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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 62 First Human Kill
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A crowd of no more than seven people walked warily through the dense Bog forest.

They look alert and remember every path they take, marking it with the location of the sun, the position of the clouds, and the direction of the wind.

Walking in the Bog forest by remembering the shape of the trees and the ground is a stupid thing, because the land can move and the tree can disappears.

Only the sun, clouds and wind direction will not deceive you. The rest, you can only hope if you not in illusion by smelling the hypnotic plants.

Most of them wore leather armor and leather shoes. Swords and knives were slung around their waists, some of them carrying wooden shields attached to their right or left arms.

Some of them carried spears or arrows as long-range weapons. Each of them has a bag containing medicinal herbs, poison antidotes, or other things that help them survive in the Bog forest.

Their clothes that had different colors showed that they were not soldiers from a noble or kingdom.

However, they all wear dark or green clothes to blend in with the Bog's jungle atmosphere.

This shows that they have experience entering the Bog forest.

They were adventurers from Heles City.

"Hugo, entering the Bog forest while the fog is still there is a dangerous thing. Iron or Silver tier danger mutated animals might still be roaming around.

Our large numbers will also make our smells easier to identify. Why are we not waiting for noon before leaving?" The burly man with short brown hair in the front row asked the friend next to him.

"I know that too! But I have my own thoughts about this.

Our large number will make deodorizing potions more effective. Our odors can be mixed and no longer can be smelled at a radius of 30 meters.

We will only be smelled if we walk towards the enemy or the enemy walk towards us. We've spent a lot of money to buy this potion.

So you better shut up!" Hugo, burly with an ax slung over his back, with a bald head and a cut on his cheek, he had a stern look on his face. He was the leader of this group of adventurers.

"This is what I'm concerned about Hugo, we have spent too much money. If we are attacked by mutated animals right now then we are in danger. Even if we survive, we will be short of money to live on"

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"Jack, you know that our goal this time is very secret. If we succeed then we will become very rich. All the ladies and nobles will praise us.

That's why we have to finish this without anyone knowing. What happens if another group of adventurers finds out that we have this thing to guide us? They'll all attack and force us to hand this thing over to them!" Hugo said fiercely.

Hugo pointed at the birdcage covered in black cloth in his hand. From inside the cage came the sound of chattering teeth and the buzzing of insect wings.

"Well, you're right but—" Before Jack could say anything his head was severed by a golden shadow that flashed past.

It happened so fast and so unexpectedly. All of the existing humans could only stare at Jack decapitated body in disbelief at what had just happened.

Hugo's eyes widened in disbelief at what he had just seen. Even though it might be just a shadow but he saw a giant figure whose body was covered with golden tribal tattoos slashing Jack's head with his hands.

He wished it was just his imagination but Jack's severed head who is rolling on the ground needed an answer to what had just happened.

Before the humans could react there was a voice of disappointment that was the answer to all of this.

"Are mages really this weak?"

Right in the middle of them stood a creature with a height of 2 meters and a body filled with golden tribal tattoos. He was disturbed to see his right hand covered in blood.

With a heart full of fear Hugo said "W..w..who are you?"

"I'm Moku an orc. I was expecting fierce resistance from you mages. However, it seems that only you and him have the constellations on their bodies.

If the amount of mana in your body is comparable to his then do you two have the same power. Looks like you're still a level 1 constellation mage. What a disappointment" Moku glanced at Jack's lifeless body with a look full of disappointment.

Before Hugo could say anything, Moku looked at Hugo with a friendly smile.

"But at least you can satisfy my brother's desire to kill humans. well.. are there any women among you? There doesn't seem to be any.. Laya, Swa, they all belong to you!"

Suddenly two large orcs emerged from the bushes around them. The spiked maces, thick cloth tying their waists, and the fierce looks show that they couldn't wait to slay the humans in front of them.

They charged forward without saying anything, the spiked mace meeting the human flesh and tearing it apart. Screams of pain were heard everywhere. The two orcs mercilessly slaughtered all the humans in front of them.

They moved like the wind through all the sword slash launched by humans. They were not like ordinary orcs who took attacks with their strong bodies and hoped for regeneration abilities to heal them.

Not a single attack from the humans hurt them. Each hit of their spiked maces tore apart the human bodies and threw them flying into the air.

Although Hugo's group was filled with ordinary humans and only Jack and Hugo were level 1 constellation mage, they had the ability and experience to fight that was not inferior to the elite soldiers of the Stonhold Kingdom army.

However, they were slaughtered like leaves falling from a tree while facing two orcs whom they viewed as weak creatures and pests.

It didn't take long for almost all of the humans in Hugo's group to become torn pieces of flesh.

Hugo knew that it was his turn to be killed next, but he couldn't do anything because Moku's gaze continued to look at him.

His bloodshot eyes seemed to wish for Hugo to take out a secret move he didn't know about and try to fight back.

However, Hugo knew that Moku was much stronger than he imagined. The only way out of this alive is to run away instead of fighting.

He had to report this to the Guild, the orcs, the monsters that they had been thought of as vermin, had changed and possessed the power to kill a mage with a single strike.

Before they went into the Bog forest this time, they heard that the military academy's Guru Committee sensed a new Platinum Tier danger mutated animal being born in the Bog forest.

However, it seemed that it was not the mutated animal that the Guru Committee felt but the green monster standing in front of Hugo that managed to evolve.

Hugo waited for the right time to quickly escape from this place. He waited for Moku to let his guard down and gave him an opening to cast a spell.

But Moku was very relaxed and wasn't the least bit wary of Hugo's movements. He seemed to be waiting for what surprise Hugo would give.

p In the end Hugo became impatient and immediately cast the spell "[Wall Skin]" within seconds Hugo's body turned black, but Moku still didn't act and looked more relaxed.

Hugo who felt himself belittled swallowed his anger, he knew his top priority was to escape. So he cast his second spell "[Reinforce Speed]".

Mana vortex gathered at his feet, Hugo didn't waste his chance and ran with all his might. His body slid away quickly, within seconds his figure disappeared amidst the dense trees.

"Moku, aren't we going after him?" Swa came with a body covered in human blood.

He licked his bloodstained lips and savored the taste of human blood.

Laya also stood next to Moku with a question mark look.

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"I want to try my new move. When I evolve for the first time I get the power to control friction. While in the second evolution I get this power!"

Moku clenched his fist and covered it with a biofield. The golden biofield rippled and trapped air inside.

This is the stance of Brajamusti, but it doesn't stop there, the stored energy is condensed by the golden biofield to form a red bullet.

"[Brajamusti Revolver]!"


A red bullet shot through the bushes and trees at a speed of 500 m/s, then the blink of an eye pierced the back of Hugo who felt he had survived.

Hugo was stunned with a jolt in his chest. He looked down and saw a hole the size of an adult's fist in his chest.

Blood spurted from the hole and his missing heart. Hugo didn't know what had just happened, all he heard was a DONGG!! and then a loud jolt in his back.

Even the [Wall Skin] didn't prevent [Brajamusti Revolver] from penetrating Hugo's body easily.

Hugo's body could only limp and fall to the ground. Hugo breathed his last.

Swa, Laya, Ez, Tam, and Nezena were stunned with wide eyes. They never thought that Moku would be able to kill two level 1 constellation mages in the blink of an eye.

Moku ignored his dumbfounded group mates and picked up the birdcage covered by the black cloth.

After Jack was decapitated, Hugo reflexively let go of the birdcage in his hand. He instantly freed his hands with everything that could prevent him from using them.

This reflex shows Hugo's experience in the face of danger. As the black birdcage hit the ground Moku heard the sound of a small child groaning in pain.

From the senses of his inner eye and voice earlier, Moku was increasingly convinced that the one in the cage was also a monster. To be exact, a monster from the Slyph race.

Moku opened the black cloth covering the cage and they all saw Slyph curled up in fear inside.

Her body is very small, only the size of a thumb. If you don't focus your eyes on her, she seems to disappear and camouflage with her surroundings.

She has green hair that rolls into a ball at the back of her head. There were two antennae sticking out of her forehead, at the end of the antenna there was a small ball that twitched like it was receiving a signal from something.

Her eyes were large black, shining in the sun, and had no eyelids. Her ears are pointed and her nose is like a slide.

A beautiful green dress covered her chest to her hips, which were actually the scales of a Slyph. The two small wings perched on its back fluttered indicating that this Slyph was frightened.

Their very beautiful and cute shape makes them often hunted by humans to be used as pets.

"Hey little monster, tell me the reason why I didn't make you a snack for today?" Moku stared at the Slyph with his bloodshot eyes full of savageness.