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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1143
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Chapter 1143 Tasha Gives Birth
On the first night after Hannah went back, Janet didn’t sleep very well. She woke up in the middle of the night several times, and
couldn’t remember when she actually fell asleep. The next morning, Elizabeth’s repeated calls woke her up. “Don’t forget you
have something important to do today! Don’t be late!”
This immediately served as a reminder to Janet. She then quickly got ready and headed to the studio. As soon as she walked in,
she heard a lot of her coworker stalking excitedly. “I heard that Tasha gave birth to a boy.”
“It’s such a shame that I’ve already given her so many girl’s toys It looks like she won’t be needing them anytime soon.”
“Do you have any photos of the baby? Tasha is such a gentle soul. I’m sure the baby will be just like her.”
Then, with a smile on her face and her phone in hand, Janet walked in and said, “I have some photos. I asked Tasha for a few on
my way here.”
The crowd of rushed over in excitement.
Elizabeth simply couldn’t contain her curiosity. She craned her neck and said. “Come on, Janet. Don’t keep us in suspense Let
us have a look!”
Janet then surrendered her phone to them. They were all instantly captivated by how cute the baby was

Upon studying the pictures carefully, they noticed that he still had some wrinkles on his forehead, which gave him a serious
expression. They couldn’t help but laugh.
“This kid looks a lot like Tasha. I wonder who he got this serious look from.”
“His father, of course.” Elizabeth beamed with smiles as she scrolled through the pictures.
The smile on Janet’s face, however, faded slightly It suddenly occurred to her that the child’s father, Seth, was still in prison Seth
had treated Tasha terribly. Fortunately for her, they got a divorce, and she parted ways with the Lester family. She and the baby
would go on to live a happy life together.

Janet made sure not to bring him up to sour the prevailing good mood. On a whim, she suddenly made a suggestion. “I heard
that Tasha’s back home now. How about we go pay her a visit during our lunch break?”
“That sounds good. We have a long lunch break, so we can go see how she’s doing.” Many of her coworkers thought it was a
good idea.
After this, some precise footsteps were heard from the direction of the door. Mandy strode in arrogantly and said, “It looks like
you’re all idling about. What’s the topic of discussion this early morning?”
“It’s personal and none of your business.” Janet took her phone back and sat down in her chair.
Mandy walked up to her with her brightly colored red lips twisted to one side She looked around at everyone present and
scoffed, “Well, since it’s a personal issue, don’t bring it up here in the workplace. Don’t distract your colleagues just because

you’re going to be an indie designer soon and don’t have to focus on the studio anymore. Draco won’t be coming in today, so
he’s asked me to supervise. Now, everyone get back to work!”
They were all left speechless as they quietly returned to their desks.
In no time, it was lunch break, and they all packed their bags and got ready to leave.
Mandy then walked in, twisting her slim waist with every step. “What’s going on? Why are all the computers off? Is the power
Janet stood up, gave her a cold look and said, “It’s almost lunchtime. Whatever we’re off to do doesn’t concern you.”
As this exchange was ongoing, Elizabeth grabbed her handbag and stood up. “It’s a private matter, and we don’t exactly have a
close enough relationship with you to tell you all about it, Mandy.”
With that, the two of them and many of their coworkers left the studio, with Mandy’s eyes trailing them.
“You... You’re being very disrespectful!” Mandy wagged a finger at them as they trooped out. with her finger trembling out of
anger. She gritted her teeth and eventually looked away. They must be up to something.
Wasn’t Janet going to open up a studio of her own? Did she plan on poaching the employees here?
Mandy suddenly had an idea. She quickly dashed to her car and managed to catch up with them.

They all stopped in front of a luxurious villa, leaving Mandy to duck behind the steering wheel to avoid detection. As she peeked
at them, she saw four servants walk out through the front door to welcome them. Then, they all went into the villa, chatting and
laughing all the way. As the doors were firmly shut behind them, Mandy could no longer see what the rebellious gang were up to.
“They must be plotting something!” After tapping her fingers on the steering wheel for a few seconds, she made a decision She
immediately called Draco.
“Hey. Draco, something serious happened at the studio today. I think Janet’s trying to poach your designers. They’re plotting it all
right now.”