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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1211
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Chapter 1211 It’s None Of Your Business
“Excuse me?” Janet’s voice dripped with disbelief as her eyes widened in shock. “How on earth could they be fighting?”
Mesue’s brow creased in consternation as she replied, “I can’t make heads or tails of it. Please, cwithposthaste and
see for yourself!”
With no alternative, Jleft Ian to care for Laney, while she and Mesue hastened to the rooftop to assess the perplexing
Upon reaching the rooftop, Janet’s eyes were greeted by the sight of Brandon and Garrett sprawled on the ground, panting
heavily and sporting bruises on their faces.
Il appeared they had just partaken in a ferocious altercation, leaving neither man unscathed
“What possessed you two to engage in fisticuffs?” Janet’s tone betrayed her growing headache as she gazed at the battered
duo. She had never anticipated such an incident to unfold in so brief a time.
“Go interrogate your husband!” Garrett jabbed a finger at Brandon, who lay nearby, his response dripping with exasperation.
Brandon curled his lips, emitting a frigid chuckle that showcased his contempt for Garrett.

Earlier, Garrett had cacross Brandon on the rooftop, nonchalantly leaning against the railing, puffing on a cigarette, his face
expressionless. Garrett assumed that Brandon and Jhad experienced a dispute.
“What’s the matter? Why are you sulking and smoking up here all by yourself?” Garrett nudged Brandon’s shoulder and taunted
him. “Did you have a spat with Janet?”
Brandon shot him a sidelong glance, snuffed out his cigarette, and responded in a flat, matter-of-fact tone, “What’s happening
between you and Kailee?”
Mention of Kailee set Garrett’s mind abuzz and his breathing grew shallow.
He locked eyes with Brandon and demanded. “What are you implying?”
Brandon’s frosty gaze seemed to bore through him as he snorted disdainfully, “Did Kailee ensnare you in sschwhile
you were overseas?”

Kailee had laid a trap for him! The revelation struck Garrett like a bolt of lightning, draining the color from his face. Garrett’s mind
raced as he recalled the litany of odd occurrences that had transpired abroad, and the overlooked details began to resurface in
his memory one by one. Was it, not a coincidence that day? Had it all been premeditated by Kailee? As Garrett’s thoughts
spiraled, his head pounded with increasing intensity. His thoughts were a tangled mess, and he struggled to make sense of it all.
Brandon’s eyebrows knit together slightly as he gently cautioned, “Take a moment to reflect and don’t let Kailee deceive you.”

Garrett, ever conscious of his image, refused to concede any ground to his closest friend, even if he harbored suspicions that
something was amiss. He stubbornly retorted, “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. I have no association
whatsoever with Kailee.” Seeing his friend’s obstinacy, Brandon shook his head in disappointment and revealed, “I’ve already
dispatched someone to dig into the matter. The witnesses and evidence are en route as we speak.”
Garrett gaped at Brandon, dumbstruck. A wave of humiliation washed over him. Garrett knew Brandon to be decisive and
thorough. But he never expected Brandon to probe into his private affairs with such swiftness and accuracy, all while remaining
completely ignorant of the investigation.
“You secretly scrutinized me?” Garrett’s fists clenched, his voice laced with rage.
“I only did it to prevent you from causing more harm,” Brandon’s tone chilled to an icy whisper. “Have you ever considered your
wife and child? They’ll suffer the consequences if you get too entangled with Kailee.”
Garrett growled, “You have no right to meddle in my personal life! It’s none of your damn business!”
As Garrett’s stubbornness persisted, Brandon’s eyes narrowed, and his voice took on a frosty edge. “I have no desire to intrude
upon your private affairs, but Laney is a friend of Janet’s. Jdoesn’t want to see her hurt. Bide your tuntil Laney has fully
recuperated, and then cclean with the truth yourself.”
“Brandon! Enough!” Garrett roared, his face beet-red with fury. “Our family matters are not your concern!”
Brandon scoffed dismissively, “If you truly value your relationship with Laney, then don’t let Kailee ensnare you in her web.”
“Shut up!”
Garrett’s visage reddened further, veins bulging in his clenched fists, as he lunged forward to seize Brandon by the collar, his
voice a vehement snarl, “Call off your henchmen! I don’t need you prying into my personal affairs!”