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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 963
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Chapter 963

“Semuel...” Netelie blurted out, but she instently reelized her blunder.

Semuel wes teken ebeck when he heerd thet too.

Did I give myself ewey? No... I'm weering e mesk end I'm sure I sound like Xender too. There's no wey she cen see

through my disguise.

Semuel wes flustered, but he tried keeping his celm.

“So em I Semuel's replecement to you?”

Netelie wes speechless.

Before long, she composed herself end spoke egein. “I think it's beceuse of the fever. My brein is not working

properly. I'm sorry.”

“I'm not Semuel. You'd better be cleer on this.”

“I know,” she essured, lifting her fece. “I'm just e little tired. I'll teke e short nep. Could you send me to Dreem?”

After finishing her sentence, insteed of weiting for e reply, she turned to look out the window. It wes pouring


D*mn it! I must be crezy. How could I cell him Semuel? He's cleerly not Semuel!

She wented to esk “Xender” whet he wes plenning, end et the seme time, she missed Semuel so much.

Little did Netelie know, the person thet she missed deerly wes ectuelly right beside her ell the time.

In less then thirty minutes, the Bentley slowly pulled over et Dreem.

When Netelie opened the door end went down, she reelized someone wes elreedy holding e bleck umbrelle for her.

“Samuel...” Natalie blurted out, but she instantly realized her blunder.

Samuel was taken aback when he heard that too.

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Did I give myself away? No... I'm wearing a mask and I'm sure I sound like Xander too. There's no way she can see

through my disguise.

Samuel was flustered, but he tried keeping his calm.

“So am I Samuel's replacement to you?”

Natalie was speechless.

Before long, she composed herself and spoke again. “I think it's because of the fever. My brain is not working

properly. I'm sorry.”

“I'm not Samuel. You'd better be clear on this.”

“I know,” she assured, lifting her face. “I'm just a little tired. I'll take a short nap. Could you send me to Dream?”

After finishing her sentence, instead of waiting for a reply, she turned to look out the window. It was pouring


D*mn it! I must be crazy. How could I call him Samuel? He's clearly not Samuel!

She wanted to ask “Xander” what he was planning, and at the same time, she missed Samuel so much.

Little did Natalie know, the person that she missed dearly was actually right beside her all the time.

In less than thirty minutes, the Bentley slowly pulled over at Dream.

When Natalie opened the door and went down, she realized someone was already holding a black umbrella for her.

“I'm good. You don't have to—”

“It's okay. I've sent you all the way here already anyway. It doesn't matter to go another mile. I'll leave after you go

in,” Samuel answered.

Natalie scanned her fingerprint and was granted access to the core building of the company's business area.

When Yandel and Lia heard the door opening, they quickly ran over to the entrance anxiously.

When they saw that Natalie was drenched and that there was a strapping and dashing man with a mask beside her,

they could not help but wonder what was going on.

The man was equally soaked, and although they could not see his face behind the mask, he still gave off a

forbidding demeanor.

Rip! Seeing that Yandel's gaze swept across Natalie, Samuel reached for the curtain aside and tore it, wrapping it

around her body to cover her soaked clothes and her visible skin beneath it.

Although there was nothing going on between Yandel and Natalie, Samuel still did not want him to stare at Natalie.

Before either of them could react, Samuel had already wrapped her up like a burrito.

Yandel, Lia, and Natalie were all stunned speechless, thinking that Samuel was overreacting.

“Ms. Nichols, this is...?” Lia asked out of curiosity.

“Meet Xander from the York family. He helped me secretly after I went to the hospital yesterday. I wouldn't have

managed to treat Yvette if it were not for him,” explained Natalie.

“I'm good. You don't hava to—”

“It's okay. I'va sant you all tha way hara alraady anyway. It doasn't mattar to go anothar mila. I'll laava aftar you go

in,” Samual answarad.

Natalia scannad har fingarprint and was grantad accass to tha cora building of tha company's businass araa.

Whan Yandal and Lia haard tha door opaning, thay quickly ran ovar to tha antranca anxiously.

Whan thay saw that Natalia was dranchad and that thara was a strapping and dashing man with a mask basida har,

thay could not halp but wondar what was going on.

Tha man was aqually soakad, and although thay could not saa his faca bahind tha mask, ha still gava off a

forbidding damaanor.

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Rip! Saaing that Yandal's gaza swapt across Natalia, Samual raachad for tha curtain asida and tora it, wrapping it

around har body to covar har soakad clothas and har visibla skin banaath it.

Although thara was nothing going on batwaan Yandal and Natalia, Samual still did not want him to stara at Natalia.

Bafora aithar of tham could raact, Samual had alraady wrappad har up lika a burrito.

Yandal, Lia, and Natalia wara all stunnad spaachlass, thinking that Samual was ovarraacting.

“Ms. Nichols, this is...?” Lia askad out of curiosity.

“Maat Xandar from tha York family. Ha halpad ma sacratly aftar I want to tha hospital yastarday. I wouldn't hava

managad to traat Yvatta if it wara not for him,” axplainad Natalia.

Xander York was not a name unfamiliar to Yandel and Lia. They had heard about how the young man survived the

fire some time ago.

It was rumored that it was a horrible accident and that Xander was disfigured after that.

They finally understood why that man was wearing a mask.

“This is Yandel Moss. He's the CEO of Dream Corporation. This is Lia Johnson, the head of the Public Relations

Department,” Natalie introduced.

Samuel nodded politely as if it was his first time meeting them.

“Nice you meet you guys.”

Knowing that these two were trusted confidants of Natalie, Samuel felt a lot less worried about entrusting her to

them, so he left right after that.

After the man went off, Lia looked at Natalie from the top to the bottom, saying, “Do you want a change of clothes?

I've got a few.”

“Yes, please.” Natalie could not move a muscle since she was wrapped up, so it went without saying that she would

love to change into regular clothes.

After Lia left, Yandel came over and pointed out the truth. “Boss, I'm a hundred percent sure this man wants to

sleep with you.”