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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 327 Irritating Son
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Despite the bewildering thoughts causing Moku to cough up blood, he believed it to be the real fact. Therefore, it can be explained that the anomaly and the main factor behind all this were the orc race itself, not just Moku alone.

Perhaps his true role was merely to act as a catalyst to expedite the orc race's discovery of using dragon prana. Even if he did not exist, the orc race would eventually find a way to evolve into asuras, but it would require a slightly longer process.

"Moku, why the distant look?" Nedira asked, bringing him back from his reverie.

Moku turned to his wife and was reminded of Tam's face. If he hadn't been born in this world, Tam might have been one of the "hobgoblin" mothers.

"Oh, nothing. Although the leader of our stalkers is cautious, they still harbor suspicions about the bait we've set. Perhaps one of the human alliance teams is currently moving to that location. Don't worry; Mige and the others can handle them well. I trust them," said Moku, shaking his head to dispel the image of Tam, pregnant with an orc child.

The place Moku referred to was where Robert suspected to be the monsters' headquarters. Moku deliberately instilled those suspicions in the human alliance and made their attack trails on supply caravans more evident.

He wanted to see if the human alliance would react similarly to Raiden and his soldiers upon encountering asuras, hobgoblins, and druids. That's why Moku had prepared a deceptive fortress to welcome the mages who arrived there.

Moku and the other monsters had also discussed the backstories of their species. These would be used by Ez in negotiating with the Elven alliance. Everything was perfectly arranged, and if it succeeded, the fifth mana species would soon emerge on the Meer Continent.

Nevertheless, they had to remain cautious about the true intentions of the mana species that had been kind to them. Currently, Moku hoped that Ez would be able to unveil those intentions during his journey to the elven alliance.

"Oh, it seems the leader of our stalkers is truly cautious," Moku remarked, turning his head south.

"Why is that?" Nedira asked, also looking in the same direction, but she couldn't see anything.

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"He immediately called for backup when the man suddenly lost control. Hmm... truly shrewd. That's why he decided to use a defensive formation that appears to enclose his allies. He intends to buy time until help arrives."

Although Moku's eyes couldn't perceive it, his inner eye could. He saw five mages rushing to their location with incredible speed.

By sensing the mana flow within their bodies, Moku could tell that the weakest among them was a Level 3 Constellation Mage. The rest were Level 4 Constellation Mages, and one of them was a Level 5 Constellation Mage.

"We should leave this place immediately before that person senses my presence. Fortunately, all the monsters have successfully passed through the cave and are almost near Wilwatikta Kingdom," said Moku, carrying Nedira in his arms.

"I can walk on my own," Nedira replied, but there was no real desire to get down from Moku's lap.

"We need to hurry and destroy the cave before these mages get close enough to feel its vibrations," Moku jumped and kicked the air, gliding swiftly until he stood in front of the cave's mouth.

Without slowing down, Moku kicked the air again, and with each kick, he created Kala heads that collided with the cave walls. The cave collapsed, concealing all traces inside.

As he kicked the air and destroyed everything around him, Moku looked at his wife's face and grinned mischievously. "Hey, what if you turn back into Anna and we have a threesome with Nevare?" he asked.

Nedira only gazed deeply into Moku's eyes and didn't say anything until the mischievous smile on Moku's face disappeared. She didn't need to say anything, but tonight and the following seven nights, she would lock her bedroom door and not allow her lecherous husband to enter.

Moku could only hang his head dejectedly as the fantasy of embracing Anna and Nevare simultaneously vanished before it could happen.

They both exited the cave and at the same time, the cave's mouth was sealed shut by the debris. Moku didn't stop; instead, he accelerated towards Wilwatikta Kingdom.

His thoughts about Ez earlier reminded him that his friend should have already reached the elven alliance. If nothing went wrong and the negotiations went smoothly, Ez's letter should have arrived at Wilwatikta Kingdom by now.

However, if something went awry and the negotiations with the elven alliance failed, he would have to come up with a new tale for Ez's deeds. Perhaps "The Red Honeymoon" would be an apt title for Ez's journey this time.

But just as he wanted to curse the newly minted jest at Ez's expense, a Pandava connected with him. It was Nash, his firstborn son with Nevare.

Nash had become an asura, but inheriting his father's pampered nature, he preferred being a martial arts instructor and always stayed at Wilwatikta Kingdom rather than roaming in the Bog Forest and joining raiding parties like his other brothers. The only thing that made Nash leave Wilwatikta Kingdom was when he was looking for a wife.

He didn't want to just follow Palaka and claim his wife like that. He wanted to capture the woman of his choice, put her in Palaka as the prize for the winner, and defeat all his rivals to earn recognition and honor for his wife. This situation sometimes made Moku's head spin.I think you should take a look at

Many monsters wanted to challenge Nash to a fight because he was the firstborn of the Ku and the Progenitor Queen. As a result, the Palaka arena where his potential wife resided became the arena with the highest number of contestants. Almost every monster participating in Palaka at that time fought in the arena for Nash's potential bride. And until now, that record remains unbroken.

Of course, Moku received thousands of complaints from the overwhelmed alraune. The monster really seemed eager to showcase their abilities by defeating Nash. As a result, almost no monster in that battle came out unscathed, some even losing more than two of their limbs.

Moku could only blame Nevare and Nezena for spoiling the brat so much that he didn't know how to restrain himself. Arrogance also had its way of showing, or else respect would vanish along with it.

"Nash, what's the matter?" after reminiscing a little about his troublesome son, Moku immediately asked the main point.

"Why are you so cold? Do I have to contact you only when something's wrong? Can't I reach out to you just because I miss you?"

Moku felt his blood boil, "Nash, stop kidding around. Where did you learn such nauseating words? Miss me? I just saw you two days ago, and we spoke just a few hours ago," Moku said irritably.

Then Moku heard Nash not answering and seeming to look elsewhere before saying, "Mother Nezena, you're right, he got angry when I said that," with a cheerful voice.

Hearing that, Moku's face turned red, containing his irritation. Since when did his wife and son team up to bully him? And why did Nash have to turn around to chat with Nezena? Didn't he know that the Pandava would instantly connect with his mind?

Is he now thinking that he's chatting using a telephone?

If so, how does he know what a telephone is?

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Lately, Moku feels too preoccupied and has been missing out on the gossip circulating within his own home. Maybe it's time to gather his entire family and sit together to chat.

Ah, if only Ez were still in Wilwatikta Kingdom, then he could delegate all the royal tasks to him.

Moku already misses Ez even though his friend just left a few days ago. After his return, Moku promises to give Ez more work to show his longing.

"Nash, what's the matter?" Moku raised his voice. Nedira, whom he held in his arms, started chuckling as she saw Moku getting upset because of their son.

"Well, Moku, there's a letter that came to the kingdom, brought by a hobgoblin who joined Ez's delegation," said Nash.

'Ez, you truly are a monster with a long life,' cursed Moku in his heart. He had just been thinking about his friend, and news about him immediately reached his ears. If it weren't for Ez's long life, what else could explain it?

(A/N: In the monster's belief, if you're talking about someone and that person appears, it means that person has a long life.)

With Ez's long life, Moku could employ him for much longer. Maybe he could even push Ez to work harder, even if it might shorten his life. After all, Ez had a long life.

"It seems Ez has arrived safely at the elf alliance. What's in the letter?" Moku asked impatiently.

However, Nash only answered, "I don't know."


Moku felt like one of his nerves snapped. Clenching his teeth to contain his anger, Moku said, "Why don't you know?"

"It says 'Confidential' and 'Only for Moku' on it, so I didn't dare to open it," Nash replied nonchalantly.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling, Moku said, "I give you permission to open it. Hurry up and read it before I get there and dunk your head!"

"Okay... okay... geez... there's no need to be angry. Ah... it seems like Ez is in danger... Maybe we won't be able to meet him again," Nash said casually.

"Oh, that sounds like good news," Moku said with a sigh of relief.