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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 324 The Trial Of The Transmigration (1)
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"Please excuse me for a while. I've got some farewells to say to my disciples." Ji Yuan said to everyone as he walked toward his own party.

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue were all excited to see Ji Yuan back to their side.

All thoughts of 'punishing' Ji Yuan vanished instantly away from their minds as they greeted him with heartwarming smiles.

"Finally you're back!"

"Welcome back!"

"You did very well earlier."

"Sorry that we didn't believe you when you've told us that you've two sword spirits…"

"This is clearly impossible to have two sword spirits. What tricks did you use? Did you seduce the trial spirit or something?"

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, "Haha. I've almost shitted in my pant earlier."

"This is so crude and vulgar." Ling Feiyue frowned.

"Actually, I didn't shit for centuries already. Haha." Ji Yuan laughed. It was true. When the cultivators reached the fifth realm level after overcoming their first life and death tribulation, they will have attained a golden body and will no longer have a need to eat or drink.

But he soon said solemnly, "Luckily, my sword is fast enough."

It was the truth;

With hundreds of cultivators attacking at the same time, most of them could not use their profound arts with precision or else Ji Yuan would be dead in no time.

But for Ji Yuan it was a totally different thing; he did not need to worry about hitting the wrong targets because they were all his targets.

The only thing that kept Ji Yuan alive was because he had too many attackers and his sword was really fast enough to fend off so many cultivators at the same time.

Many of his attackers were quite startled that Ji Yuan was fighting like a master swordsman and they were all struggling under his strong melee blows.

What they did not know is that Ji Yuan is actually a Sword Saint so he is naturally a master swordsman. Fighting against so many swords at the same time is actually no stranger to him and he had turned his disadvantage to his advantage.

In fact, his sword strength was so powerful that he was constantly sending his opponents to fly off even if they had successfully parried with their weapons; after all, the profound might of his saintly sword coupled with Ji Yuan's inherent sword strength was too much for many of the cultivators.

Ji Yuan laughed as he turned Sisi to say, "I feel that I'm now stronger than Jiajia now. Haha."

Shui Xisi rolled her eyes before she chuckled, "Maybe. Why don't you try?"

But she had put her fingers crossed behind her back; Her Sister Feifei (Jiajia) is actually a top cultivator in the Celestial Realm, not just the Desolate Celestial Fraternity.

Ji Yuan laughed, "I feel a little pitiful for Jiajia when we have a chance to duel the next time. Haha…"

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Shui Xisi smiled, "Me too…"

She added silently, "For you."

Ji Yuan grinned, "Well, I'm not going to bash up Jiajia for real. How could I bear to do so? Haha. Next time when we've met again, I will be the romantic cultivator in her heart and I'll melt her heart."

All the maidens rolled their eyes when they heard that Ji Yuan had just self-declared that he is a romantic cultivator.

Then the golden eyes of Ji Yuan began to soften as he said quietly, "I can help to tank her burden. She thinks that she can solve all her problems alone without help. She is wrong. I can help. I am really very strong now."

Shui Xisi: …

My Sister Feifei indeed has a heavy responsibility. It is because she has inherited the mantle of protecting the Celestial Realm…

Ji Yuan was recalling Sisi's immortal sword art when she had first used it for the very first time against him; he had remembered seeing only seven streaking burst of stellar light and that the profound power that had suddenly appeared was so overwhelming that he thought that he may not survive it.

And Jiajia is supposedly to be stronger than even Sisi.

So he is actually unsure if he is actually stronger than Jiajia now.

Just exactly what is the background of these two sisters? And why are they in two different celestial clans?

Most importantly, how did they come to have their immortal profound arts?

He had thought that Jiajia having a celestial sword is already quite startling enough but Sisi is even more startling; she has an immortal sword.

Ji Yuan did not know that Sisi actually has a saint-step divine sword but she has temporary sealed the profound power of her divine sword to a lower grade.

All the other maidens were quite startled when Ji Yuan had suddenly become very serious and they could see that Ji Yuan's feeling toward Jiajia was actually deep. It was just that he had been trying to hide it.

"My lord," Bai Qianfeng said. "I've sense that a saint level immortal spirit in this trial. We ought to be careful for this trial. Or we may even want to consider skipping it."

Immortal spirits also have their own hierarchy and are ranked mortal, earth, heaven, celestial and saint. Saint level immortal spirits are the rarest and the most powerful. Xiang Li naturally is above them all.

Immortal spirits are the same as spirit entities. It is just that the immortals call them as immortal spirits while the celestials call them as spirit entities.

Ji Yuan said slowly, "We've failed one trial already. There are no easy trials for the fifth trials and above so we only have to take a gambit on this. I'm going in. But…"

After a short hesitation, he smiled bitterly. "You don't have to follow me inside. I've a mission on my back that I've to carry through."

"Forget the mission." Ling Feiyue looked at Ji Yuan with her melancholy golden eyes. "We all need you to be alive than dead. I can't afford to lose you."

Ji Yuan's heart was warmed heartily when he had heard his Feiyue's innermost sentiment but he quickly shook his head. "It is not just my mission. I've suddenly realized that there is a terrible foe that I've to kill in this trial."

"Who?" All the maidens asked curiously.

Ji Yuan said quietly, "The Death God Mingwang. He is here in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. I need to stop him and our fight is inevitable sooner or later."

The other maidens had all turned solemn immediately.

Bai Qianfeng had actually secretly told the other maidens that day, "Actually our lord did not lie to us. I've examined the vicinity with my divine sense and found remnants of a fierce fight. The powerful desolate profound energies are really that of an immortal and the Death God Mingwang is a known desolate god in the Desolate Realm. He is really a most dangerous foe."

Although Bai Qianfeng had promised Ji Yuan that she would not tell the others but she did nevertheless.

After hearing from Bai Qianfeng, all the maidens then decided to feign ignorance to Ji Yuan lest they affected him with their own fears.

Actually Ji Yuan knew that Bai Qianfeng, Little Princess and Ling Feiyue were all really close. It was impossible for them not to know since he had caught them gossiping about him on a good number of occasions.

But today, he decided to be frank with his feelings.

Because time is running out now and he has to reach the sixth level of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth before the six months are up.

Among the maidens here, only Yu Jingjing was clueless who the Death God Mingwang was. But nevertheless she could tell that this Death God Mingwang must be a most dangerous foe because she could see that the eyes of everyone were grim.

And she was further startled that Ji Yuan is going to fight an immortal cultivator.

She began to mutter almost incoherently, "What is an immortal cultivator doing in the Celestial Realm? This is not possible, am I right?"

Ji Yuan said, "We don't know the details of this trial until we enter inside. So far, we've only failed one trial and that is not bad already. I am going in."

Feng Minyue smiled, "I am going in as well. Most of the trials are actually solo trials at the upper levels. It is only at the lower levels that there are a lot more of the group trials. I am not assuming otherwise. To me, this is also my own personal trial."

Yu Jingjing smiled, "Sister Feng has said all that I want to say. I am going in as well."

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi and Bai Qianfeng were all saying firmly, "We are going in as well."

Seeing that it was pointless to persuade them otherwise and that the other cultivators were all waiting for Ji Yuan to enter into the shimmering trial first, Ji Yuan nodded gently before he said to them. "Don't die inside! Or I won't forgive you!"

"We won't forgive you if you were to die inside as well." Ling Feiyue smiled.

"Yes! We won't forgive you if you were to die!" All the other maidens echoed together.

Ji Yuan laughed heartily before he marched into the shimmering trial portal.

And behind him were the maidens of his heart.

They were all cultivators and they were here for their trials so Ji Yuan had to respect their decision as a cultivator.

Ji Yuan thought of all his good friends that had perished during their lives as cultivators, leaving only Guo Taiming as his only best friend in the Five Heavens Peaks that had survived.

But he was soon frowning; why didn't he die? He is like a cockroach.

A bright light greeted him as he emerged out from the portal to the other side.

He waited for a while before heaving a soft sigh as he continued into the tunnel; this was a solo trial and not a group trial.

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Or is it?

He continued for a while until he reached a large cavern and was quite startled to see a giant blue blob in front of him; it was as twice his height as a matter of fact.

To his amazement, two eyes and a mouth began to form from the giant blue blob as it greeted him, "Welcome to the Trial of the Transmigration. I call this the Wicked Trial."

"You're a talking blob?!" Ji Yuan stared with great disbelief.

Even Xiang Li was startled, "A talking slime?!"

Fairy Anyang appraised the giant blue blob with interest before she whispered to Xiang Li, "This immortal spirit is a powerful one. You've better wish your master good luck."

The giant blue blob answered delightfully in a neutral voice childlike voice, giving no hint of its gender. "Indeed I am! And I am the Master of the Trial."

"So what is this trial all about?" Ji Yuan asked curiously.

The giant blue blob laughed jovially. "You are to aid the mortals from the lower mortal realm in their transmigration."

Ji Yuan immediately protested with disbelief, "You've got to be kidding me, am I right? Do you think that I am a cultivation god?! How the heck do you think I am able to help the mortals? I am in the middle of the trial here."

"This will be your trial to do so." The giant blue blob winked at Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan: …

Did the giant blue blob just give him a wink that caused all his hairs to stand up?

Ji Yuan sighed heavily, "Tell me the details of this trial then."

How the heck is he going to help the mortals to transmigrate when he is born in the Celestial Realm and he has never transmigrated before?!

The giant blue blob giggled jovially, "Don't worry. You won't die in this trial."

Ji Yuan's countenance immediately lit up. "Haha! Why didn't you say so earlier?"

A deathless trial means that he did not need to worry for his loved ones.

He immediately patted his chest, "I am excited for this trial already. Haha!"

"You won't die but the transmigrators will die because of you." The giant blue blob grinned.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes; is this trial a trap or what?! He knew that there must be a catch somewhere…

Wait a minute. Did this slime ball call this trial a 'Wicked Trial'?
