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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1066
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Chapter 1066 In The Same Restaurant
"Mr.Larson, I don't think it's appropriate to visit to this hotel. This is the place where you and Mrs.Larson quarreled the last
time..." Vivian said in a hushed voice.
"Oh, it's fine. We don't even mind, so why should you?"
Brandon smiled and narrowed his eyes as he said slyly.
Vivian was startled by Brandon's passive-aggressive look. She pursed her lips and decided it would be best for her to stay silent.
However, Brandon was not done intimidating Vivian. He put on a serious expression and asked, "Is there anything about the
hotel that's worrying you?"
Vivian racked her brain to find an excuse and an idea suddenly flashed through her mind. She regained her composure and
replied hurriedly, "Many of us in the company thought the food here a little too spicy. So I thought it would be better to choose
another location where the food is more agreeable for our staff. I happen to know a good Japanese restaurant nearby. Perhaps
we could go there?"
"It's mainly because my wife likes the environment of this restaurant very much. If the staff feel that the food is too spicy or
something, I can hire another chef to be in charge of tonight's dishes. Just go ask around what they like to eat."
Brandon countered her indifferently.
"Oh !...Mrs.Larson likes this restaurant..."
Vivian muttered with a forceful smile.
In the evening, the Larson Group had booked the entire Newden Hotel.
Janet and Brandon entered the dining hall hand in hand.
When Janet saw Vivian across the room, she walked over and sat at the same table.

Janet started chatting with Vivian and the other female colleagues.
One of them complimented Janet, "Mrs.Larson, this place is amazing.

The environment is great, and the dishes are fresh and appetizing."
"I thought you all didn't like the food here.I heard many of you thought the food here was too spicy," Janet said innocently, but her
eyes were saying otherwise.
Vivian forced a smile and replied hurriedly, "Mr.Larson said he would hire another chef to prepare today's dinner.
The dishes we had previously were not really suitable to the taste buds of the people in Barnes."
"I've been here several times before.The food is delicious, but it's a little expensive," a short-haired colleague said as she looked
at Vivian curiously.
"Vivian is rich and has exquisite tastes.She is different from us ordinary people," another female colleague said sarcastically.
Vivian clenched her fists silently but controlled her temper and smiled politely at the colleague.
"Okay, the food is here. Let's just dig in," Janet quipped as she tried to diffuse the tension at the table.
While they were eating, a colleague started to gossip.
"I heard a waitress here had previously fallen down the stairs for no reason, and she is still lying in the hospital now."
"It's horrible! How did that happen?"
"It was said that it was an accident. But I don't believe it. How could she fall by herself for no reason at all? Someone must have
pushed her, right?"
Janet listened to their conversation in silence and noticed the colors draining from Vivian's face. She also looked a little absent-
The gossip was getting increasingly intense, and everyone was speculating about what had happened.
Suddenly, Vivian pounded the table and stood up. She looked at them coldly and scolded, "Why are you gossiping about this at
the company's party? It really ruins my appetite."

Everyone was shocked by Vivian's sudden outburst, but they didn't dare to argue because her position was higher than theirs.
The short hair woman muttered to herself begrudgingly, "Mrs.Larson isn't even complaining. What right does she have to scold

"Suck it up. It's best to avoid trouble," another colleague whispered, and everyone ate in silence.
Janet glanced at Vivian's exasperated look and said gently, "It's after working hours now. It's not a big deal to discuss something
other than work. Sit down and enjoy the meal."
"I was just afraid their gossip may affect others’ appetite."
Vivian smiled faintly before sitting down awkwardly to continue eating. She knew the waitress who had been pushed downstairs
was still ina coma.
The waitress’ family had brought her home to take care of her. She would never appear in front of Vivian again for the rest of her
Vivian didn't worry about being discovered, but now she was a little disturbed by these female colleagues' words.
Brandon was walking over to their table after finishing a discussion about some business with several shareholders when he
heard the ruckus. He placed his hand on Janet's shoulder and whispered, "Is everything alright? What just happened?"
"It's nothing. We were just having a heated discussion," Janet replied with a faint smile.
Suddenly, she remembered the wine she had prepared and said excitedly, "Brandon and I have brought several bottles of good
wine today. I'll get the waiters to bring them over. Let's get drunk today”"
Everyone cheered and expressed their gratitude.
Only Vivian remained expressionless.
For some reason, she felt increasingly uneasy.
Soon, a waiter came and opened the wine bottles.
Suddenly, someone nudged Vivian's arm and whispered, "Vivian, look! Wasn't this the waitress from the previous dinner party?"
Vivian frowned as she glanced up at the waitress. Her eyes instantly widened in shock.
"It is her..."

Vivian muttered, her voice trembling. She was horrified to see the waitress wearing a mask that looked very similar to the one
who had been seriously injured.
Wasn't the waitress supposed to be lying at home unconscious? What was she doing here?