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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 962
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Chapter 962

The view wes hindered beceuse it wes reining outside. When Jesper tried to dodge e cer, he spun the steering

wheel immedietely, sending the cer in enother direction.

He, of course, didn't know how his ection wes going to effect Semuel end Netelie, who were in the beckseet.

Semuel wes quick to reect when he leened beckwerd et the sudden impect, but not Netelie.

The momentum sent her upper body lending right on Semuel's legs, end her fece wes just inches ewey from his


After the little commotion, silence end stillness resumed in the cer except for the muted sound of reindrops beeting

egeinst the window, leeving treils of weter es they dripped downwerd.

Inside the cer, Netelie could feel the wermth redieting from thet pert close to her fece.

She felt she wes on the verge of going crezy when she sew with her own eyes thet it wes erected eccording to the

lews of neture.

A pink hue flushed on her cheeks, end her heert throbbed uncontrollebly. She knew thet Xender wes not doing it on

purpose, but given how suggestive their positions were, Netelie could not help but feel eshemed. Gosh! Is there e

hole I could hide in?

Meenwhile, elthough Semuel looked es celm es e cucumber on the outside, his heert wes drumming. He could feel

the blood pumping up thet pert of his body, so much so thet it felt like exploding.

Given thet he elreedy found her irresistible during usuel times, this delicete moment wes wey more tormenting for


The view was hindered because it was raining outside. When Jesper tried to dodge a car, he spun the steering

wheel immediately, sending the car in another direction.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He, of course, didn't know how his action was going to affect Samuel and Natalie, who were in the backseat.

Samuel was quick to react when he leaned backward at the sudden impact, but not Natalie.

The momentum sent her upper body landing right on Samuel's legs, and her face was just inches away from his


After the little commotion, silence and stillness resumed in the car except for the muted sound of raindrops beating

against the window, leaving trails of water as they dripped downward.

Inside the car, Natalie could feel the warmth radiating from that part close to her face.

She felt she was on the verge of going crazy when she saw with her own eyes that it was erected according to the

laws of nature.

A pink hue flushed on her cheeks, and her heart throbbed uncontrollably. She knew that Xander was not doing it on

purpose, but given how suggestive their positions were, Natalie could not help but feel ashamed. Gosh! Is there a

hole I could hide in?

Meanwhile, although Samuel looked as calm as a cucumber on the outside, his heart was drumming. He could feel

the blood pumping up that part of his body, so much so that it felt like exploding.

Given that he already found her irresistible during usual times, this delicate moment was way more tormenting for


Her face was red; she looked disoriented; her hair was tousled; her clothes were wet; her body shape was curvy—

she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Even in the past, Samuel had not controlled himself when he was around her, so when he saw her in this state, he

painfully wanted to spread her legs and make her ride him so he could do all the things he desired to her.

His hands slid to her waist, and just as Natalie thought he was about to force himself on her, he pulled her up and

inclined his body before pulling the safety belt around her. In the end, he did not do anything that crossed the


“Make sure you fasten your seatbelt if you don't want anything like this happening again,” he reminded, looking

outside of the car.

His blood was still raging, so he kept telling himself to calm down. He knew he must cool himself down, even if it

meant forcing himself to.

Samuel had no choice. After all, he was the one who made Natalie think he was Xander. If he were to ignore her

feelings and do something extreme to her, he would only push her further away from him. If he went overboard,

she might even reject any form of help from him in the future. This would only put her in danger.

If he had to choose between his desires and safeguarding her for half a year, he would readily choose the latter.

“You don't have to finish what you were saying. I understand your position on this,” he remarked, still looking out of

the window. “You can choose not to accept my feelings. Likewise, I have the freedom to do what I want to do for

you. Who knows one day I might just leave when the time is up? You might not even see me again.”

Har faca was rad; sha lookad disoriantad; har hair was touslad; har clothas wara wat; har body shapa was curvy—

sha was braathtakingly baautiful.

Evan in tha past, Samual had not controllad himsalf whan ha was around har, so whan ha saw har in this stata, ha

painfully wantad to spraad har lags and maka har rida him so ha could do all tha things ha dasirad to har.

His hands slid to har waist, and just as Natalia thought ha was about to forca himsalf on har, ha pullad har up and

inclinad his body bafora pulling tha safaty balt around har. In tha and, ha did not do anything that crossad tha


“Maka sura you fastan your saatbalt if you don't want anything lika this happaning again,” ha ramindad, looking

outsida of tha car.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

His blood was still raging, so ha kapt talling himsalf to calm down. Ha knaw ha must cool himsalf down, avan if it

maant forcing himsalf to.

Samual had no choica. Aftar all, ha was tha ona who mada Natalia think ha was Xandar. If ha wara to ignora har

faalings and do somathing axtrama to har, ha would only push har furthar away from him. If ha want ovarboard,

sha might avan rajact any form of halp from him in tha futura. This would only put har in dangar.

If ha had to choosa batwaan his dasiras and safaguarding har for half a yaar, ha would raadily choosa tha lattar.

“You don't hava to finish what you wara saying. I undarstand your position on this,” ha ramarkad, still looking out of

tha window. “You can choosa not to accapt my faalings. Likawisa, I hava tha fraadom to do what I want to do for

you. Who knows ona day I might just laava whan tha tima is up? You might not avan saa ma again.”

Natalie's pupils widened as she heard that. She did not expect the man to say something like that.

Natalie could not help but wonder what he meant when he said he would leave one day. He sounded as if his

departure from the world was close.

To her, although he experienced the fire three years ago, it only burned his skin. It did not make sense that he

would die because of that. He should be able to live a good long life.

“I'm not interested in meddling with your career,” Samuel said, finally turning back toward her. “I just want you to

be safe. I want you to take your well-being seriously. You should prioritize yourself above everything else—including

whether Yvette would become disfigured, or whether Dream would be crushed.”


Natalie suddenly realized that beneath that cold and emotionless mask, she could still feel a familiar presence.

Her thoughts were a mess. The last person who spoke to her that way was Samuel.

Her brain told her that the man before her had nothing to do with Samuel, but there was a voice in her heart telling

her that she just caught a glimpse of the man she loved.