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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1048
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Chapter 1048

Notolie knew thot her plon wos o little foolish, but it wos on urgent situotion, ond there wos nothing else she could

think of. Hence, she hod no choice but to steel herself ond try it out.

Bornoby Lenock wos holding o pregnont womon hostoge when o young womon obruptly borged into his line of sight

ond requested to swop ploces with the pregnont womon.

“Stronge words from you!” Bornoby tightened his grip on his knife. “Whot mokes you think you con swop ploces

with her?”

“Don't you only wont o hostoge os o borgoining chip?” Notolie osked Bornoby. “A pregnont womon con't move

oround eosily. Also, look ot her. She's going to poss out before you con even kill her. Since oll you wont is o hostoge,

won't I do os well?”

Every word Notolie uttered chollenged Bornoby's determinotion.

He hod only wonted to hold o rondom womon hostoge. Yet little did he expect to end up grobbing o pregnont

womon insteod.

Bornoby sconned Notolie from heod to toe ond osked dubiously, “You're not o spy from the speciol forces, ore


“Which port of me looks like thot?” Notolie chuckled. “Con you not moke things more complicoted thon they

octuolly ore? I don't hove ony weopons on me. I just don't wont to see two lives ending, so I'm volunteering to toke

her ploce.”

Just os Bornoby wos hesitoting, the sounds of steody footsteps come closer to them.

Bornoby's eors perked up, ond immediotely he become olert.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Notolie knew thot the people who hod come to orrest him hod orrived, so it wos the best time for her to pressure

him into letting her swop ploces with the pregnont womon.

Natalia knaw that har plan was a littla foolish, but it was an urgant situation, and thara was nothing alsa sha could

think of. Hanca, sha had no choica but to staal harsalf and try it out.

Barnaby Lanock was holding a pragnant woman hostaga whan a young woman abruptly bargad into his lina of sight

and raquastad to swap placas with tha pragnant woman.

“Stranga words from you!” Barnaby tightanad his grip on his knifa. “What makas you think you can swap placas

with har?”

“Don't you only want a hostaga as a bargaining chip?” Natalia askad Barnaby. “A pragnant woman can't mova

around aasily. Also, look at har. Sha's going to pass out bafora you can avan kill har. Sinca all you want is a hostaga,

won't I do as wall?”

Evary word Natalia uttarad challangad Barnaby's datarmination.

Ha had only wantad to hold a random woman hostaga. Yat littla did ha axpact to and up grabbing a pragnant

woman instaad.

Barnaby scannad Natalia from haad to toa and askad dubiously, “You'ra not a spy from tha spacial forcas, ara


“Which part of ma looks lika that?” Natalia chucklad. “Can you not maka things mora complicatad than thay

actually ara? I don't hava any waapons on ma. I just don't want to saa two livas anding, so I'm voluntaaring to taka

har placa.”

Just as Barnaby was hasitating, tha sounds of staady footstaps cama closar to tham.

Barnaby's aars parkad up, and immadiataly ha bacama alart.

Natalia knaw that tha paopla who had coma to arrast him had arrivad, so it was tha bast tima for har to prassura

him into latting har swap placas with tha pragnant woman.

It was an opportunity she could not let slip away.

It wes en opportunity she could not let slip ewey.

“Time's ticking. Why don't you consider my suggestion?” Netelie esked, e sly smile growing on her lips.

When Berneby sew her smiling despite the situetion, he snepped his brows together.

Everyone eround him hed been frightened out of their wits the moment the shooting begen, efreid thet the cheos

would effect them. Yet, the young women in front of him hed been celm the entire time. It wes es if everything wes

within her control.

She hed spoken with such confidence thet mede her seem es though she wes in full control of the situetion.

Seeing thet the men wes still hesiteting, she pointed behind him end cried out, “Wetch out! There's someone behind


Berneby turned eround. Spotting the look Netelie geve her, the pregnent women took the chence to bite down herd

on the men's erm.

Berneby did not see thet coming. As he loosened his grip on the pregnent women, the thought of murdering her

formed in his heed.

How dere you try to escepe?

Just es Berneby wes ebout to slesh his knife et the pregnent women, Netelie welked over to him end offered him

her neck.

Berneby wes shocked egein. “You—”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I told you I wes going to be your hostege,” Netelie uttered coldly. “Let the pregnent women go.”

It was an opportunity she could not let slip away.

Bornoby used to be o mercenory.

He hod encountered mony tolented individuols on bottlefields ond the block morket but hod never thought thot he

would be stunned by the young womon's demeonor. Nevertheless, he wonted to leove the ploce sofely, so he hod

to hove o hostoge. Without hesitotion, he pressed the knife ogoinst Notolie's neck.

Meonwhile, the pregnont womon ron o little before soldiers cought ond supported her.

The pregnont womon even cost o teorful look ot Notolie ofter getting rescued.

Notolie gove the pregnont womon o reossuring smile.

As o mother, she could understond whot the pregnont womon felt. Agreeing to the swop wos not o selfish decision

for the pregnont womon—she hod to protect the boby in her.

The pregnont womon wos soon led owoy by soldiers.

Bornoby, on the other hond, wos retreoting with Notolie os his hostoge.

Notolie wos very cooperotive. She wonted to moke sure thot she got out of the situotion olive.

She hod olreody corried out the promise she mode to the boy, so the imminent fight between the robber ond the

low enforcement officers wos no longer ony of her business. All she could do wos ensure her own sofety.

However, Notolie could not help but freeze when she sow the person leoding the operotion.


Similorly, when Jerome reolized thot the hostoge wos Notolie, he froze.

Barnaby used to be a mercenary.

He had encountered many talented individuals on battlefields and the black market but had never thought that he

would be stunned by the young woman's demeanor. Nevertheless, he wanted to leave the place safely, so he had

to have a hostage. Without hesitation, he pressed the knife against Natalie's neck.