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The Returner

Chapter 303
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Chapter 303

Back then, when Yi Ji-Hyuk was throwing a tantrum here… .

That was all the fault of Bae Jeong-Guk?

Griiiiiit .

Park Du-Jin next to his boss began thinking that he should make an appointment with a dentist soon . At this rate, the President’s teeth might not remain in their original shape any longer .

“Director . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“… . Yes, sir?” (Bae Jeong-Guk)

What kind of an embarrassment was this because of one moron?

Yun Yeong-Min’s bloodshot eyes locked on Bae Jeong-Guk . He then clenched his teeth and spoke .

“Why don’t we have that chat now?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“M-Mister President, every passing second is… . ” (Bae Jeong-Guk)

“That’s why we should do this quickly . Come with me . Now . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“… . Sir . ” (Bae Jeong-Guk)

The President stormed out of the office, with the lowered-head Bae Jeong-Guk powerlessly following after .

“It’s like watching a cow being dragged to an abattoir . ” (Defense Minister)

The Defense Minister groaned under his breath after witnessing that spectacle .

A short while later, the President returned alone, with Bae Jeong-Guk nowhere to be seen . He didn’t waste time and spoke to Park Du-Jin .

“Find me new candidates . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“It shall be done, sir . ” (Park Du-Jin)

With that, Bae Jeong-Guk’s dismissal had been confirmed .

“Hiya~, will you look at how simple that was?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk cackled loudly, but Choi Jeong-Hoon was carrying a mixed expression .

‘That was so simple… . ’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Although Yun Yeong-Min had been ‘used’ today, it was still a moment that Yi Ji-Hyuk’s authority had been put on full display .

‘Well, that did feel kind of refreshing, actually . ’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

When he thought back to how Bae Jeong-Guk made his life difficult by demanding so much from him while not helping out at all until now, this event certainly qualified as a good thing .

Choi Jeong-Hoon’s profile had risen up a lot recently so the interference had lessened somewhat, but how much of an irritation that man used to be before then?

‘Wait, should I have spoken about this earlier?’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Then, the problem would’ve been sorted out with a proverbial snap of fingers, as demonstrated just now .

Now that he thought about it, he did feel a lot more reassured by riding on Yi Ji-Hyuk’s coattails, but he hadn’t really taken advantage of this arrangement yet, at least not to his knowledge .

Sure, he made some money on the side by negotiating on Yi Ji-Hyuk’s behalf, but he certainly hadn’t used the latter in the show of power until now .

“Please, carry on . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min issued an order, and the Defense Minister nodded his head . With Bae Jeong-Guk gone, it was now up to him to lead this meeting forward .

“I believe that the correct thing is to send the NDF over . We at the Defense Ministry initially planned to lend an aid, but after thinking about it, we now believe that sending a large contingent of armed forces across the DMZ can potentially stimulate both China and Russia unnecessarily . ” (Defense Minister)

“Stimulating them, is it… . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“It’ll be the first time since the Korean War that our forces would’ve moved up north, after all . Even if you think about it the other way, you won’t be able to allay your suspicions . ” (Defense Minister)

“H-mm… . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min nodded his head .

“How are the Japanese reacting?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“You don’t have to mind them for the time being, sir . After the Tokyo incident the last time, they don’t have the leeway to turn their gazes overseas at the moment . More importantly, the Japanese government is now in a position of nervously minding Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk’s moods, so they won’t try anything to provoke us . ” (Defense Minister)

“I guess you’re right . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

It was unfortunate that the Foreign Affairs Minister was absent and that made it impossible to confirm the exact situation . His deputy was present here, but… .

‘If I call his name out, he might die of a heart attack . ’ (Yun Yeong-Min)

Seeing the deputy minister sweating buckets when the weather had become rather cold recently, the President couldn’t bring himself to ask the poor man any questions . He was suspicious that, even if asked, he’d not be able to get any satisfactory answers, anyway .

He figured that he’d get a separate briefing later; now didn’t seem like a good time to ask .

“In other words, it’ll be a good idea to lend our aid as soon as possible . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Well, sir . The conclusion has been established already . ” (Defense Minister)

Yun Yeong-Min nodded his head .

Indeed, their problem wasn’t about what they should do, but how to entice Yi Ji-Hyuk and make him head north, instead . So, when everything was said and done – they needed to convince this dude, but… . .

“Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

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“Yes?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Allow me to be frank with you . For the sake of our country and her citizens, please agree to be dispatched to North Korea . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yi Ji-Hyuk replied with a pout .

“Oh, so you want me to go there now?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“… . Y-yes, basically . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“And what good will it do for me when I go there?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“For one, the compensation is… . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Will there be any benefits for the country?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yun Yeong-Min frowned slightly . What has this guy been listening until now?

“North Korea not collapsing will be of a great benefit for us . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Groan… . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk was thinking of saying anything to get himself out of this, so he crumpled his expression to express his annoyance .

“There, there . Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

However, Choi Jeong-Hoon began placating him with an excellent sense of timing .

“Please calm down and think about this . Gates will open up soon anyway, and you staying put doesn’t mean you’ll be free from any work . Isn’t that right?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Ng?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“However, by going to North Korea and taking care of business up there, you will be able to take a much-deserved rest for a while . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Why?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“The North Koreans will treat you well . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“But, aren’t they so poor that they can’t even afford a bowl of gruel?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“The North’s upper class is famed for enjoying a luxurious lifestyle, actually . Also, there’s the old saying of, go South for men, while go North for women, isn’t there? Ladies there will be quite pretty, and… . . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Pretty?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

‘Ah… . ’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Such a thing shouldn’t be said to this dude .

His wife was none other than Erukana, so there was no way any other woman might take his fancy . More importantly, this insane fool even found that Erukana irritating and wanted to divorce her, so the less said the better .

… . Wait, just thinking about it kinda p*sses me off?(Choi Jeong-Hoon’s inner monologue)

“Why are you glaring at me?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“N-no, it’s nothing . In any case, you might find quite a number of cuisines unique only to North Korea when you go there . When Kim Jung-Il was still alive, he was renowned as being something of an epicurean, you see . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“But, he looked like someone who’d chow down anything?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“You can’t tell a person by their faces . Well, then . Going there at least once might be a good experience overall for you . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Groan . Fine . I got it . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Once Yi Ji-Hyuk agreed to do it, Choi Jeong-Hoon inwardly clenched his fist .

“Oh, ohh!!” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min watched this spectacle and exclaimed in admiration .

How should he put this? It was like he witnessed a man specialised in handling Yi Ji-Hyuk’s matters perform a cheap but still impressive magic trick . Such a ridiculous persuasion wouldn’t work on a normal person, yet he still managed to conclude the negotiation with that very story .

‘His abilities are for real . ’ (Yun Yeong-Min)

It was not for nothing that Choi Jeong-Hoon was in hot demand from everywhere .

“By the way, what will they give me in return?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

The smile on Choi Jeong-Hoon’s lips deepened .

“As you may well know already… . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

It was unknown how long it had been since one could see Choi Jeong-Hoon standing so tall and so confidently like this . The powerful dandy aura emanated from him like a flood right now .

“…That is my area of expertise, isn’t it?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“… . Wringing your opponents out until there’s barely anything left?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“You could say I’m the Master of Negotiation, actually . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“In any case, I’ll just leave it up to you, then . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Yes, don’t you worry . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Finishing his negotiation with Yi Ji-Hyuk, Choi Jeong-Hoon turned around and smiled brightly as he stared at Yun Yeong-Min .

“Mister President, sir?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“N-ng??” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Sir, as you can see, my client-nim is a very reasonable person . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

… . In which part?

N-no, before that . Your ‘client-nim’??

What on earth is up with ‘client’ all of a sudden??(Yun Yeong-Min’s inner monologue)

“However, the Republic of Korea is a democratic nation that pursues the ideal of capitalism-based free economy . Isn’t it, sir?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“T-that’s indeed correct . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“It’s the basics of basics for you to get paid what you deserve that matches your skill level . I’d like to help you out by naming a moderate price, but if I do that, it’d dismantle the foundation of our capitalism-based free economy and I simply can’t hide my extreme and profound sorrow at that unfortunate fact . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

What the f*ck… is up with this b*stard?

Why is he overflowing with a conman’s aura??

He doesn’t even look like one, yet he’s like a natural-born fraudster . (Yun Yeong-Min’s inner monologue)

“Okay, so what?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“If you name an appropriate price, that would certainly help alleviate my client’s unwillingness to make his move . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

I was already planning to give you money!

I really did!

I knew that yapping to him isn’t going to work from the get-go!

But if you come out like this, I’m getting less and less inclined to give you!!(Yun Yeong-Min’s inner monologue)

“Groan… . . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min sighed in defeat .

Unfortunately, his current position meant he had to give them money whether he was inclined or not .

“So, then . How much does he want… . ” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Please hold, sir . ” (Park Du-Jin)

It was at that moment that Park Du-Jin silently watching from the sidelines suddenly stepped forward .

“Sir, I think it’ll be prudent for me to participate in the negotiation from now on . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“Ohhhh?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min looked at his Chief Secretary and nodded his head .

Park Du-Jin was a specialist in matters like this . If he stepped up here, it’d make the President’s life so much easier .

“Ho-oh, so it’ll be senior-nim, then?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Didn’t I tell you earlier that you will get burnt if you keep this up?” (Park Du-Jin)

“I have taken your advice to heart . However… . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Choi Jeong-Hoon slicked back the stray strand of hair and continued on .

“That day isn’t going to be today . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Ho-oh?” (Park Du-Jin)

Choi Jeong-Hoon smiled and pointed towards the exit of the office .

“Shall we?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Let us . ” (Park Du-Jin)

And so, two men headed off to elsewhere, looking grimly determined .

“Hmm… . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Now left unattended, Yi Ji-Hyuk began scanning the rest of the politicians sitting here .

‘H-h-hang on a second!!’ (Yun Yeong-Min)

If Choi Jeong-Hoon is not around, who will rein Yi Ji-Hyuk in, then?

Can anyone present here strong enough to deal with that man?!(Yun Yeong-Min’s inner monologue)

Cold sweat trickled down Yun Yeong-Min’s backside .

He then shot a knowing glance at the Defense Minister . The latter was very quick on the uptake and he quickly opened his mouth .

“Haha, Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk . ” (Defense Minister)

“Yes?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Have you eaten yet?” (Defense Minister)

“I was in the middle of my meal when you called me . I mean, what the hell, why were you telling me to hurry up and come, making me miss my mealtime?? As it turned out, it wasn’t even an urgent matter, anyway . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“………… . ”

The poor Defense Minister, needlessly opening his mouth and ending up in this hole somehow, shifted his embarrassed gaze back to Yun Yeong-Min .

‘You must continue . ’ (Yun Yeong-Min)

The President, however, figured that keeping Yi Ji-Hyuk occupied right now was the utmost priority and lightly nodded his head once . The Defense Minister too formed a determined expression and carried on .

“Pardon us, looks like we made a terrible mistake . Well, in that case, how about we treat you to a meal? The restaurant here is actually a world-class . The one in Chunchugwan is very good, as a matter of fact . ” (Defense Minister)

“Food, eh?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

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When Yi Ji-Hyuk displayed hints of being interested, Yun Yeong-Min began nodding his head even unbeknownst to himself .

“Should I just go get myself some food, then?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Just as Yi Ji-Hyuk was about to stand up, the door was flung open . Choi Jeong-Hoon and Park Du-Jin strode gallantly inside .

“Mm?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk’s brows twitched .

It hadn’t been that long, yet the signs of fatigue were quite clearly etched on both men’s faces .

“Fuu-woo . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Choi Jeong-Hoon sighed out at length and turned to look at Park Du-Jin .

“You were amazing . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Same for you . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“I think we’ve incurred too much losses this time around . However, it won’t be the same story next time . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“I’m currently worried about how I should make my report . You were really thinking of wringing us dry . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“Fufufu . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Choi Jeong-Hoon offered his hand .

“It was a wonderful negotiation . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“I agree . ” (Park Du-Jin)

The two men shook hands like a pair of real men .

Yi Ji-Hyuk witnessed this scene and voiced out his unfiltered opinion .

“What the hell is this?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

In all honesty, he didn’t want to bear witness to two ahjussis having a bromance moment .

“As for the written agreement, let’s get the signatures of both sides and store them separately . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Mm, let’s do that . I shall compile a formal official document as agreed in this list . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“Alright, please do . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Now that the situation had been sorted out more or less, Choi Jeong-Hoon walked over to Yi Ji-Hyuk to talk to him .

“I shall handle the matters related to when you’ll head to the North and other sundry issues . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Do that, please . That means… . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“You might need to head out at any second, so please don’t go back to your house… . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Hul?? What am I supposed to do here, then? Play with the dear President-nim??” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yun Yeong-Min’s blazing glare landed on Choi Jeong-Hoon immediately .

“I-I shall search for a place where you can stay for the time being . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Sure . ” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Choi Jeong-Hoon quickly walked over to Park Du-Jin and whispered to him .

“I need a place with a good PC and internet . One with high specs! One that can play video games really well . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“I-I understand . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“Also, please prepare lots of sodas and snacks, as well . As for his chair, please get something plushy . No, hang on… . Isn’t there a PC Bang near the Blue House?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“I-I’m not certain . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“… . If we leave him here, he’s going to, uh, ‘play’ with Mister President . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“I shall get right on it . ” (Park Du-Jin)

Choi Jeong-Hoon watched Park Du-Jin clench his fist tightly and nodded his head in approval .

There were many other things that needed to be taken care of besides Yi Ji-Hyuk . So, it’d be for the best for everyone to park that man’s butt in front of a computer ASAP, just like how you’d pick up the toys for kids .

“Ah, and he’ll get really cranky if he’s hungry, so please hurry and provide him with food . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“Understood . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“We need to inform his mother of this situation as well . He’s going to take it out on us the next day if he goes back home late and get his back destroyed by her . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

“……… . . ” (Park Du-Jin)

What the hell, who is this b*stard, really?

Is he a nanny??

Wait, did he have to act like this until now?(Park Du-Jin)

Park Du-Jin did his best to rein in the tears threatening to burst out and patted Choi Jeong-Hoon on the shoulder .

“Don’t worry about a thing . I shall take care of everything . ” (Park Du-Jin)

“I’ll leave it to you, then . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)

Choi Jeong-Hoon stared back at Yi Ji-Hyuk with worried eyes . He was about to leave behind a bomb in the Blue House and go to work, so he couldn’t help but get nervous .

“By the way… if we leave now, when are we supposed to come back? I gotta watch the finals of the game tournament happening tomorrow… . Does North Korea have wifi?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Choi Jeong-Hoon spat out a lengthy sigh .

< 303 . So, you want me to go there now? -3 > Fin .