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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 396
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Chapter 396: CHAPTER 368 ELIMINATION ll

With the elimination of The Silent Night Shadowslash quickly told Reias via spiritual sense to partner one of the team that had lost three times already into one of the stronger team.

Reias nodded and the team that had lost three times already just like The Silent Night is the Silent Snake Group both group have the word silent in their name which was quite a coincidence.

The Silent Snake Group was partnered with the Dark Triad which would spell doom to them.

Shadowslash did not pity them as he wanted to hasten the competition so that he could return back to his kingdom.

Reias nodded as she quickly announced the two groups.

“Dark Triad!”

“Silent Snake Group!”


The audience immediately noticed something is wrong as The Silent Night have just been eliminated then came another group that is on the verge of being eliminated.

What is more terrifying is that the group was paired up with one of the strongest group sealing their fate.

The entrance of the two groups were strange as the audience were silent they knew that this is the last match the Silent Snake Group would take in this tournament.

The expression of the Silent Snake Group was solemn they were gripping their weapons tightly even Snake Whisperer was holding his bow tightly.

They knew they are no match against the group they are fighting today this will the last battle they would fight in this competition.

Since their situation is like this they only had one thought and that is to go out with a bang they wanted to leave something for the audience and the other group to remember.

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With the sound of the gong the battle starts all the members of the Silent Snake Group quickly charged towards their opponents.

Flying Snake and Snake Whisperer was standing on top of the Horned Snake as they started shooting their arrows towards their enemies.

Stone Gaze and Sturdy Snake was also advancing albeit in a slow manner their targets were Darkai and Tank.

The two siblings Black and White Snake was charging in different directions as they were also targeting Darkai and Tank.

The leader of the Dark Triad looks at Shadowslash he realised what is the reason why they were picked he then looks at Luminous and ordered her to summon the two Golden Winged Guardians in the stage.

She nods as she raised her wand high and a blinding light was seen upon seeing this the Silent Snake Group hastened their charge as they wanted to stop her from finishing her chant.

The Sixth Brother of the Dark Triad Cedric, The Fifth Brother of the Dark Triad Suiryu, The Fourth Brother of the Dark Triad Harry made their move as they quickly charged towards the Silent Snake Group.

Suiryu leaps towards Snake Whisperer and Flying Snake but was stopped by the Dark Snake.

Harry on the other hand targeted the Purple Smog Snake and started throwing daggers towards it.

Cedric smiled as he opens his palm and generated an extremely high temperature in them as he fired two powerful fireballs towards Sturdy Snake and Stone Gaze.

As they started to clash the audience clearly saw who the winners are and just like they predicted the Silent Snake Group was in a total disadvantage.

After a minute passed the two Golden Winged Guardians were summoned and the inevitable ending of the Silent Snake Group was now coming closer.

With the improved strength of Darkai and Tank who have recovered his strength they made quick work of Stone Gaze and Sturdy Snake.

Cedric and Harry easily finished the two snake siblings while Suiryu with his stunning martial arts and his ability to use his staff he beat up the Dark Snake into submission.

The Purple Smog Snake on the other hand was finished by the Golden Winged Guardians as their light energy has purifying effects so it had no chance.

The Silent Snake Group was eliminated in the competition now there are only 12 groups remaining and the only ones who stayed undefeated as if now is the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Genius Group.

With the elimination of the Silent Snake Group that means that the next battle would commence.

As Reias shuffled the shuffling machine the next group that was chosen were.

“Days By Gone!”

“Golden Spear Warriors!”

Another group that was on the verge of being eliminated this stunned Reias as the Silent Snake Group was chosen but this time it was pure coincidence but the audience on the other hand thought this was a deliberate act of their group.

As she felt the strange atmosphere she couldn’t help but smile bitterly after all the remaining group in the competition are considered the strongest in the Archinviel Dukedom.

The group Days By Gone is clearly the weakest in the remaining group but if they were eliminated it would cause the number of groups to be uneven.

But this would at least hasten the progress of the competition except for the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Genius Group the remaining groups have lost once of twice already.

With the entrance of the two groups the audience were surprised.

There was a change on the members of the Golden Spear Warriors three new members were present on their group.

The three spearmen from before were replaced but the audience immediately realised why they did it.

The three spearmen from before were considered elite but they weren’t good enough to contend with monstrous talents in the tournament.

As seen in the fight against the Monstrous Adventurers the three did manage to hurt the monsters but ultimately if it weren’t for the other members of their group then they wouldn’t be able to take down one of the monsters in that round.

The audience were excited to see a change they then started to speculate how strong the three new members are to replace the old ones.

When the two group entered the ring the audience started to feel excited as they were curious to see how strong the three new members of the Golden Spear Warriors are.

But alas the next following scene did not give them the thing they wanted as when the gong sounded out Zielong quickly charged towards the enemies together with the two old men.

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Feilong behind them have already thrown his spear towards the enemy and his target was the leader of the group.

The three new members haven’t moved as they just stood there watching everything happening right before their very eyes.

And just like that the members of the group Days By Gone was taken out one by one as the battle quickly ended and Reias announced the Golden Spear Warriors as the winners.

Three groups have been eliminated in the competition.

The tension in the arena was high but the remaining groups were no pushover as the remaining ones are considered the best of the best in this dukedom.

Reias quickly used the shuffling machine once again and with the raise of her hand two paper slips came out.

She then announced the next group that would be fighting the audience were quite looking forward in which group would be fighting next as all the remaining groups were all strong.

“Archinviel Adventure Group!”

“The Supremes!”

When the two groups were called out the audience started clapping as they wanted to see which group would be stronger.

The leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group grips his weapon tightly as he knew that their group would have a tough time fighting against The Supremes.

On the other hand their opponent was also rearing to go as both groups are actually close so they knew each other strength.

When the two groups entered the stage the already tense atmosphere worsen but all the members of both groups were rearing to go as their eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

The black cloth man was the one who was most nervous as he knew he would be targeted first and the ones who are going to finish him would be most likely the ninjas.

The man that have dense killing intent on the other hand grips his sword tightly as he looks at the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group both of them knew that they would be facing each other.

The two girls were nervous as they knew they are considered the weakest in their group but their eyes were blazing with the stubborn will to never give up their hearts burns in desire to win.

The former leader of The Supremes was watching from the corner of their group he was musing in how funny it was that their groups would be facing each other right now.

Silence envelops the whole arena as Reias then started walking towards the gong each step causes the tense atmosphere to rise.

She then lifted the hammer and swings it and with the sound of the gong both groups quickly took action.