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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman-Novel

Chapter 350
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Raon’s hands trembled from the pain of his organs being crushed.

He clenched his fist and forced himself to close his eyes.

Both the ocean soul that was supposed to bloom from the concentration of the ocean’s vitality and the energy core of the ghost jellyfish that grew up by sucking the ocean soul’s energy contained a huge amount of energy.

A large area of his mana circuit would’ve ruptured if the ocean soul’s leaf wasn’t there to mitigate the impact between them.

Raon thought that eating the ghost jellyfish’s energy core at the same time as the ocean soul might’ve been a bit excessive, as the ocean soul was already difficult enough to absorb on its own.

The ghost jellyfish’s energy core was a deadly poison. Eating it separately could have endangered his life despite how strong he’d become.

It was necessary to remove the poison with the ocean soul’s leaf and flower petal to filter the pure mana.


While Raon was organizing his thoughts, the ocean soul’s energy clashed against the ghost jellyfish’s poison inside his mana circuits once again.


An impact as powerful as the explosion of a cannonball occurred around his solar plexus, which was the center of the body as the crossroad of all mana circuits.

His focus was shattered because of the heart-crushing pain.

One leaf was apparently not enough of a buffer.

However, he guessed one more wouldn’t have made a huge difference. He had to deal with it regardless since it had already happened.


It was extremely painful because his mana circuits were already stimulated, but he gritted his teeth to endure it. He had to advance instead of letting the pain stop him.


Raon swallowed nervously.

That was the best method to absorb the two energies.



The two energies were kicking and screaming in his mana circuit right in front of his energy center like naughty children.

The mana circuit was expanding because they were blocking the passage.

His mana circuits were expanding to a dangerous extent, but he believed in his physical and mental fortitude and kept controlling his auras.

Cold sweat was flowing down his back because of the intense pain crushing his body and mind.

He bit his lip tightly and circulated his auras to the highest output to push the ocean flower and the ghost jellyfish’s energies inside the energy center.


It sounded like a cliff was collapsing inside his body. The powerful impacts that followed one after the other really felt like rubble was falling inside of him.

He couldn’t think straight because of the powerful impact. It was definitely the first time that an elixir had drained his strength and stamina to such an extent.

He couldn’t be defeated by a mere elixir after he managed to get revenge against Martio, Kosini, and Lisbon, and even managed to escape from Derus.

Raon clenched his fist and revived his focus that was previously shattered.


The ocean soul and the ghost jellyfish’s energies were pushed inside the energy center with an imposing sound resembling thousands of drums beating simultaneously.

The two energies were finally inside his energy center.


Since the coldness and the heat weren’t bothering them anymore, the two energies showed their hostilities once again and charged at each other.


His energy center expanded to the brim from the clash between the two energies. The intense pain almost made him scream, but his mouth curved into a smile instead.

The ocean soul’s energy and the ghost jellyfish’s poison were equally powerful. The clash between them was bound to dissipate a large amount of aura.

Since the clash was happening inside his energy center, the mana that should’ve dissipated was turning into his energy instead.

In the end, he was gaining pure mana from the clash, and all he needed to do was endure the pain.

He pretty much had a generator for high-purity mana inside his energy center, and that fact brought a smile to his face.

You must be insane. The King of Essence was aware that you had pasta noodles instead of a brain in your head, but this is even worse…

Wrath’s hoarse voice could be heard in his head.

People normally don’t use that method even if they know it works.

It hurts too much! Are you really going to endure pain that is as bad as torture?

Probably because he had the experience of being tortured for several days straight in his previous life, he found the pain bearable.


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The ocean soul’s energy and the ghost jellyfish’s poison clashed once again and his body convulsed. It was less painful than before because the amount of energy had decreased.


Wrath gasped and murmured that he couldn’t understand.


Raon left Wrath alone and focused on the movement inside his energy center.

The all-out battle between the ocean soul’s energy and the ghost jellyfish’s poison was creating a powerful mana.


The clash between them created pure mana once again, and he converted them into heat and coldness.

Raon oversaw the huge flow happening in his body and got absorbed into his mental world.

Again? Are you really going there again?

Wrath started to scream upon noticing Raon’s extremely focused state.

Is the trance your home now? Why would you go in there whenever you feel like it?!

* * *

Dorian licked his lips while looking back at Raon, who was sitting there with his eyes closed.

Various parts of his body kept expanding before they subsided.

They almost looked like a frog or a toad’s stomach.

Raon’s energy was growing more powerful every time his body expanded. He seemed to be in pain, but Dorian could at least tell that he was properly absorbing the elixir.

He brought an ocean soul that even the five biggest companies would’ve been unable to acquire after he said he would go play around for a short time. Moreover, the energy core that he must’ve pulled from a mythical creature had such an intense poison that it felt like the scent alone could poison him.

He was such an outrageous person.

Even though the ocean soul’s leaf was a priceless treasure, he gave one to him without any hesitation.

Moreover, he didn’t have any special reason behind it, he was simply rewarding him for his hard work.

Dorian had been with him ever since they were twelve, but he still felt like Raon’s mentality was an incomprehensible black box.

He kept encountering different sides of Raon, and he could never get used to him.

When he first heard about Raon Zieghart’s background, Dorian had thought they were similar since they were both being ill-treated in their respective houses.

Unlike Dorian, who’d run away from the company, Raon confronted his house without running away.

He accumulated enough skills that everyone recognized him.

The only people in the house who still disliked Raon were the direct lines.

Since he’d been watching Raon’s growth as his closest friend, he managed to muster the courage to return to the company. In a way, Raon was his benefactor who’d changed his life.

Dorian bowed politely at Raon, who was still cultivating with his eyes closed. Dorian fixed his grip on his sword with a smile.

Dorian resolved himself and turned around. A flying squirrel was quietly watching Raon from above his head.

* * *

* * *

The sun set, rose, and set once again.

Raon had been as still as a sculpture, but his shoulders suddenly convulsed, and his body floated about the height of one fist.


Dorian’s jaw dropped upon witnessing that scene.

“S-sir Raon!”

He tried running at Raon in surprise, but a flying squirrel suddenly flew at him and bit his hand.

“Aaack! What is this?!”

Dorian tried to chase it away by shaking his hand, but the flying squirrel stuck to his hand by biting it.


The flying squirrel desperately stopped Dorian instead of running away.


Dorian had no choice but to walk up to Raon with the flying squirrel on his hand. When he started to extend his hand, the mana around him rampaged like a storm and was absorbed into Raon.


Auspicious red and blue lights glimmered from Raon’s body before he finally landed on the ground.


Raon opened his eyes and an intense gold light burst from his eyes.

“Y-young master?”

Dorian walked up to Raon while addressing him by the previous title because of how nervous he was.

He was too surprised to realize that the flying squirrel was gone.

“A-are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m in my best condition.”

Raon raised his head and smiled at Dorian.


“What’s up?”

“You were floating into the air just now…’


Raon tilted his head. He looked like he was completely unaware of that fact.

“You were floating this far into the air.”

Dorian showed with his hand how far he was floating from the ground.

“You are spouting bullshit the first thing after I wake up.”

“It’s true!”

“Haa, stop kidding and—Hmm?”

Raon frowned at Dorian.

“Did you still not take a shower?”


“Your body excreted a large amount of waste. Why haven’t you taken a shower?”

“But you asked me to guard you!”

Dorian dropped his jaw. He couldn’t understand why Raon was scolding him when he was the one who asked for a guard.

“You should’ve still washed yourself when you had the time.”

“Wh-what are you even saying… Haa.”

The fact that he was saying strange things the first thing after he woke up confirmed that he was the Raon he knew.

“I’m taking a shower. I’ll be back.”

Dorian shook his head and started walking towards the inn in Motran city.

“You don’t need to go all the way to the inn. There’s a valley over there.’

Raon raised his finger and pointed at the western area of the forest.

“There’s a valley over there?”


“I can’t see or hear anything though…”

“You should be able to find some clean water if you keep walking this way.”

“How did you find out?”

Raon shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

“I just know.”

* * *

Raon looked at his own hands after sending Dorian to the valley.

The cultivation reorganized the accumulated martial arts and he managed to reach the realm of advanced master.

Moreover, he’d advanced far past the wall instead of just overcoming it.

His senses had drastically increased from it, and that was how he could tell the valley’s location without even spreading his aura perception.

The more interesting part was that the ocean soul and the ghost jellyfish’s energies still remained in his body because he couldn’t absorb all of them.

Raon clenched his fist, and when he was about to muster his aura, a message appeared in front of him.

[You’ve absorbed an elixir and an energy core of the highest quality.]

[All stats have increased by 20.]

Raon was getting lost in the midst of endless messages.

Wh-what is going on?

Wrath’s jaw dropped as he looked at the messages filling the air in front of him.

You are giving him too much! Why are you giving so many stats and traits?!

He scratched the messages in disbelief with his round hands.

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The King of Essence’s frustration is what’s coming out!

Wrath ground his teeth while denying his explanation.

How much do you need to drain from him before this hell is over?! Twenty whole stats?! It’s scooping them away with a basin instead of a ladle now!

He cried, saying that he would only have skin and bone left at that rate.


Raon pushed the cotton candy away since it kept growling like a puppy, and loaded the status window that he hadn’t checked for a while.

[Status Window

Name: Raon Zieghart.

Title: ‘The Survivor’.

State: None

Trait: Wrath, Sloth, Ring of Fire (Seven-Stars), Water Resistance (Seven-Stars), Perception of the Snow Flower (Five-Stars), Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation (Five-Stars), Glacier (Five-Stars), Fire Resistance (Five-Stars), Bleeding Curse (Two-Star), Backstab (Five-Stars), Iron Will (Five-Stars), Adaptation to Ghastly Energy (Four-Stars), Focus (Six-Stars), Poison Resistance (Two-Stars), Evil Eye of Wrath (One-Star), Spiral Power (Four-Stars), Water Affinity (Three-Stars), Array Analysis (Two-Stars), Fire Affinity (Two-Stars), Snow Flower’s Veil (Two-Stars).

Strength: 336

Agility: 335

Stamina: 333

Energy: 372

Perception: 374

Wrath: 75]

Raon’s jaw dropped unconsciously once he saw it.

Since he had received 20 stats from the recent message, it implied that they had already surpassed 300 before then.

That was the reason he managed to overpower the Beast Union with sheer strength even though they had the strongest bodies among the Six Kings.

His energy almost caught up to his perception, probably because he’d absorbed the two elixirs.

It wasn’t actually that strange, considering how much the energy center had further expanded from reaching advanced master.

He felt like he wasn’t even going to lose against a warrior at the highest rank of Master. In fact, he felt like he could win against anyone unless they were Grandmasters.

What’s going on?!

Wrath ran up to him and slammed his shoulders like he was beating a drum.

Why are you so surprised?!

He urged him to tell while grinding his teeth.

The stats were, in fact, less efficient the higher they got—but exceeding 300 made him far surpass the human limits of physical abilities.

He felt like he could win against a novice Master without even using his aura.

Th-three hundred…

Wrath fell on the ground like a deflated balloon.

Three hundred of the King of Essence’s stats each… Three hundred… Three…

He kept murmuring three before he dropped his head while foaming from his mouth.


It was actually halfway up to 400, but Raon didn’t mention any further because he was afraid Wrath would be unable to wake up again.

He managed to take his revenge against Martio, Kosini, and Lisbon, obtained the elixir for himself while preventing Derus from getting it, and his might had drastically increased.

It was truly the best outcome, far surpassing his original expectations.

Raon smiled in satisfaction, and Dorian walked up to him while shaking the moisture from his hair with a towel.

“I really found a valley. The sound of flowing water was cut off by the dense trees.”

He smiled broadly, saying that the clean water was great.

The only thing left to do was to get rid of everyone who’d been looking down on Dorian by visiting his home, the Sephia company.

“You are ready to leave, right?”

“Of course. I finished the preparations a long time ago since I didn’t know when you were going to come back.”

Dorian confidently nodded.

“Let’s go and take over the Sephia company now.”

“…What? T-take over, you said?”

“Ah, I misspoke. Let’s go to the Sephia company, that’s what I meant.”

Raon smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

“But you just said that you would take over the Sephia company…”

“You are imagining things. Let’s go.”

He pointed his finger towards the city, implying that they should sleep in the inn first before leaving the next day.


Dorian swallowed nervously while watching Raon’s back.