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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 354 Two Secret Meetings (1)
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Chapter 354 Two Secret Meetings (1)

When all the attendees in the throne room had left, the only ones remaining were King Aquaenar and Princess Seraphina. The silence that hung in the air between father and daughter, their gazes locked, was a precaution to ensure that no one else would overhear their conversation.

"Your Majesty, the [Dimension Barrier] has been set," whispered a man dressed in all black who suddenly appeared behind Aquaenar.

Aquaenar merely nodded, and the man in black disappeared into the shadows once more. The [Dimension Barrier] he referred to was a high-level spell used to compartmentalize a space into another realm.

In reality, high-level spells like this were often used to encircle someone, preventing them from using teleportation spells such as [Gate], [Instant Teleportation], or [Dimension Walking]. So, using it just to ensure their conversation remained unheard was somewhat excessive.

It's like trying to kill a chicken with a battleaxe.

However, the importance and secrecy of what Aquaenar and Seraphina were about to discuss were paramount. If even a single word was heard by anyone other than them, the danger they would face would be immense.

It might not just result in their heads being severed, but also in the downfall of the Aquanorin Kingdom. So, even though it seemed excessive, they had to take precautions up to this extent.

"Seraphina, you need not worry about anyone overhearing our conversation in this room," Aquaenar said, observing his daughter's vigilant stance and her assessment of their surroundings.

"I apologize for my caution, Father, but I don't want a single misstep in our plan. I cannot simply relax, especially knowing that our people are the collateral for our potential failure," Seraphina said, lowering her head.

"Ah, my dear daughter, you burden yourself too much. Relax, nothing will happen. We should conclude this meeting swiftly before spies from other elven kingdoms grow suspicious," Aquaenar smiled, feeling proud of his brilliant daughter.

There's no need for further analysis; every elven kingdom will undoubtedly dispatch spies to other elven realms. It's become an unwritten norm, perhaps a system of checks and balances within the political life of the Elven Alliance.

These spies could be nobles, maids, butlers, guards, or even just a gardener in the palace. Cleansing them is futile, as it would only raise suspicions and waste time.

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Their masters can easily replace slain spies with new ones swiftly. Hence, it's wiser to let the spies live, feeding them false information to deceive them, rather than killing them.

"Hmm... Very well, Father. The initial phase of our plan has succeeded, and if there are no disruptions, the second phase can commence," Seraphina stated.

"The initial phase of our plan was to summon an envoy of the Arion species to Aquanorin and not to any other elven kingdom, correct?"

"Absolutely, Father. With Raiden's demise, no one can blame us for seeking revenge. They also can't say a word when we hold Ez The First Diplomat captive in our kingdom. This way, the envoy of the Arion species will have no choice but to conduct their first meeting in the Aquanorin Kingdom," Seraphina nodded.

The emergence of the fifth mana species came as a profound surprise to the Human Alliance.

Their dreams of becoming Level 9 Constellation Mages were shattered with Darius and Ariel's ascension. They could no longer gather Recognition from the elven species, so their only option was to seek it among other species.

However, none of the three other mana species they encountered could establish a favorable relationship with the Elven Alliance. Whether due to the grudges from the First Mana Species War or their predatory nature, no bonds could be formed.

Thus, when a new mana species with the potential for harmonious relations with the Elven Alliance emerged, the jubilation among all the Level 8 Constellation Mages was palpable. For this reason, Aquaenar was willing to oppose the five other elven kings, all in the pursuit of enabling Raiden to initiate the first contact.

Little did he realize that Raiden had nearly killed arion species's Holy Queen and had been killed by a prince.

Consequently, the Arion species bore a grudge and a blood feud against the Aquanorin Kingdom. Swiftly, the other elven kingdoms severed connections with them, avoiding the Arion species' ire.

They wouldn't sacrifice their ascension opportunities for the sake of protecting Aquanorin Kingdom. This event was a devastating blow to Aquaenar, nearly pushing him to despair.

The exclusionary stance of the elven kings was apparent when they didn't seek his opinion during the selection of Gundrid as the leader of the welcoming delegation for the Wilwatikta Kingdom.

Due to Raiden's death, Aquaenar almost lost his chance to become a Level 9 Constellation Mage. If it weren't for his remarkably astute daughter, Seraphina.

Aquaenar smiled, "I never thought you'd use Raiden's death to our advantage," he said.

Seraphina smiled back, "Father, what do you mean by that? Did you expect me to truly feel sorrow and be struck by grief over Raiden's death?" she added with a teasing tone.

"Hahahaha... of course not. I knew my clever daughter wouldn't easily be enslaved by love. I just thought your childhood sweetheart's connection to Raiden might make you a bit sentimental, causing you to lose your usual edge," he explained.

"Ah, Father, you're truly teasing me. My relationship with Raiden was purely for the well-being of Aquanorin Kingdom. He possessed [Soul God: Lich Form] and [Domain: Grave of Suffering].

"Two legendary spells said to have the power to resurrect the dead and control their living spirits. By marrying Raiden, these two spells would return to the royal family.

"At first, I hoped he would become the third Level 8 Constellation Mage in our kingdom after you and Grandfather. Unfortunately, Raiden couldn't live up to the legend of those two spells and was killed.

"Due to his death, we nearly lost the opportunity to have a Level 9 Constellation Mage. So, whether I liked it or not, I had to use his death as a foundation to level our position and perhaps even get a head start."

Hearing Seraphina's explanation, Aquaenar's hair stood on end. As a Level 8 Constellation Mage, he felt a shiver from his daughter's words. His face remained impassive, as if devoid of expression.

"Ah, my daughter, you truly are exceptional. With you in Aquanorin, there's no doubt our kingdom will progress. HAHAHA!"

Upon hearing Aquaenar's laughter, Seraphina smiled gently, seemingly sharing the joy. Yet, Aquaenar knew that the smile was an outstanding performance.

"Now, how has your approach to The First Diplomat been progressing?" Aquaenar asked, hoping to wipe away her fake smile.

Seraphina shook her head. "I don't think I can succeed with him," she replied curtly.

"Oh? Why is that? I've never known anyone to escape your beauty," Aquaenar said with seriousness.

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Each species holds different artistic values, thus they have varied perceptions of beauty. The most beautiful woman in the human species might not hold the same title among the warbeast species.

However, Seraphina was different. She was born with the Lotus Soul. Her beauty wasn't just physical; it resonated from her very soul. So, anyone living creature that saw her, as long as they had a soul, would perceive her as a remarkably beautiful woman.

"He's not uninterested in me, but his fear prevents him from daring to hope for anything from me," Seraphina remarked.

"Huh? Fear? Does he know our true plan?" Aquaenar questioned, his forehead furrowing.

Seraphina shook her head, "He doesn't know our plan at all, though he might have sensed something. But that's just a testament to his skill. He wouldn't have risen to the position of second-in-command in Wilwatikta Kingdom if he were foolish.

"But this fear of his... it's like he's afraid to touch the bone in the bowl of a rabid dog's food... fufufu.." Seraphina chuckled softly.

Aquaenar deepened his tone, "Seraphina, why are you laughing? Didn't you yourself say that this plan would only work if a significant arion figure becomes infatuated with you?"

Aquaenar knew from the start that his daughter could sometimes be unreliable. Despite her brilliance, she was easily captivated by things she found interesting.

Unfortunately, what she found interesting often didn't align with what normal individuals would consider intriguing. Had Seraphina shown any signs of endangering Aquanorin, he might have eliminated her long ago.

"Ah, Father, you needn't worry. After all, the next target has arrived at our doorstep. Moreover, even if he doesn't hold as much influence as Ez The First Diplomat, he's still a descendant of the arion king," Seraphina said.

"Prince Moku, you mean?"

Seraphina nodded, "Hmm... He's a fitting and easily incapacitated target. Hehehe, didn't you notice his gaze when I entered the throne room? It was as if he wanted to strip me bare right then and there, to defile me in front of everyone.

"His wild eyes truly perceived me as nothing more than a delectable pile of meat. His arrogance, towering as the sky, makes him susceptible to manipulation."

"Oh, is this why you accepted his duel challenge earlier?"

"Hmm... Aren't arion species fond of the strong? Hehehe, I wonder what expression he'll have when we duel. Maybe he'll tear my clothes and violate me in the middle of the arena."

"Well... if that's the case, then it's good," Aquaenar also smiled, hearing his daughter casually discussing such vulgarity in front of him.

Their conversation continued within the throne room, with not a single creature able to hear them.