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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 510 The Uneven Night (2)
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It was the first day at Bliss City and it was night now.

There was a sudden glow in the skies above and heavenly words were displayed in the heaven that read: The Extreme Bliss Colosseum will be opening in 5 day.

Ji Yuan gasped to his group, "That means that we only five days before the Extreme Bliss Colosseum starts?"

Dream Mist said, "I wonder what is in there?"

Yang Mi was smiling brightly, "The name sounds a little weird. It says Extreme Bliss. I won't believe it until I have experienced it myself."

"It sounds like a fun place to go though." Yu Jingjing was also smiling. "If it is not fun then I shall kick the place down."

Ji Yuan muttered, "Let's find an inn first for the night."

Soon Ji Yuan and his group had found an inn in Bliss City. There were literally hundreds of taverns and inns in the tavern.

His eyes popped out when he saw the exorbitant prices that was being charged and he looked at Ling Feiyue.

Ling Feiyue giggled with Feng Minyue before winking at him, "I will pay for it."

As Ji Yuan began to mutter that he was not a duck to Ling Feiyue; Yu Jingjing, Yang Min, Bai Qianfeng, Little Princess and Feng Minyue were all laughing softly. Only Dream Mist was ever as composed.

However their presence had attracted hundreds of lusty cultivators to the inn and moreover, these veiled maidens were all too beautiful. Even though they had all veiled themselves, there was no hiding their astonishing beauties.

Ji Yuan simply said to the inn keeper, "I want two rooms. One room for them and one room for myself."

Ling Feiyue chuckled softly to Ji Yuan's ear, "Shouldn't it be one room for Dream Mist and one room for the rest of us all?"

Ji Yuan whispered softly, "Are you sure I can take in so many? Even if I am willing, are they willing?"

Ling Feiyue answered with a sly wink, "Don't I know you well by now? You actually want to take all 6 of us into bed."

Ji Yuan began to laugh softly, "Haha…"

As Ji Yuan took them to their room, he was staring at the numerous cultivators that had dotted the inn.

He quickly pushed them to their room and said, "We didn't rest for many days now. Tonight, all of you shall rest well."

Yu Jingjing smiled, "I don't need to rest. I can accompany you."

Yang Mi was also saying shyly, "I can also accompany my lord as well."

Ji Yuan laughed, "I won't be in my room. I will be moving around the city to search for clues to the masterminds of this place. But I don't want any of you to accompany me because you are all too eye candy."

The real reason why he did not want them to follow was because every time they had appeared, dozens of cultivators would be following their group and he felt like he was being greened.

All the maidens could see the ugly look that was on Ji Yuan. They knew that if Ji Yuan had a choice, he would bash these cultivators immediately. Whether he could win or not, was another matter.

Ling Feiyue had tried to lighten the mood by teasing him but still the ugly look that was on Ji Yuan refused to go away.

So she answered, "Alright then but you can't go to the brothels or touch any of the maidens here."

Ji Yuan frowned immediately, "Am I the sort that will go to the brothels and to touch the maidens here?"

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Feng Minyue and Bai Qianfeng immediately nodded their heads.

Yang Mi and Yu Jingjing were gasping with shock, "My lord Ji Yuan will actually go to the brothels?"

Even Dream Mist was saying, "I am not surprise."

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Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

"Rubbish!" Ji Yuan protested immediately. "I have never visited the brothels before…"

"Fairy Ye Chengxi and Shangguan Yan had said that you had been to the brothels before." Ling Feiyue and Bai Qianfeng had interrupted Ji Yuan.

But a flustered Ji Yuan had already sped off while muttering: I am only there to drink my wine…




Ji Yuan was now roaming Bliss City to check for anything unusual. The city was bigger than he had expected and he was roaming aimlessly.

Soon he was back at the pavilions area and he saw Zhi Jiugong was playing with two men. His heart began to ache a little as he sighed: She is such a good-looking maiden, why did she have to degenerate herself to this level?

She was naturally not the only the ones at the garden pavillions site. There were still hundreds of cultivators even at this hour.

He was soon speeding his way to the outskirts of Bliss City.

Xiang Li was asking Ji Yuan: Big Brother, are you sure you know what you are doing? This wonderland is so big, how do you expect to find the masterminds to bust this place?

Xiang Li was right. All the wonderlands of the final trial were monstrous large and could easily cover hundreds and even thousands of miles. These wonderlands were a land by themselves.

Even Anyang was asking, "Do you have a plan?"

Ji Yuan laughed: Of course I do have a plan. I always have a plan.

Anyang asked him curiously: You have a plan? What is it?

Ji Yuan solemnly told Anyang and Xiang Li: While we do not know who are the masterminds are but we do know that Yun Chi is the Death God Mingwang. So all we need to do is to find Yun Chi and she will be able to tell us who are the masterminds of this place. Then we can bust this place."

Anyang said weakly, "I had thought that you are using your divine sense to search the place but you are actually looking for Yun Chi."

Xiang Li however praised Ji Yuan: Big Brother is such a genius. So we are finding Yun Chi!"

All of a sudden Ji Yuan said to them: Quiet. I am able to sense that there is something in the mountains over there.

Xiang Li, Anyang: ???

With that, Ji Yuan had sped to the east side of the mountains.

He had just climbed onto the mountain when he said, "There is an array in this place?"

Xiang Li was impressed: You are able to sniff arrays like Big Sister Qianfeng now?

Ji Yuan answered weakly: Actually I sense a disturbance…

All of a sudden, he had entered a dark platform that was hidden by the shadows of the tall mountains and he was stunned that he could suddenly hear music.

Zhi Jiugong was playing her divine zither when Ji Yuan had suddenly popped into her view. She was engrossed in the music and did not notice that someone had entered her defensive array. Moreover this was a sound barrier array and could keep out any sounds. So how could Ji Yuan possibly have found her?

She was now looking with great alarm at Ji Yuan; this man was really too formidable!

Ji Yuan was actually equally surprised to find Zhi Jiugong in this place because he had earlier seen her in another location…

Also he actually did not use his divine sense but he had sense an invisible disturbance in the air to the mountains of the east.

Although Zhi Jiugong's music could be blocked but the soundwave ripples that she had created could not escape from Ji Yuan who could feel the winds moving and this was a talent that Ji Yuan had picked up from his long years of fighting in the desolate wilderness.

"Maiden Zhi Jiugong?" Ji Yuan was the first to react. "What are you doing here?"

Zhi Jiugong began to tremble lightly: She had never expected for this man to have found her so easily. She was thinking: But he can't fight me right? Because this is the law here. But even if we fight, I may not lose as long as I can repair my divine zither…

So she quickly lit the place with her smiles, "So it is Young Hero Ji Yuan. I am just playing my zither here, that's all."

Ji Yuan asked her curiously, "With a broken zither?"

Zhi Jiugong: …

This divine zither had been with her since the beginning and she had used it to create the Holy Oracle Divine Skill. Therefore she had great sentimental attachment to this divine zither.

During a trial in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth, she was forced to give up this divine zither to another cultivator due to the effects of a spiritual contract and she had been feeling down since.

Then she had met the Death God Mingwang who had helped her to kill that despicable cultivator. However she was unable to get back her divine zither because the divine rules of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth were such that if someone was killed then all his items would be taken away unless of course, the trial itself permitted the cultivators to loot from each other.

Since that day, she had been following the Death God Mingwang.

There was one thing that she could not understand. Although she was a heaven-defying beauty but the Death God Mingwang had never touched her even once or to make her into his living furnace. Rather, he had provided her with all the resources that she could need to ascend to the Immortal Divine Realm and had only asked her to join his Death Faction to help him.

Although she knew that she was harming the cultivators, it was a lesser evil to her because they were all doing it out of their own free will and she had never forced them to copulate with the others.

Recently she had met a Grand Matriarch Xi Jingping and was startled that she had actually learnt the evil dual cultivation art. Displeased that the Holy Oracle Sect had such a depraved leader, she had brought Xi Jingping under her control in the Extreme Bliss Colosseum and had destroyed her evil dual cultivation art.

This had the effect of further reducing her cultivation to the golden supremacy level; from a great saintess to a golden supremacy, this was a mighty fall in cultivation. That was also because Zhi Jiugong had shown no mercy and disregard when she had destroyed the evil dual cultivation art in her cultivation core. Although she could remember the dark cultivation art but the crucial spiritual threads were severed by Zhi Jiugong, making it impossible for Xi Jingping to practice the evil dual cultivation art again. There was also a possiblity that Xi Jingping could never become a saintess again.

As for her divine zither, she had been looking for it for thousands of years now but to no avail. But today when she was able to get back this divine zither from Yu Jingjing, she was actually extremely excited but she hidden it from being displayed on her countenance.

Right now, she was actually trying to repair this divine zither.

And that was when Ji Yuan had suddenly barged in.

Ji Yuan was asking her again, "I mean, you are trying to repair your broken zither?"

Zhi Jiugong smiled coldly, "It sounds like you know music and even know how to repair my zither."

Ji Yuan said, "Um, why don't you play again? I was outside and I can't really hear your music earlier."

Zhi Jiugong began to hum coldly as she played the 'Pure Tranquil Melody' on her divine zither. This tune was not long and she had finished it in 100 breaths.

Ji Yuan began to rub his chin and said, "Your zither is indeed unique. There are 24 strings unlike the usual 10 strings version. Strings 1, 5, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23 are all broken. Strings 1, 3, 18, 22 are broken in the low note. String 3, 5, 10 are broken in the middle while 1, 17, 22 are broken in the high note.

Zhi Jiugong was startled; she herself was a highly accomplished musician and she was one of the very few that could repair something as complicated as her divine zither but this Ji Yuan was able to pin point all the musical faults of her divine zither from just a single play?

"You are joking with me?"

Ji Yuan said nonchalantly, "You can try."

Zhi Jiugong hesitated for a while before she diligently followed what Ji Yuan had told her. She began to spend an hour to play and to fine-tune the strings again.

To her utter surprise, the music of her divine zither was now fully restored and had no more faults.

She began to look at Ji Yuan with bewilderment in her golden eyes, "You really know music?"

Ji Yuan laughed, "I am not only a poet but a musician as well."

Zhi Jiugong seemed to have ignored Ji Yuan and she was still touching her divine zither with great gentleness; there were even shimmering tears in her golden eyes as she looked with great melancholy on her divine zither.

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Ji Yuan had never thought that Zhi Jiugong would be such a sentimental maiden. He had remembered that when Yu Jingjing had returned her this divine zither, she did not even pay any scant notice.

Zhi Jiugong began to say slowly with a confused countenance, "I am not someone who declines to return a favor. You can tell me an unfulfilled wish of yours. Then we are even."

Xiang Li began to interrupt Ji Yuan hastily: Big Brother, tell her to return the favor by allowing you to bang her!

Anyang: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan decided to ignore Xiang Li for now and pressed on with his question, "I am actually here to look for the Death God Mingwang. If you can be so kind as to tell me where he is, I will be grateful to you!"

There was a heartache in Zhi Jiugong's heart: So he is really here to kill my master. All the more, I can't allow him to do so.

So Zhi Jiugong began to smile, "I don't know any Death God Mingwang."

Ji Yuan was startled: Didn't Ye Jing says Zhi Jiugong is one of the in-charges? She doesn't know the Death God Mingwang?

He asked again, "You know. He always dresses in black, carry a mask and have an unforgettable killing malevolent…"

"I really don't know any Death God Mingwang." Zhi Jiugong interrupted him. "And moreover such a person will be easily identified in Bliss City but no one has ever seen him. So he is definitely not here."

Ji Yuan was frowning now…

Zhi Jiugong asked Ji Yuan, "I am just curious. Why are you looking for this Death God Mingwang?"

Ji Yuan began to chuckle when he had thought of Yun Chi's delightful full body, "Nothing really. I just looking for the Death God Mingwang to bang him hard. Very hard until he screamed for mercy. Haha..."

Zhi Jiugong was startled: They are definitely enemies…

But she quickly asked him, "So, do you have any other unfulfilled wish?"

Ji Yuan suddenly said, "You are not Zhi Jiugong for sure. Because I had seen her earlier. It is not possible for you to be in two places."

Zhi Jiugong was startled: Has he discovered my secret?

But she quickly smiled, "If I am not Zhi Jiugong then who am I? How do you examine this divine zither?"

Ji Yuan said slowly as he examined her with his eyes, "The real Zhi Jiugong is naked but you are fully clothed. Also, you don't have a single primeval yang or yang essence on you. But the most important of all is, you did not try to seduce me. Therefore you are not the real Zhi Jiugong."

Xiang Li and Anyang were both startled: She is not the real Zhi Jiugong?!

Xiang Li quickly agreed: My Big Brother is so smart. Come to think of this, only the real Zhi Jiugong will try to seduce you!

Zhi Jiugong chuckled softly, "This must be the funniest that that I have ever heard. If I am not Zhi Jiugong then who am I? What must I do to prove that I am the real Zhi Jiugong?"

Ji Yuan began to look at her transparent robe and he was imagining her body from within, "Unless you can strip for me…"

p When Ji Yuan had met Zhi Jiugong for the first time, he was already staring very hard at her and his eyes could not help wandering all over her body.

Zhi Jiugong was now flushing in front of this Ji Yuan and she could feel that his eyes seemed to be watching her naked body that was inside her clothing.

All of a sudden Zhi Jiugong had used her profound force to blast the ground between them and she had flashed away to the top of the mountains before disappearing into the darkness.

Although Ji Yuan was unharmed but he did not pursue her either.

Xiang Li was shocked: Big Brother, why don't you chase her?

Ji Yuan began to answer Xiang Li with great misery: I can't even fight her. So what if I am able to catch up with her?

He said: Anyway, we have found two Zhi Jiugong and only one of them is the real one. Don't you think that this is really strange?

Xiang Li asked: Big Brother, I don't understand why you say that this sister here isn't the real Zhi Jiugong? Shouldn't she be real Zhi Jiugong instead?

Anyang was giggling: Because this Zhi Jiugong did not let our lord to bang her while the other one allows our lord to bang her. So who the real Zhi Jiugong is very obvious.

Ji Yuan began to laugh weakly: Haha…