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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 790
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Chapter 790 A Bad Feeling
Brandon sighed and stroked Janet's back...
"I'm fine," he said in a gentle tone.
He was about to pull Jinto an embrace when he realized that there were other people around.
Elizabeth, for one, didn't know where to avert her gaze.She hurriedly stared at her shoes, the tips of her ears slowly turning red.
Brandon seldom cto the stuto pick up Janet.
Of course, she had always known that the couple were deeply in love, but she never had to bear witness to their displays of
affection until now.
Anyone who saw them would definitely feel just how devoted they were to each other.
Embarrassed, Jpushed Brandon away and smoothed her hair.
"Elizabeth," she said after clearing her throat.
"Shall we go back to the kitchen and continue preparing dinner?"
"Oh, why don't you go and have dinner with Mr.Larson instead?" Elizabeth replied, clearly amused.

"He has call the way to pick you up, after all."
"But we already bought the ingredients."
Jcast a sideways glance of reproach at Brandon.She didn't want to leave a bad first impression on Elizabeth's aunt.
"Don't worry about it and just go.You two are practically made of sugar.If my aunt sees you acting all sweet, she might end up
pressuringinto getting a boyfriend."
Elizabeth snickered behind her hand.
Brandon remained cool and silent, while Jfelt quite sorry for the way things turned out.th. She had no choice but to relent.
"In that case, we'll be taking our leave now."

"I'm perfectly safe here" Elizabeth said as she walked them to the door.
"Don't worry about me.The workers aren't done moving things, anyway.The whole place is just a mess.Once I finished cleaning
up, I'll definitely invite you two back for a small hwarming party."
"Well, if you run into any problems, don't hesitate to call me.We haven't found Jorge yet, so we should be careful at all times."
"Do you realize you've becas much of a nag as my aunt?" Elizabeth teased, though she did feel warm from Janet's words.
They exchanged goodbyes, and Jand Brandon made to leave.
They walked past the workers, who were still busy shuffling things around.

Jorge was lifting a cabwhen he accidentally met Brandon's eyes again.
Fear immediately gripped him.He hurriedly raised the cabhigher to hide his face.
Noticing that Brandon was peering at one of the workers, Jfollowed the direction of his gaze and asked, "What are you
looking at?"
All she could see was a towering cabinet.
Brandon shook his head and looked away.
"It's nothing.Let's go."
But the small exchange bothered Janet, and the more she thought about it, the more baffled she became.She couldn't help but
crane her neck to take a few more glances at the man behind the cabinet.
Upon closer inspection, she realized that this man looked a little different from the rest of the workers.
Firstly, his clothes looked clean and new, unlike the others’, which were worn out and stained here and there.
Secondly, she caught a glimpse of the man's hands.
They were smooth and well-manicured, with nary a scar or a scratch.He didn't look at all like a man who made a living from
menial labor.

Jand Brandon continued making their way out.
Even so, neither could shake off the feeling that something was not right.
When Jcouldn't take it anymore, she raised her head to look at Brandon, only to find that he was already looking at her.It
seemed like he wanted to say something, too.She knew there and then that something bad was about to happen.
A chill raced down her spine.
Jlooked back to the third floor and blurted out, "That man just now! He is..."