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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 412
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Chapter 412: CHAPTER 384 THE NUMBERS

The cause of the exploding was Rafael he detonated the energy he was saving up since earlier.

With the detonation of his energy the explosion harm the clone now only one hit it would be eliminated.

The clone landed on its feet gracefully as it once again charged towards Rafael as it ran towards him a sword was sent flying at it.

Dodging it easily the clone knew for a fact that it wasn’t a real sword but an image formed by a sword qi.

There were more coming to its way as the sword started raining down on it the pace of the clone slows down as it was now running to the side as it’s speed was incredibly fast numerous afterimages were created behind it.

As it run in circle Rafael couldn’t catch it’s movement and his sword qi was now thrown everywhere.

The circle got smaller as the clone got closer to Rafael.


Rafael was now breathing haggardly but his eyes were still blazing he did not want to lose he couldn’t afford to.

His sister sacrifice her defence just to decrease the clone’s lifebar as much as she could his bro sacrifices himself so that he could recover.

He did not want to let go of the hope they put into him he wanted to achieve their goal.

As his will to win and the fact that he was now cornered by the clone stimulates his potential as his sword qi started to rapidly improve.

Adding to the fact that he and Saske fought yesterday he was nearing his ascension now this is the perfect situation as his will sharpens and he now step foot in the realm of mid level of sword intent.

The swords in the arena started ringing other than those that have high level sword intent everyone was affected.

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Saske’s eyes glinted behind his ninja mask he was actually frustrated just as he found a worthy to be called his rival now this rival of his manage to surpass him.

He kept his sword in his arm as if kept on ringing only increasing his frustration.

Jarius on the other hand narrowed his eyes as a burning fighting intent burns in them since Rafael managed to ascend his sword intent to mid level they are now equal in level of sword intent.

In the stage once he obtains the mid level of sword intent Rafael let’s out a shout as he waves his sword in a craze manner.

It was a torrential rain of sword qi as they flew towards the fox clone.

Still the fox clone managed to dodge the rain of sword qi but it was slowly being pushed back by it.

The clone then started retreating before once again running on circles as numerous afterimages was once again created by it.

This time Rafael started spinning as he spin faster he became a tornado as numerous sword qi started raining down everywhere.

This fight would go on as the clone was now having a hard time approaching Rafael as most of its time it was dodging or blocking the sword qi flying towards it.

This is the method that Rafael came up with to waste time so that one hour would passed by.

Even though they would not win they would pass as long as they were not defeated it is okay for him.

The rain of sword intent kept on going as the clone was now in a strange state as it’s soulless eyes narrowed and it dashed towards Rafael.

It’s speed once again amazed those that are watching except for Shadowslash and his group.

This time it was rapidly closing in Rafael as it easily dodge all the sword qi that was thrown at it.

Seeing this Rafael panicked slightly as he stop spinning and once again start to waves his sword crazily as he focus on one direction increasing the number of sword qi thrown towards the clone.

The clone used it’s sharp claws to block the sword qi as clashing sounds could be heard throughout the arena.

As sparks flew the lights were mesmerizing to the audience.

The clone was still closing in but this time it was much much more slower compared from before.

As it steps forward the sword Qi would rains down on it but because of its sharp claws it managed to block all the attacks thrown at it.

Rafael was madly waving his sword but inwardly his mind kept telling him to rest he now surpassed the amount of sword qi he should release.

His vital force was rapidly draining if it weren’t for Shadowslash being certain that it was still not on the level of him wasting his own life force he would have stop the battle since earlier.

But he was now waiting for him to tire himself out if he really tap into his life force Shadowslash would forcibly stop the match.

As the burden increased Rafael’s mind couldn’t keep it anymore so does his body but surprisingly the one who gave in first was his body.

As he lets his sword go the clone quickly charged as this was the chance he was waiting for since earlier.

Shadowslash couldn’t help but shook his head for this ending as the Peerless Sword Warriors was considered one of the strongest group in the tournament and yet they couldn’t pass his test.

The clone suddenly slumps down in the stage as it’s lifebar became empty.

This reversal shocked everyone they couldn’t help but be confused as to what had happened.

But Shadowslash who was watching from above knew what had happened just before the clone was about to finish Rafael off he spit out a very tiny sword qi.

Since the clone’s lifebar was now extremely small to the point only one hit was enough to make it fall down that tiny sword qi means everything.

He couldn’t help but want to clap for Rafael’s effort but that tiny sword qi would also make him suffer for a month since he pushed his spiritual sense to the limit.

From what he know Rafael would definitely fall on a deep sleep and wouldn’t wake up for days but at least they managed to win.

With that the next battle would commence the remaining five groups were itching to go but the leader of the Monstrous Adventurers or Rosa was actually frowning.

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She have been deep in thought this entire time she was still thinking about the number in the clone’s head.

From what she had seen the number would increase if the numbers of the members of the group fighting it increases.

She still doesn’t know what is the effect of the numbers since in the fight against Archinviel Adventure Group Leo summoned his Thunder Condor in only the last second but the power of the clone have increased but none managed to detect it.

Suddenly Reias calls their group as the knight besides her patted her shoulder saying they are the next group that would fight.

She then nodded as their group entered the stage the members of their group were feeling confident as they are only fighting one clone against the number of their monsters it would be a breeze to them.

With the sound of the gong the battle starts immediately all of the members of the Monstrous Adventurers summoned their monsters.

As the monsters appeared on the stage the number in the clone’s head became 29 a draconic roar rang out of his body.

As the dragon roar was issued the monsters felt tremendous pressure as the dragon clone of Shadowslash flew above and lock on the monsters.

Bam! The first target was the Golden Giant Elephant as it was instantly flew towards the wall.

A cracking Sound was heard as the head of the Golden Giant Elephant actually caved in.

Rosa’s expression turned ugly as she now realised what that number in the head of the clone means.

It means how much percent of strength Shadowslash would give to the clone of course in his monster sense not his Transcendent sense as it was too overkill.

She knew that Shadowslash have become a Transcendent because of her grandfather that is why the nickname lord was spread.

His grandfather have told the Archinviel Family of this and they reacted rather strongly.

The dragon clone then started beating the other monsters easily eliminating them some of the monsters manage to hit the clone but their damage isn’t particularly large.

The faces of the members of the Monstrous Adventurers were in utter despair but Rosa and the knight besides have not since the clone was busy with their monsters they were doing all they can to depleted it’s lifebar.

It was chaos everywhere pained cries or roars of monsters were heard as the situation in the stage was unknown it was an utter mess.

Some of the monsters did a kamekaze move so that they could deal damage to the clone before being taken out.