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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 395 My New Master (1)
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After the initiation ceremony was over, Fairy Qiu Xiuyu took Ji Yuan to another mountain peak where she introduced it as her abode.

"This is the Green Lofty Peak. From now onward, you will be my protégé. You will address me as your master and I will impart the sect's profound skills to you."

Fairy Qiu Xiuyu saw that Ji Yuan was grinning at her and she had a sudden flush to her beautiful countenance. She quickly said. "Ji Yuan, you are only lucky to have met me today and I feel that there is a celestial affinity between us. You should thank your lucky stars. The reason why I've made you as my core protégé is not because you have an affinity to be a celestial cultivator but because I do not want you to be bullied by Elder Dong. Do you get me?"

Ji Yuan continued to grin, "I am so lucky to have such a beautiful master. Li Ye is so lucky."

Fairy Qiu Xiuyu gasped as she raised her fingers, "Ji Yuan. Please do not address our Grand Patriarch by his name. This is not only disrespectful but it also speaks of your personal character."

Ji Yuan smiled bitterly; I am used to calling Li Ye as Li Ye. Even if your Grand Patriarch Li Ye sees me, he has to address me as his Brother Ji Yuan and also as his protégé grandmaster.

Fairy Qiu Xiuyu sighed softly as she turned away while Ji Yuan began to admire her beautiful back and curved butt from behind.

She said melancholy, "Ji Yuan, we are all cultivators of the way. We must abstain from the worldly emotions and to cultivate hard. With some hard work, you may be able to follow Grand Patriarch to the Celestial Realm one day."

"But Master," Ji Yuan grinned. "I've no spiritual roots so it is pointless for me to cultivate."

Fairy Qiuyue was quite taken aback when she heard Ji Yuan and she blinked her eyes as she stared at him for a while; she had almost forgotten that he cannot cultivate…

But she quickly recollected her thoughts to say coolly, "Even though you cannot cultivate but it doesn't mean that you cannot ascend to the Celestial Realm. I've read some old books that even some common folks are able to ascend to the Celestial Realm. Therefore it is important that you should have good characters."

Ji Yuan frowned immediately when he recalled the 300 Spartans that he was in charge of not too long ago. He had helped these worthless mortals to ascend to the Celestial Realm not too long ago. Every one of them seems to have lacked a good character and he had to use forced coercion to keep them moving toward their goals.

He had almost vomited blood when he was in charge of them…

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So he said, "Good characters may not be a criteria to ascend to the Celestial Realm. Sometimes, luck plays a huge part."

Qiu Xiuyu was somewhat startled that Ji Yuan had talked back to her.

She had thought that Ji Yuan may be in awe of her and was too excited to be her protégé that he would have an almost reverent attitude.

But to her astonishment, Ji Yuan had an almost nonchalant look.

However she quickly put that aside as she muttered silently to herself; it isn't because he has a beautiful face but because he is merely a country pumpkin that is still trying to adjust himself to his new life…

"Follow me." Qiu Xiuyu said gently to him. "The route to my abode is still far and it will be a tiring trek for you."

After half a day, Qiu Xiuyu led Ji Yuan to a beautiful place with a beautiful waterfall as its background. In front of the waterfall, was a humble looking wooden hut that had earthen walls.

Qiu Xiuyu said quietly to Ji Yuan, "This is our abode from now on. You shall sleep over there in the hut next to my hut. In the future, you shall train here in this vicinity. I rarely have any visitors and this place is quite secluded from the main sect. Sometimes there may be dangers from the desolate beasts in the vicinity so it is important that you will need to protect yourself. Take a short break first and in one hour time, I will impart to you our sect's unique swordplay."

Ji Yuan was gasping silently; Did she just say that this place is quite secluded and she rarely have any visitors? Does it mean that there are just the two of us? Hehe…

Xiang Li was saying excitingly to Ji Yuan, "Big Brother! Did you hear that? She is staying alone!"

Ji Yuan chuckled as he tried very hard to contain his excitement, "Xiang Li, I am a man of culture and moreover she is Li Ye's core protégé. How can I have any designs on her? Do you really think that I will be so desperate? I really think that your re-education is long overdue."

Fairy Anyang muttered weakly, "How come what he is saying and what he seems to be thinking, are both different…the two of them are completely hopeless. Why am I here with them in the first place…."

Fairy Qiu Xiuyu saw that Ji Yuan was suddenly quiet so she was a little concerned, "Ji Yuan, are you alright? Are you tired from the trek? Or do you want to take a break for the night first. I can wait for tomorrow to impart to you our sect's swordplay. I am sorry if I am not being considerate about your constitution."

Ji Yuan chuckled, "I am not tired. I can still climb up and down the mountains 10 times. Haha."

Fairy Anyang whispered to Ji Yuan, "Be careful that your new master will really ask you to run up and down the mountains 10 times."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

But Fairy Qiu Xiuyu merely shook her head lightly, "Men always like to claim over their limits."

Then she asked Ji Yuan curiously, "May your master knows why you are in the True Origin Celestial Sect? I'm sure that you're here to become a cultivator but after learning that you've no spiritual root, are you disappointed with the result?"

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes for a while. He had not expected his new master to ask him this question.

But he replied nevertheless, "I'm actually here to be a cultivator. I hope to be allowed inside the sect's spiritual veins to cultivate."

The last part was a lie; his objective is to grab the profound spiritual energies of the spiritual veins so that he can complete the trial. This profound spiritual energies is the key to enter the Pangu's Inner Citadel.

Fairy Qiu Xiuyu gasped, "This is impossible. Only a few selected core protégés and the elders are allowed inside the holy consecrate ground of the True Origin Celestial Sect. You do not have any spiritual root to cultivate in the first place."

Ji Yuan smiled bitterly; actually I am the most powerful cultivator that you have ever known…

Fairy Qiu Xiuyu had suddenly realized that she was putting down on Ji Yuan and she was a little afraid that he may be discouraged easily.

So she quickly said, "Since you are not tired, let me display our sect's swordplay to you. There is more than one way to be a cultivator. Maybe you can be a sword cultivator first and one day, your spiritual root will be able to awaken due to your accomplishments in your sword art."

So she passed Ji Yuan a wooden sword as she said, "Watch me."

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Inhaling softly, she began to display the sword play of the True Origin Celestial Sect to Ji Yuan.

"The True Origin Celestial Swordplay consists of 72 steps and 360 changes. I'm going to display it to you. It may take you months and even years to even grasp the basic sword forms but do not worry about your progression. Most protégés can only grasp 10-30% of the True Origin Celestial Swordplay."

So she spent half an hour to display the True Origin Celestial Swordplay while Ji Yuan secretly drooled at the careless opening of her skirt that revealed her white thighs as she displayed the True Origin Celestial Swordplay in earnest to Ji Yuan.

When she was done, she smiled gently at Ji Yuan. "Why don't you display the True Origin Celestial Swordplay to me with the best of your memory? I can instruct and guide you along the way."

She was thinking; He must be awestruck by the swordplay and I can feel that he is looking at the display with earnest…

Ji Yuan was actually thinking; her skirt didn't part even more…but her figure sure is good…

"Ji Yuan?" Qiu Xiuyu saw his blanked expression as she called his name. "Don't be afraid. This is only your first practice. You really do not have to be too nervous about it. I won't scold or eat you."

Ji Yuan scratched his chin as he smiled weakly, "Haha…I got distracted…"

Then he picked up the wood sword and started to display the True Origin Celestial Swordplay.

In less than 5 minutes, he had completely displayed it and the profound force that he had displayed caused all the leaves in the vicinity to swap in a big circle and even the waters of the waterfall got swayed to one side while he was displaying the True Origin Celestial Swordplay.

Qiu Xiuyu was stunned when she saw that Ji Yuan was able to display the True Origin Celestial Swordplay with such an uncanny resemble that she refused to believe that this was the first time that Ji Yuan had seen the True Origin Celestial Swordplay.

At the same time she was also stunned because of the pure strong profound that was being generated from Ji Yuan's wooden sword.

Isn't he without a spiritual root?!

Where did his profound strength comes from…

Ji Yuan laughed when he had completed displaying the True Origin Celestial Swordplay; this swordplay is actually far inferior to the sword arts of the Orthodox Sword Sect. When he was roaming the celestial fraternity a hundred years ago, the sword arts of his Orthodox Sword Sect was at least in the top 100. As for Li Ye's swordplay, he had to say sorry that it cannot even be ranked in the top 1000 even if Li Ye managed to polish it.

That was the reason why Li Ye was now practicing the swordplay of the Orthodox Sword Sect under the guidance of Fairy Ye Chengxi.

Ji Yuan is a sword saint and he has seen countless swordplay in his life. He doesn't need to really remember the True Origin Celestial Swordplay to know the entire moves of this swordplay. To him, it is merely a practice round for him.

Qiu Xiuyu on the other hand was trembling with shock; it was because her new protégé's swordplay had just exceeded her and she did not know how to react…