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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 317 Lord Lordo
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Behind the lush tree leaves, amidst the bustling bushes, and against the backward-blowing wind, two transparent figures gazed with their red eyes.

The naked eye couldn't perceive these two figures, not even those with detection abilities could find them. Only with a detection spell equipped with motion radar capabilities could one reveal their presence. Yet, even that spell would be useless if the two figures chose not to move or breathe. They were two Asuras in their Mind Body forms.

When an Asura shifted to Mind Body form, their bodies became transparent and challenging to detect. They transformed into Mind Realm creatures and vanished from the physical world.

"The information is correct; this is indeed a demon species camp," whispered the first Asura, Gobuka, son of Goku.

"I never thought those elves could be useful like this," scoffed the second Asura, Boguka, son of Boku.

Gobuka and Boguka were alike their father (or brother) and shared an incredibly close bond like siblings. However, unlike their father, who enjoyed battles, Gobuka and Boguka preferred being spies and sneaking into enemy camps.

This led them to join the Training Division or Provision Division, led by their respective fathers. However, they chose to enter the Military Espionage Division under Swa's command. The Military Espionage Division was mainly comprised of sylphs and druids, but they still needed asuras, especially those who possessed Mind Body abilities.

When they were still orc, they were inspired by the tale of Lordo, who infiltrated the human alliance's camp and became the key to Wilwatikta Kingdom's survival. They regarded Lordo's Resolution as the epitome of bravery and hoped that one day, they could be as courageous as Lordo.

"Heh, those elves wouldn't be trusted if Lord Lordo hadn't informed the kingdom about the demon camp in the Bog Forest. All of this is because of Lord Lordo's courage, and it has nothing to do with those cowardly elves," Gobuka disagreed.

"You're right. With or without information from the elves, Lord Lordo's words alone are sufficient evidence. I find it strange that Swa ordered us to investigate directly without immediately trusting Lord Lordo's information," Boguka nodded.

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At present, Lordo remained Stent Gaht's pet. Though treated like a canary, forced to sing and dance to amuse his master, Lordo received fresh information directly from the most powerful human. Sometimes, Stent Gaht held significant meetings with Lordo nearby, showing no trace of concern whatsoever.

As a result, Wilwatikta Kingdom currently possesses more complete battlefield information than even the humans in the human alliance territory. With this information, they can execute various clever maneuvers that keep the human alliance unaware of their vulnerability from behind.

Lordo's sacrifice is always narrated and broadcasted by the Kingdom Press. His name has become widely renowned and admired by the younger generation of monsters. He is considered a living hero whose contributions were so significant that many monsters bestow the title "Lord" before his name.

Boguka also nodded in agreement with his brother's words. "So, what should we do next? Based on our orders, we are supposed to withdraw after confirming the enemy's base, right?"

"Just withdraw? I don't think so. What we need to ascertain is not just the location of the demon base, but whether there are any monsters held captive in that camp," replied Gobuka.

"Isn't that highly risky? According to the information Lord Lordo obtained, demon species have peculiar spell forms. Unlike mages who recite incantations, demon species draw diagrams that can cause curses. I fear that if we're too hasty, the enemy will detect our position," whispered Boguka.

"You fool! Do you think that if Lord Lordo were in our position, he would simply withdraw without ensuring information from the enemy?"

"Of course not! Lord Lordo would boldly enter the enemy camp and ransack all the information without fear! But we're not Lord Lordo," Boguka said with great certainty.

"I know that's why we don't have to enter; we can observe from afar. We need to make sure there are indeed captives in this place," asserted Gobuka.

Boguka nodded, "Alright, then... I pity them greatly. They are treated like slaves by the demons and used as cannon fodder during battles," he said, recalling the reports Lordo had obtained.

"Hmm... monsters that haven't evolved cannot use mana, making them useless to the demon species as food. Hence, instead of killing them outright, the demon species chooses to enslave them and turn them into cannon fodder," Gobuka said with a mix of sadness and frustration in his voice.

"Yet, the fate of monsters living in the human alliance territory is even more pitiful. Every year, hundreds of their kind are sacrificed to serve as targets for human children's training. They truly live like livestock, devoid of freedom, and in a worse condition than slaves," Boguka added, expressing the same sadness and frustration.

They both clenched their hands tightly, filled with hatred towards the mana species that treated their kind so cruelly. But they were reminded of the early life of the monsters before the establishment of Wilwatikta Kingdom.

At that time, monsters lived in tribes, and the orc tribe had the smallest population. There were only sixteen desperate orcs who lived in hiding, their hearts filled with fear of mages. But when Moku came and uttered the Oath of Dawn, giving their tribe the name Dawnmist Tribe, that marked the beginning of a legendary era.

Thinking about the struggles of their fathers to build a safe home for them made both Asuras want to cry. Without Moku, they might have ended up like the monsters who were currently enslaved, used as target practice, or treated as livestock.

"Oh, our God, The One, bestow blessings upon our leader Moku, and may we fight alongside him in your heaven!"

"May we fight alongside him in your heaven!"

Gobuka and Boguka offered their prayers to their god in unison. This was the way taught by The One's Church to show gratitude to their ancestors and to Moku for building Wilwatikta Kingdom.

During their schooling days, this prayer was always recited at the beginning and end of each class. They had memorized several other prayers, but this one was deeply ingrained in their memories. Even now, before every meal, the monsters recited the same prayer to express their gratitude for the blessings they received.

Then, the two asuras resumed their surveillance with a more resolute gaze. In the Oath of Dawn, Moku made two promises to the orcs: to make them rulers of the Bog Forest and to make them the strongest race across the Meer Continent.

The first promise was almost fulfilled; only a few areas in the Bog Forest were still under the control of mutated animals. They were the Admantite-tier danger mutated animals. However, the realization of that promise only required Moku to evolve once again, and the time would not be long.

As for the second promise, it was still a long process. However, there was no monster who doubted that the promise would be fulfilled. That's why Gobuka and Boguka only needed to be patient until they eventually became the strongest race on the continent.

"Ah, there's movement inside the camp! Looks like there's a riot. Oh, it's a group of goblins and orcs being whipped by a demon!" suddenly exclaimed Boguka.

"Where? Where? Why can't I see it?"

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"Use your inner eye, you idiot!" said Boguka, slapping his brother's head.

Gobuka activated his inner eye, and he saw what Boguka saw. A group of monsters was being herded into the center of the camp, their necks and legs chained. They were made to face a bonfire before being repeatedly lashed by the demon behind them.

The demon laughed gleefully before kicking the monsters into the fire. The burning monsters screamed in pain, their cries echoing beyond the camp.

Once their bodies were charred and smelled roasted, they were thrown in front of the other monsters. With a gesture, the demon ordered them to eat the flesh of the burnt monsters. Despite the anguish in their eyes, they followed the demon's command.

"FUCK!" Gobuka roared with overwhelming anger. If he weren't in the middle of a surveillance mission, he would have already punched a nearby tree to the ground.

"This is the information we're looking for. I've already reported it to Pandava," said Boguka, his eyes turning red with an overwhelming aura of murderous intent.

"Are we just going to leave them like that?"

"No, we won't leave them like that. The headquarters already has a plan for this camp. We can't act recklessly and attack just yet. It would only ruin the bigger plan," responded Boguka.

"Boguka, it seems you're a coward! Why do you let our brethren suffer right in front of us without doing anything? If you won't do anything, then let me--"

"Gobuka, step back!" a woman's voice resonated in their minds through Pandava.

Instantly, Gobuka and Boguka stood at attention as if the woman was right in front of them.

Without saying a word, Gobuka quickly responded, "Yes, Mom!"

Gobuka couldn't argue when the order came directly from his mother, Vivi The Spicy.