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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1129
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Chapter 1129 What Medicine Are You Taking
Jpondered and hesitated momentarily before acquiescing. “Very well, 1 shall bring sblankets for you. Once you have
refreshed yourself with a shower, the sofa shall be at your disposal for slumber.”
Wearing a glum expression, Brandon remarked, “As you can see, this sofa is rather small in size.”
“You made a commitment to sleep on the sofa. You must honor your word, as a man should.” Jchuckled as she grasped the
blanket on the bed, heading toward the sofa She put the blanket down and then noticed the medicine hidden beneath the lamp.
Title of the document
Casting a furtive glance towards Brandon, she reached for the medicine, only to have it swiftly snatched away by him. “What sort
of medication are you on?” Janet’s frustration boiled over, and she couldn’t resist unleashing a thunderous roar.
Disbelief washed over her as Jrealized Brandon was still taking the medication. What else was he keeping from her?
“This is private to me,” Brandon retorted, gripping the medicine bottle tightly, concealing its label with his palm. Jsnorted in
derision. “Is this your way of owning up to your mistakes, Brandon?!”
She spun around, slamming the door behind her as she stormed out.
Upon descending the stairs, Jcaught the sound of voices emanating from the kitchen
“Hannah, Are you here to get swater? Allowto fetch it for you.” The servant could be heard saying to Hannah in the

“Thank you so much, and I’m sorry for the trouble,” Hannah replied, graciously accepting the cup from the servant and offering a
polite smile. Her eyes were filled with curiosity as she inquired, “May I ask how long you’ve been employed here?”
“I have been employed at Mr Larson’s residence for a while and was recently transferred here to manage this house.” The
servant honestly answered Hannah’s inquiry.
After a brief pause, Hannah continued, “Given that you have been working for them for quite stime, you must be familiar
with the situation in this household. Please forgive me, but I’m curious to know’ if Brandon and Jtruly share a good

As Hannah emerged to sip swater, she overheard a conversation from Jand Brandon’s bedroom, revealing that they
intended to sleep in separate beds. Hannah couldn’t fathom why a couple would sleep apart without any apparent reason. This
led her to suspect that Brandon and Jhad conflicted.
As Jemerged from the door, she overheard Hannah’s inquiry, causing her to startle and nearly lose her footing on the stairs.
Thankfully, someone was able to hold her before she fell. Brandon held Jtightly, supporting her weight against the stairs.
At the sound of the commotion, Hannah quickly looked outside the kitchen to investigate.
There were smeows from the stairs all of a sudden. “Mr. Larson instructedto keep a few cats as a surprise for Mrs.
Larson.” The servant explained with a smile, attempting to reassure Hannah not to be anxious.
“You had inquired about the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Larson earlier? I’m afraid I’m unaware of their past. Since they did
not employ servants in their previous residence. I’d worked at Mr. Larson’s other villas, and I only went to clean their villa

Hannah appeared disappointed as she replied, “Alright, thank you.”
The servant called out to Hannah before she left and added, “However, I believe Mr. Larson appears to adore Mrs. Larson. Prior
to my employment with the Larson family, I worked as a servant for other wealthy households. Those couples, despite their
wealth, treated each other with disdain and were distant. Mr. Larson, on the other hand, is different 1 have heard that he
frequently cooks for Mrs. Larson Despite their busy schedules, they make tfor each other and even take each other on
dates. Besides, if Mr. Larson didn’t value Mrs. Larson, why would he bring you here and respect you this much?”
“You’re correct,” Hannah said with a resigned nod. She reasoned the voice in the room earlier must have been a
The individuals hiding on the staircase overheard the dialogue taking place.
Jwas in Brandon’s arms as he leaned against the stairs. Janet’s body trembled, and Brandon held her tightly in his arms
and whispered in her ear with a playful smile, “Having fun playing hide and seek?”
Brandon embraced Jtightly, pulling their bodies closer together. He traced his lips from her earlobes along the curve of her
neck, teasingly running his tongue over her shoulder before playfully nipping at her skin.

Taken by surprise. Jraised her head, startled, and moaned. Brandon made a slurping, swallowing noise as he kissed her,
turning her face in his direction.
“I heard snoise. Letcheck it out.” The servant noticed the sound and left the kitchen to investigate.
Brandon lifted Jand brought her to his bedroom, throwing her on the bed.
“Brandon! What is it you want?” Jstood up from the bed in anger and kicked the back of Brandon’s leg.
Brandon felt no pain because the kick didn’t have much force. After turning around, he removed the medication from his bag and
placed it in Janet’s hand. “Look closely. Do you recognize this?”
“Sleeping pills?” Jinquired upon taking a closer look