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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 370
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Suddenly after fighting for one minute the situation between Leon and Dave haven’t changed but everyone saw that Leon was now in his last leg.

Even though he managed to lead the fight into a stalemate the amount of stamina he expended is quite great.

If it were just a normal fight then he could fight even for three days but Dave’s pressure domain is quite exhausting he was expending a great of stamina as he fight.

He also need to move in an incredible speed as this is the only method he could use to fight Dave.

Dave was still fighting in a calm manner knowing his opponent is no pushover he fought in a defensive manner even though he had the total advantage in the fight.

But he knew it was just a matter of time before he would win.

He was totally focus in Leon that he didn’t even realised that his other members were now close to being taken out.


Argh! Suddenly a shout came from warrior from The Hunters as one of his arms was cut off just as he was about to retaliate the ninja cut off his leg but before he managed to do it a thin barrier managed to stop his attack.

Shadowslash then knocked the warrior from The Hunters out and lifted him up together with his arm that was cut off.

He knocked the warrior out even though the attack would only cut off his legs and won’t immediately take his life because reattaching the limbs would cause a great deal of pain and one of the warrior arm already needed to be reattached if his legs were add to the task then the pain would be extremely unbearable.

Seeing his friend being taken out the remaining warrior let’s out a battle cry as he charged towards the ninja that cut his friend’s arm.

The other ninja started throwing ninja stars towards him and they actually multiplied as they flew.

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Ting! Ting! Ting! The assassin from The Hunters appeared and blocked the attack what’s more he was wasn’t fooled by the illusion.

He managed to hit all the real ninja stars and the illusion ninja stars started disappearing as the real stop flying or flew in the wrong direction.

The two ninjas were now getting more interested towards the assassin.

Since earlier they haven’t managed to take down any of the two warriors because of this assassin and they only managed to take down one of them because the assassin was busy dealing with the other ninja.

The warrior kept on charging as he raised his huge hammer and smash them downward but the following scene caused him and the audience to be dumbfounded.

One of the ninja flexed his shoulder as he managed to stop the motion of the hammer barehanded.

Just as the warrior was dazed the said ninja took out a kunai and quickly stabs him in the heart.

The assassin wanted to help him but another dozen of ninja stars or shuriken was thrown towards his direction.

The kunai was stopped by a thin transparent barrier and the warrior looks bitter as he regretted standing there in dazed.

Shadowslash then knocked him unconscious as he lift him out of the stage now there were only the assassin and the two archers that were stopping the ninjas and this is practically an impossible mission.

The archers behind started shooting their arrows but this time they weren’t aimed at the ninjas but just around the assassin.

The two ninjas knew that even if they could blocked the arrows the assassin would be able to retreat and this would make the fight last longer.

The two looks at each other and nodded as they backed off and started doing mysterious hand signs.

Seeing this a ominous feeling started clouding the assassin as he quickly retreated he did not forget to throw numerous daggers towards the two as he run backwards.

As the assassin retreated the two ninjas finished what they were doing as both of them took a deep breath as their chest expanded and as the two lowers their mask as their mouth was forming an o shape as they breath in.

Then both of them let’s out a powerful elemental attack and even as they were breathing out pillars of water or streams of flames they still managed to scream the name of their techniques.

“Katon: Faiaraion!” (Fire Style: Fire Lion)

“Suiton: U~otataiga!” (Water Style: Water Tiger)

As they breaths out their attack it flew towards the assassin in an incredible speed and since they were elemental attacks the arrows couldn’t stop them.


When the two attacks slams down on the poor assassin everyone thought he was disqualified but as the mist scattered they saw the assassin was still okay causing them to be confused.

Shadowslash on the other hand knew what had happened before the two attacks landed the assassin took out a bomb like object and threw them towards the two attacks as he leapts backwards at the same time.

As the bomb and the two attacks explodes he used the force of the explosion to roll in the floor and avoids the impact of the attacks.

Seeing the assassin survived their attacks the two once again admired him they then started doing mysterious hand signs once again seeing this the assassin knew that he couldn’t risk in letting the two finish what they are doing.

But the two ninjas were just too fast by the time that the assassin and the arrows was about to hit them they had finished their hands signs.

“Katon: Hyaku Enjo Watarigarasu” (Fire Style: Hundred Flaming Ravens)

“Suiton: Sanran Misuto” (Water Style: Scattering Mist)

Suddenly one of the ninjas breaths out a large amount of mist that looks like smokes the thick mist manage to cover the two of them.

Just as the audience and the three members of The Hunters were puzzled by this development they saw an incredible scene as numerous figures of flying ravens started flying out of the mist.

The ravens flew towards the assassin surrounding him there were blazing trail behind them.

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The assassin knew that he wouldn’t be able to block all the attacks and the arrows just past through them even though the wind elemental energy in the arrows did weaken the flaming Ravens it did not destroy them.

The assassin shouted as he advanced towards the mist knowing that he wouldn’t be able to block the ravens.

One Raven after another landed on his body the attack leaves a searing pain on him but he still gritted his teeth and charged.

The assassin tried to blocked the ravens but since they were like elemental creatures they just passed through the dagger.

After the thirtieth flaming ravens the assassin fall flat in the floor as he was still conscious gripping his dagger tightly looking at the mist in front of him.

Just a couple of steps even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to do a thing he wanted to at least fought them with all he got.

Since he wasn’t taken out yet the ravens kept on coming and after the fiftieth raven he finally passed out and Shadowslash lifted him out of the stage.

The expression of the two archers was extremely ugly they then saw that there were still some ravens that flew out of the mist and the arrows they shot would just be burned by them as the ravens started going closer to them.

Suddenly a shout from behind then could be heard as Reias raised her hand and dark clouds gathers in the sky.

Seeing this the two archers heaved a sigh of relief before retreating as fast as they could as they wanted to buy some time for Reias.

As they retreat the flaming ravens follows and now there were 50 ravens in the stage thankfully there were no longer ravens that came out of the mist.

Arrows after arrows was shot even though the arrows might not be able to destroy the ravens the wind elemental energy within them would weaken them and as long as they keep shooting the power of the flaming ravens would diminished.

Reias needed 10 more seconds before she could finally unleash her attack and even the audience knew it was extremely powerful the pressure coming from the sky and the amount Mana being gathered is tremendous.

Suddenly two voices could be heard in the mist as both of them once again used their techniques.

“Katon: Karyu no hoko!” (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Roar)

“Suiton: Suiryu no Hoko!” (Water Style: Water Dragon Roar)

Two dragon like figures came charging out of the mist one was made up of flames while the other was made up of water.

Both dragons were charging towards Hermosa seeing this the expression of the two archers changed as both of them looks at each other and nodded both of them then charge towards the two dragons disregarding the flaming ravens flying towards them.