their mission and report the results of their hunt.

Not wanting to disturb Lory only waved her hands at Maddy as a greeting, Not long after Garrof headed toward Lory in Zhao Li Xin, his intimidating presence gathered quiet attention from other hunters.

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"Hi, how are you? You look....very well." Garrof greets Lory politely though he tries to be casual.

"You look well too, Garrof" Lory smiled.

Garrof then greeted Zhao Li Xin with a polite nod who replied Zhao Li Xin with a faint nod.

"Let's talk in Jack's office!" Garrof raised his hand as a sign to follow him.

Soon the three of them entered the elevator and then went straight to Jack's office without knocking Garrof opened the office door, and he let Lory and Zhao Li Xin enter first before closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile, in the office, Lloyd and Jack were sitting on the couch, apparently deep in conversation.

Their conversation was halted when they saw Lory and Zhao Li Xin coming.

"Welcome back" Jack got up from the sofa and welcomed Lory with open arms "I hear you are staying at Hamilton Manor, How is it like?" he waggled his brows playfully.

Lloyd and Garoff rolled their eyes they didn't know about Zhao Li Xin but Lory used to live in Cestine palace so would she be impressed to live in a mere Manor even if it belonged to Hamilton's family? no way!

Lory shrugged nonchalantly "Not bad, they have a nice pool though"

"That's nice" Jack got really interested when he heard the word swimming pool then he turned his attention to Zhao Li Xin. "Hey Mr. Zhao, I heard that you will be sponsored by the old Hamilton to become a famous painter, congratulations!" he held out his hand for a handshake.

Zhao Li Xin never liked physical interactions with other people but he knew this was common behavior in this world and he didn't want to embarrass Lory with his taciturn.

Zhao Li Xin then accepted the handshake, coincidentally he was wearing leather gloves today, and from now on he reminds himself to wear gloves every day so that he doesn't have unnecessary skinship with other people because people in this world are very 'touchy'.