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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 48 Ez Worry
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"I returned to the tribe after picking some fruit in the forest. By then the sun was about to set and white mist had started to descend from Wolf Slope Mountain.

However, when I arrived at the goblin cave, the goblins were still gathered at the cave gate. I felt strange because usually I was the last person to enter the cave.

After I asked what happened to one of the goblins there, he said that our shaman and chief decided to attack the orc tribe and told them to prepare in 5 day.

I wondered why we would attack the orc tribe, because as far as I know there has never been a battle between the orc tribe and the goblin tribe.

However, none of the goblins there knew about it, only the chief, the shaman, and a few high-ranking tribesmen knew the exact reason for this attack.

I panicked because I knew that even though there were only few of you, you were very strong. Even if we attack suddenly, you can knew it with your sense of smell.

That's why I want to meet the orc chieftain and ask him to withdraw from this battle. I am willing to be your slave for life, I just don't want my brothers and sisters to be killed.

I beg of you!" Ez bowed his head pleadingly.

But the orcs paid no heed to Ez's pleas, their eyes turned red, and their faces filled with anger. So as usual the cheerleaders among them were the first to voice the orcs' anger.


All the other orcs were also getting ready to shout in anger, but the overwhelming aura fill the entire tent made the air choke in their throats.

The orcs turned to Moku and saw him glaring at them angrily.

Plakk!! the sound of Swa's head being slaped by Laya.

"Don't you see Nevare is sleeping? do you want she wake up and kill you?!" Laya said into Swa's ear.

All eyes were on Anna who was fast asleep on Moku's lap. Moku changed his sitting position so that Anna was more comfortable to lean on.

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All the orcs became silent and swallowed their anger. Some of them even taking a paper and writing something on it with charcoal.

Ez and the four girls glanced at Anna and Moku with envy. 'Is this the advantage of being the chief's wife? no one dares to wake you up when you sleep' they whispered in their hearts.

Unbeknownst to Anna, who was sleeping, she was one of the reasons why this conversation could run smoothly and not filled with shout of angry orcs.

If the orcs were consumed with anger then Ez would run away in fear, even if they caught him back, he most likely wouldn't dare to speak again.

After seeing that the orcs had calmed down, Moku glanced at one of the orcs and said "Goku what do you think about this?"

"OF COUR—" "Shhhh!!" all the orcs shush Goku who wanted to scream in anger. Goku cleared his throat and repeated in a quieter voice "of course we will attack them first, let we kill this arrogant goblin till they know how to bow!"

Ez's face paled, he really regretted his decision to come to the orc tribe.

Goku's answer made almost all the orcs nod. It could be said that Goku's answer perfectly matched the characteristics of the orcs.

They couldn't wait to fight and kill, they were tired of hunting animals that had no intelligence. Goblins were the perfect opponent to test the results of their training so far.

Moku made no comment, his one hand stroked Anna's hair, and the other gently stroked Anna's stomach. Then he glanced at one of the other orcs, "Mige what do you think?" Moku asked.

"I agree with Goku's point of view, however it would be dishonorable and unlike warriors if we attack the goblins suddenly. We should wait for them to come and let them attack us.

That way we'll have a reason to fight and finish them all off. Like KuMoku once say 'Enemies are not sought, if meet is inevitable'" Mige replied with burning eyes.

Mige's answer made the orcs sound "aahh", "ooohh", and nod. The young orc group seemed to be puffing out their chests and proud of their intelligent generation.

If Goku's answer is the personification of the true character of the orcs, then Mige's answer is the personification of the warrior.

Attacking the enemy suddenly was a disgraceful act for a warrior, they would prefer to fight the enemy from the front rather than attack from behind.

Right now, not only was Ez's face pale, but his body was also dripping with cold sweat. The only thing keeping him from running in fear was the feeling of security being so close to the exit.

Moku again gave no response or comment, he took a fleece blanket, and covered Anna's body so she wouldn't be cold. His movements were very slow and careful not to wake Anna.

He looks like a mother who managed to put her child to sleep and wants to put her in the baby crate.

The orcs watched Moku's movements carefully, they seemed to be trying to memorize all the details of the movement even from the way Moku's fingers moved.

Ez and the other four girls cursed again in their hearts.

Moku glanced at one of the orcs who from the beginning until now did not show any expression, he was often nicknamed 'stone face' by other orcs, "Boku, what do you think?" Moku asked.

"KuMoku, I can't give you a definitive opinion on this. I have no information about what really happened and why the goblin tribe wanted to attack us.

As far as I know, our tribe and the goblin tribe have no enmity or grudges between each other.

That's why I think it's better if we gather information first about why they want to attack us" Boku said.

The orcs feel Boku is too weak in this matter, why should we wait to attack the enemy.

But Boku wasn't done yet, he continued what he was saying "So I think, in order to gather information we should catch some goblins.

It was better if the goblins were from their higher-ups or their chiefs and shamans directly. We will take them to the tribe and interrogate them until we have all the information about the goblins.

Then after all the information is gathered then we will attack them with full strength. As KuMoku once said, 'Tagak means that you respect your enemies and don't underestimate them'".

The eyes of all the orcs lit up at Boku's opinion. They feel this is the best way to solve this problem.

Mige's opinion was also good, but the young Mige didn't think much further about war. In battle, enemy information is very valuable.

They also learn this during hunting, where the PG team will be tasked with gathering all the information they can get about the animal colony before they are going to hunt.

Boku's opinion reflects the new civilization and character of the orcs.

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They no longer just attack blindly but they have understood the importance of information and reconnaissance of the enemy.

With the information they get, they will form a new strategy that is able to minimize the possibility of defeat and increase the chance of victory.

After that, they will attack with all their strength until the enemy is gone. Like a lion hunting a rabbit with full strength.

Right now Ez really regretted his decision to come to this tribe. Although Ez's decision seems the stupidest thing he had ever done, he still hoped for the nature, character, and disposition of the orcs.

Not the nature, character, and disposition of Moku, but of the actual orcs. Even though he's a coward Ez isn't a stupid goblin, he's actually very smart.

He knew that if the brutal, warlike, and arrogant orcs heard that the goblins were about to attack, they would be furious and decide to attack first.

Even though orcs are stronger than goblins, Ez knows that goblins have other abilities that orcs don't. Namely their skills in making weapons and building caves.

Their caves are filled with traps, confusing mazes, and goblins who can attack from anywhere.

Coupled with their weapons made of iron, it would be superior to orcs who still used bones, stones, and woods as weapons.

If the orcs attack then the goblins can hide in the cave and lure them into a trap. With the small number of orcs they will be able to beat them one by one.

This will make the goblin's chance of victory much greater than with the surprise attack planned before.

However, Ez never thought that not only did the orcs not get angry, they even discussed calmly and made strategies that exceeded Ez's expectations.

Although he was afraid of Goku's opinion but it was almost the same as what he wanted to happen.

Mige's opinion is the thing Ez wants to avoid, he wants the battle not to take place in an open area, but in close space like their cave. Nevertheless, they will still manage it with their more advanced weapon and trap.

However, Boku's opinion made EZ's whole body shiver with fear. He never expected that a brutal, warlike, and arrogant orc would understand the importance of seeking out enemy information.

If the orc tribe chose to use Boku's opinion then it was likely that the goblin tribe would be finished.

Ez knew if this was the orc tribe he was used to know then they would attack first like Goku's opinion.

Or if the worst thing happened where the pride of the orc tribe was too great then they would choose to challenge the goblin tribe in open battle according to what Mige said.

However, it never occurred to his mind, if the orcs not only did not ridicule Boku's opinion but they nodded and looked at Boku in admiration.

'Then what's with that 'KuMoku once say' is your holy spell or something?' Ez cursed in his heart.