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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 347 The Sleep That Almost Led To War
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Artur wished he could shout like that when he saw Anna falling deeply asleep in Moku's embrace while she was still talking to Zilya. Wasn't this a kind of disrespect toward Zilya and the other delegation members?

Artur immediately looked at Prince Moku's expression. He hoped that Prince Moku wouldn't be angry or disappointed with his sister. He couldn't believe that a royalty like Prince Moku would allow someone to sleep so casually during such an important meeting.

Yet, what he discovered almost made his jaw-dropping. Instead of disappointment or anger, Prince Moku was adjusting his posture to make Anna more comfortable. He even seemed to be using the protective film he employed for battles, like when he fought Gathjee, as a cushion to help Anna sleep more soundly.

What he saw was beyond ridiculous. Not only he, but Gathjee, Vate, Listi, Robert, and Rini had the same expressions. Meanwhile, the Human Alliance delegation team was struggling not to appear shocked. It was evident from Zilya's twitching facial muscles, as she attempted not to form a wide-eyed expression.

And what about the expressions of the other arion present? Perhaps Prince Moku's head had become too clouded with flowers due to his affection for Anna. But it was unlikely that their behavior would be easily accepted by other arion who witnessed it.

After all, Prince Moku and Anna were representing their species at this meeting. They should have been extremely careful not to bring shame upon the Wilwatikta Kingdom and the arion species.

Artur immediately turned his gaze toward the arion group. They appeared to be staring at Prince Moku and Anna intensely. Artur broke into a cold sweat, as rumors that Anna fell asleep during a crucial meeting with the Human Alliance delegation team were on the brink of spreading throughout the West Fortress.

If this news reached the ears of the arion king, there was a possibility that the king, who was already against Anna's marriage to Prince Moku, would grow even more hostile towards her. What would happen if Anna was forced to leave Wilwatikta Kingdom? What would become of his two nephews, Adja and Aru?

Imagining Anna, Adja, and Aru wandering aimlessly in the Bog forest after being expelled by the arion king sent shivers down Artur's spine. He had to wake her up quickly before any arion actually reported this to the king.

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However, before Artur could move, a tap on his shoulder halted him. He turned to find a human woman holding his shoulder.

"Gupita," Artur said in a low voice.

"Where are you going?" Gupita asked with a gentle smile on her face.

"I-I need to wake up Anna. If this continues, she will be further disliked by the arion king. If she's expelled from here, there's a high chance all of you will be too!" Artur replied.

Gupita tilted her head, "Expelled? Why would she be expelled?- Oh! I see. It seems you've misunderstood. Try enchanting your hearing with mana and listen to the conversation over there," Gupita said, pointing towards a group of arion with her chin.

"Hmm?" Not just Artur, even Robert and Rini, who overheard their conversation, looked puzzled.

They turned towards the arion group Gupita was pointing at and focused their mana on their ears. Their hearing abilities sharpened, and the words spoken by the arion became clear.

"Wow... Consort Anna fell asleep quickly... Tsk tsk tsk... truly remarkable."

"Hmm... I know, right? The moment she sat on Prince Moku's lap and rested her head on his chest, she fell asleep instantly. Truly an extraordinary ability."

"Look how comfortable she looks while sleeping... ugh... I wish my wife could do that too."

"Heh... Why are you blaming your wife? Consort Anna is sitting on Prince Moku's lap, so of course, she would fall into a deep sleep. If you want your wife to fall asleep on your lap, you need to possess abilities on par with Prince Moku!"

"Ugh... you don't have to put it like that..."

"See how happy Prince Moku is right now."

"Absolutely, his mood has improved rapidly. Ah... this boring meeting process has become more enjoyable."

"Consort Anna is truly extraordinary. Sigh... I hope I can get a wife like her someday..."

"Heh... Don't dream too much; there's no way you'll get a wife as strong as her..."


Not just Artur, but also Robert and Rini, were left dumbfounded. They had thought they were mishearing things or perhaps there was some glitch in their minds that led them to believe the arion were praising Anna for falling asleep during such an important meeting.

However, Gupita's voice rang out again, causing them to quickly cease eavesdropping.

"That's enough. Eavesdropping on conversations is extremely impolite among arion. Do you understand now?"

This time it was Robert who turned towards Gupita and asked, "Gupita, what's actually happening right now?"

"Hmm... this might be considered a difference in perspective between humans and arion. Arion is a species that prioritizes strength above all else. They are obsessed with becoming stronger and idolize those who are strong. So, it could be said that the arion species... err... What's the right word? Ah! Egotistical.

"Arion are egotistical, perhaps bordering on narcissistic. They believe they are the strongest, and sometimes dependence on someone can be seen as a form of weakness. Because of this, many of them don't trust others to protect them.

"However, just like humans, arion are also social creatures. The strength they possess is sometimes accompanied by loneliness. So, if there's a being that relies on them, they will care for and love that being wholeheartedly.

"For humans, Consort Anna falling asleep in Prince Moku's lap during a meeting might be considered impolite. But for arion, Consort Anna's attitude is the highest form of respect towards Prince Moku.

"Consort Anna's behavior can be interpreted as her fully trusting Prince Moku's strength to protect her from danger. That's why she can sleep soundly, knowing Prince Moku will watch over her.

"Prince Moku himself feels happiness because Consort Anna depends on him. Consort Anna's sleeping state shows all arion that he possesses enough strength to protect her, who is in his embrace."

Gupita's words left Artur wide-eyed. He felt like he had just stumbled upon a unique and unheard-of concept. Meanwhile, Robert immediately reported this to Gathjee.

Right after all this, Grit's pale face regained color. It seemed Gathjee had conveyed Gupita's explanation to Grit. Earlier, Grit might have felt insulted by Anna's seemingly impolite behavior.

Artur also quickly realized the situation and sent a [Message] to Zalya to explain. He didn't want his aunt to harbor any resentment towards Anna due to a misunderstanding like this.

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The differing perspectives of the two species almost led this meeting to a complicated situation. Artur also understood Anna's current dilemma; if she fell asleep, it might be seen as an insult to the Human Alliance delegation, but if she didn't, it could be interpreted as distrust towards Prince Moku by the arion.

Whichever option Anna chose, it would likely lead to a misunderstanding between the two parties. Fortunately, Gupita intervened and explained everything to them. Artur couldn't fathom the outcome otherwise.

"Gupita, thank you. Your explanation is invaluable to us. I can't imagine what would've happened if the Human Alliance took Anna's behavior as an insult," said Robert.

Gupita shook her head. "You don't need to thank me. I did this all for Consort Anna's sake. I don't want her to become the reason for conflict between arion and humans," Gupita said.

"Gupita, thank you for saving my sister," Artur lowered his head.

Gupita simply nodded.

The delayed meeting process due to Anna's situation resumed. Grit, who now understood what was actually happening, quickly regained his composure.

"Your Highness Prince Moku, I bring you a gift from the Human Alliance. It's a token of our gratitude for welcoming Gathjee and the others into your territory. I hope you accept it," Grit said, signaling the mages to bring in the gift.

Three mages brought in three large iron boxes measuring 100 x 50 centimeters into The Great Hall. They levitated the boxes using magic, indicating their considerable weight.

Three arion approached, taking the boxes from the mages and easily hoisting them onto their shoulders. They carried the boxes and placed them in front of Prince Moku.

"Hmm? What's inside these three boxes?" Prince Moku asked.

"The contents of these three boxes are Mana Stones, Your Highness," Grit answered.

"Mana Stones?" Moku tilted his head.

Moku's reaction surprised Artur. Why did Moku appear not to know what Mana Stones were? Could there be another term for Mana Stones?

However, that was unlikely, given they were currently communicating using translation magic. Any specific term differences would be immediately translated into the known term.

Thus, whatever term the arion used for Mana Stones, Prince Moku should have heard it when Grit mentioned "Mana Stones."

Was there a translation error? Or perhaps, could it be that Mana Stones didn't exist in the Wilwatikta Kingdom?