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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1232 Insoluble Problem
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Chapter 1232 Insoluble Problem

It took a long time for Ben Fisher to calm down what had happened to his family and Lawrence pondered what action he should take because Ben Fisher was not the only one in the Hunter family who died mysteriously.

After Ben Fisher was finally persuaded to come home, Lawrence again discussed with Garrof and others how to resolve this problem.

"Do you guys really have no clue about this?" Larence frowned.

Garrof shrugged his shoulders, "If you don't know how am I supposed to know?"

Lawrence looked at Garrof with a probing look then snorted "Hmph, a former Ultima soldier like you wouldn't know nothing at all, I find it hard to believe," he quipped.

Garrof wasn't surprised that Lawrence knew his background, someone as well connected as Lawrence would have no problem delving into his past and besides Garrof never hid it, he just never brought it up in every conversation he had.

"It's not that I don't want to share information with you but I still don't understand the pattern of these people's plans" Garrof crossed her arms over his chest "From my further investigation I found out that a strange request asking for A level above to hunted dangerous Beast with hefty reward and it appeared randomly in every big and small guild, the problem is the request would be disappeared after someone took the job, despite the job succeed or not" Garrof also clueless with intention of the perpetrator.

"A few months ago we received information about the number of hunters who died on duty, although this was not strange in our profession, but when the inspection team was sent to investigate they found many oddities, one of which was the lack of traces of fighting at the scene, such as traces of blood or remaining parts of the beast like scales, nails or some sort and in some special cases the battle site seems to have been deliberately destroyed by explosion," explained Lloyd with tense emotion.

Hearing the word explosion, Lawrence's face immediately became stiff, needless to say, he knew this was caused by the same person or group. Lawrence clenched his fists, "I heard this news but I thought it was just a dispute between Guilds so I didn't expect..." he took a deep breath showing his regret.

Nathalie, who had been listening, impatiently interjected, "Why wasn't this reported so that no hunter would pick up dangerous, unverified evidence?"

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"This has been conveyed to the World Guild association but the hunters involved have all died or gone missing, even their target animals have also disappeared without a trace, and the crime scene has been tampered some even completely destroyed so what evidence can be provided to make these hunters not take the high paid job?" Lloyd points out the problem because he knows the only reason people become hunters is because it pays higher than regular jobs.

Lawrence also understood this dilemma and said, "Basically, the job of being a hunter is dangerous, so how do we explain to them not to take on dangerous tasks that clearly provide huge rewards without clear evidence, and if people find out, someone can easily infiltrate the Guilds server, who else would be willing to work for the Guild? heck, I'm afraid it will affect the recruitment of new hunters and as you know it we don't have enough hunters" Lawrence waved dismissively.

"That's why the World Guild association contains this news to just people who need to know so it will not create an uproar for the public and also save their own face" Garrof winked flirtatiously at Nathalie and the sexy girl responded by rolling her eyes.

Lory and Zhao Li Xin listened without making any comments, Lory felt like he didn't need to add anything to this discussion because she didn't trust Lawrence yet so she needed to examine the situation longer, therefore, she chose to become quiet, In the meantime, Zhao Li Xin had no intention to involve with the discussion either because the same reason with Lory just with one addition, he's lazy.

However, Zhao Li Xin managed to draw conclusions from the conversation, but he had no intention of conveying his thoughts to anyone other than Lory, maybe Garrof and Lloyd were also fine, but not to Lawrence, why? because he didn't know him so he didn't believe him.

Lawrence suddenly turned towards Zhao Li Xin who didn't seem to be paying much attention to their conversation.

From the beginning, the man shows indifference toward the whole situation even when Ben Fisher expresses his grief the man only stares with a placid expression, almost detached from the people around him, but wait...The man's expression would soften when his wife whispered to him.

"Mister Zhao Right?" Lawrence suddenly called Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin directed his black onyx eyes towards the gray-haired man and their gazes met and suddenly fear crept through his body, prickling his skin and causing him to tremble down to his bones.

Zhao Li Xin knew how his attitude could affect others even when he didn't mean it, unfortunately, this was so ingrained in his bones that it was difficult to get rid of it.

Not wanting to make Lawrence feel uncomfortable, Zhao Li Xin blinked several times to break the involuntary tension afterward Zhao Li Xin answered in a low voice, "Yes,"

As if the ropes binding him had been loosened, Lawrence felt he could breathe again then he averted his gaze while letting out a light cough to clear his throat but the truth is he trying to give him time to calm down.

"Um, Mr. Zhao, may I ask what you think...um, what do you think about this situation?" Lawrence's voice sounded a little stiff even though he was trying to appear calm.

Zhao glanced beneath her long eyelashes for a moment then leaned her head against her fists casually once she felt more comfortable, she spoke in an unhurried tone, "It's obvious that you're being targeted, and your enemies know that you'll be compelled to hide this matter from the public for various reasons and your enemies know this"

Lawrence was silent as he looked at the man who was leaning on the armrest casually.

"Would you mind giving us some advice?" Lawrence humbly asked

Nathalie's eyebrows raised, and she was surprised that Lawrence would humble himself in front of a much younger man they had just met, but Lawrence was known to be good at reading a person's potential which was why everyone chose him as the Guild Leader. 

Nathalie's eyes sparkled with interest as she stared eagerly at Zhao Li Xin, but her eyes were caught by Lory afterward a slow gentle smile spread across Lory's face. However, her smile did not offer friendliness but rather a warning.

Nathalie was surprised by Lory's blunt threat. It had been a long time since anyone dared to threaten him directly. Nathalie of course believed it because Lory was jealous after catching her gawking at her husband. Nathalie wanted to tease Lory more so later on Nathalie sent a provocative grin to annoy Lory.

Nathalie waited to see Lory's furious face but unexpectedly Lory chuckled amusedly and then averted her gaze from Nathalie. Nathalie was confused by Lory's reaction, she pursed her red lips not understanding Lory's reaction.

Back to Zhao Li who took a deep breath, didn't seem interested in talking any longer with Lawrence but thought that they might need Lawrence's help while in this city Therefore Zhao Li Xin didn't mind kindly shared his thought, "My suggestion, because we don't know where this message comes from or when this message will appear, also this message appears randomly throughout the Guild regardless if it's a big or small guild therefore it is difficult for you to stop this. However, from all the incidents that occur you should be able to conclude that the enemy is targeting a high-level hunter's group, so my suggestion is to focus your attention on requests specifically for Hunters class A and above."

"But it happens randomly, so how can we do that?" Lloyd rubbed his hands together with a worried face.

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Because no one spoke, Zhao Li Xin got impatient, he rolled his eyes and then said "Don't you have this organization that is responsible for all the guild matters, what is its name...the Wo...World Guild...Asso...assotion?"

"The World Guild Association" Lory corrected him, Lory understood what Zhao Li Xin was trying to convey and her eyes lit up instantly, "If all the Guilds give temporary permission to share their requests board with the WGA so they could trawl all the high-level requests that coming through from all the Guild in the world so perhaps we might able to catch something, besides there aren't many active Guilds left today so this plan should be feasible, right!"

Garrof felt bad about dampening Lory's excitement. "I don't think that would work, no mistake I think it's a good plan but the problem is that Guilds are very secretive and paranoid so I don't know if they would be willing to share their system even just for a little bit"

Nathalie who also got excited a moment ago instantly became disappointed, she blew up her cheeks in frustration. "That's right, who can be sure someone from the WGA would plant any virus in their Guild computer system to spy on their activity, I don't think they want to jeopardize the safety of their clients and members, right since we all know the line of this profession as a grey area"

Lory forgot about the nature of this profession, her shoulders immediately dropped "Ah...yes, I forgot about that"

Suddenly Zhao Li Xin interrupted "Or just let them die, eventually, you will know something out of it...maybe" his voice sounded lazy and bored.

Lawrence let out a long sigh while pinching his glabella with a gloomy face. Lawrence felt Lory's plan was quite good but trust was not a natural hunter, he himself would not want to be asked to open his network to anyone, let alone the WGA who tended to control them in the name of their own good, but if he allowed this the same thing might happen again and if This continues, he is not sure that the Guilds will be able to cover this up and if people find out about this then there's possibility all the Guilds involved in this will likely be closed down or worse, they will be forced to take responsibility for this.

"Okay, I'll talk about this," Lawrence said with a heavy tone then turned his eyes at Garrof "You still stay here for a few days right?" he hoped Garrof and the others hadn't left the Blue Mirage town yet because he still needs Garrof's help in this matter.

"Yes, we are at the summer and spring homestead" Garrof answered.

Nathalie was surprised after he looked at her with a teasing smile, "I don't know you are such a spendthrift?"

"I am, I told you I'm a generous man" he winked flirtatiously at Natahalie "So how about a Dinner?"

Nathalie replied with a sweet smile "No,"

Lory's ears perk up 'Ooo gossip!'

Zhao Li Xin looked at his watch and yawned.